Development < Lua Scripting < WidgetDatabaseFAQ
What is the widget database?
The widget database is a resource which contains most of the widgets that got ever released for the Spring engine. The database is stored online and can be accessed via an HTTP interface. There are many different clients available to access the database. These are the most common:
Web Interfaces
Major lobbies utilizing the widget database
Dedicated .NET application (offers all funcionalities)
For widget developers
If you want to see your widgets added to the widget DB, you can get an admin account for the database, which will enable you to add/edit/remove your widgets. Just PM me (very_bad_soldier), and I will provide all you need. Big thanks to manolo_ at this point, who helped a lot in keeping the database up to date in the last few years!
Widget database announcement thread
For lobby developers
If you want to build your own database client, you can find the HTTP protocol description here:
BEWARE: The URL to the database is http://widgetdb.springrts.de now!