Development < Game Development < Gamedev:MouseCursors
Mouse Cursors
Cursors for Spring are stored in the Anims/
Supported Image Formats
The cursors have to be in either:
- png
- tga
- bmp
To make transparent sections in bmp's use RGB(84, 84, 252).
The images don't have to be squared neither power-of-two, but those are preferred and the size should be <=128.
Even if your cursor isn't animated, it must have the _0 at the end of its name. Only when using a .txt this isn't needed.
Animated Cursors
Via Filenames
To make animated cursors, just make a sequence where the filenames start with '_0' at the end of the first in the sequence, going on sequentially until the last frame. This uses the default `frame time` (= the time each sprite is visible) of 0.1sec.
Via .txt
You can also create a .txt file with further specifications for your cursor:
hotspot %hotspot
frame %filename_0 %timespan_0
frame %filename_1 %timespan_1
frame %filename_2 %timespan_2
The hotspot
tag is optional and can be either topleft
or center
Note, the filenames have to contain the full path, e.g. Anims/CursorMove.png
Engine Cursors
Spring itself just needs one cursor and that's cursornormal
, if this isn't present in your game Spring will crash with an ContentError.
Still there are additional cursors the engine will use when present:
(When cursors are double named in the table, it means that the following ones are fallbacks.)
Cursor Name | Internal Name/Usage | Def. Hot Spot |
cursornormal | TopLeft | |
cursorareaattack | Area attack | Center |
cursorattack | Area attack | Center |
cursorattack | Attack | Center |
cursorattackbad | AttackBad | Center |
cursorattack | AttackBad | Center |
cursorbuildbad | BuildBad | Center |
cursorbuildgood | BuildGood | Center |
cursorcapture | Capture | Center |
cursorcentroid | Centroid | Center |
cursordwatch | DeathWait | Center |
cursorwait | DeathWait | Center |
cursordgun | DGun | Center |
cursorattack | DGun | Center |
cursorfight | Fight | Center |
cursorattack | Fight | Center |
cursorgather | GatherWait | Center |
cursorwait | GatherWait | Center |
cursordefend | Guard | Center |
cursorpickup | Load units | Center |
cursormove | Move | Center |
cursorpatrol | Patrol | Center |
cursorreclamate | Reclaim | Center |
cursorrepair | Repair | Center |
cursorrevive | Resurrect | Center |
cursorrepair | Resurrect | Center |
cursorrestore | Restore | Center |
cursorrepair | Restore | Center |
cursorselfd | SelfD | Center |
cursornumber | SquadWait | Center |
cursorwait | SquadWait | Center |
cursortime | TimeWait | Center |
cursorwait | TimeWait | Center |
cursorunload | Unload units | Center |
cursorwait | Wait | Center |
Example: A cursorattack_0.bmp
(same for cursorattack.txt
) in your Anims/
dir will automatically used for attack commands.
Lua/Custom Cursors
Runtime Replacing Default Cursors
To runtime change cursors (e.g. per-faction cursors or user-configurable ones) you may want to use Spring.ReplaceMouseCursor. Example:
Spring.ReplaceMouseCursor("cursorattack", "faction2_subdir/cursorattack")
Spring.ReplaceMouseCursor("cursormove", "faction2_subdir/cursormove")
Give Custom Commands a Cursor
First you need to register your custom cursor with Spring.AssignMouseCursor
. After that you can use it in Spring.EditUnitCmdDesc/Spring.InsertUnitCmdDesc
--loads cursor from foo_cursor.txt, foo_cursor_0.bmp, ...
Spring.AssignMouseCursor("mahcursor", "foo_cursor", false)
--NOTE: this is SYNCED code!
--add custom cmddesc
Spring.InsertUnitCmdDesc(unitID, {
cursor = "mahcursor",