From Spring
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Site administrators (= root). People with SSH access to this server:
- dansan
- TurBoss
- hokomoko
- silentwings
Website access (=normal ssh user which can change website):
- jk
Lobby administrators. People with SSH access to the lobby server:
- silentwings
Forum administrators. People with forum administrator roles:
Rapid "admin" / maintainer:
- gajop
Spads maintainer:
- bibim
Spring Lobby Database (SLDB) maintainer (lobby accounts, matches and ranking data warehouse)
- bibim
springfiles.springrts.com ssh access:
(used for file uploads / automatic downloads)
- raaar
Services running on springrts.com server
hosted by dansan
- Mumble
- Rapid Packages (https://repos.springrts.com/)
- Spring RTS website, forum and wiki: https://springrts.com/
- Spring Lobby Server
- Spring Replays site: https://replays.springrts.com
- buildbot master
- springlobby relayhosts (RelayHostManager, SLRelayMaster + SLRelaySlave1-10)
- irc bridge
- SpringLobby + buildbot master
- springfiles mirror
- was run by MelTraX but is offline since a while
DNS and springrts.com domain names
- hosted and financed by Tim Blokdijk
- windows64/macos hosted and financed by TurBoss
- validation hosted and financed by zydox
- springlobby hosted and financed by TurBoss
Backup of the important services
- website (forum/wiki/mantis) + associated db
- springfiles (maps/games without repository/other content files)
- replay site
- Kloot: holder of Spring accounts
We are happy about Donations!