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LUS Script Examples

How to use

  • FIXME - Indicates a section of code you will need to tweak to suit your own unit / model
  • TODO - Indicates an optional section of code is missing that you may wish to pad out e.g. with an animation

Script Scaffolds

Air Transport

<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> -- FIXME: This should be whatever piece name you want to attach to in your model local attachPiece = piece "attach"

-- called for each unit loaded, returns the attaching piece function script.QueryTransport(passengerID)

   return attachPiece


-- called for each unit loaded to animate the load process function script.BeginTransport(passengerID)

   -- TODO: any loading animations here


--how this is called depends on -- 0 (Default) called once on the last unit dropped -- 1 called for each unit dropped in mid-air -- 2 called for the last unit dropped function script.EndTransport(passengerID)

   -- TODO: relevant end of transport sequence animations


-- Only called if transportUnloadMethod = 2 function script.TransportDrop(passengerID, x,y,z)

   -- TODO: animation to unload each individual passenger on the ground

end </syntaxhighlight>


<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> local nanoPieces = {} -- FIXME: this example has 2 nano pieces to alternate between for i = 1, 2 do

    -- FIXME: the pieces are named nanoPiece1 and nanoPiece2 in the model
   nanoPieces[i] = piece("nanoPiece" .. i)

end Spring.SetUnitNanoPieces(unitID, nanoPieces)

function script.StartBuilding(heading, pitch)

   -- TODO: This is where you would add your unpack / point towards animation
   SetUnitValue(COB.INBUILDSTANCE, true)

end function script.StopBuilding()

   -- TODO: This is where you would add your pack-up animation
   SetUnitValue(COB.INBUILDSTANCE, false)

end </syntaxhighlight>


<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> local nanoPieces = {} -- FIXME: this example has 2 nano pieces to alternate between for i = 1, 2 do

    -- FIXME: the pieces are named nanoPiece1 and nanoPiece2 in the model
   nanoPieces[i] = piece("nanoPiece" .. i)

end Spring.SetUnitNanoPieces(unitID, nanoPieces)

function script.QueryBuildInfo()

   -- FIXME: the pad piece is named buildPad in the model
   return piece("buildPad")


local function OpenCloseAnim(open)

   Signal(1) -- Kill any other copies of this thread
   SetSignalMask(1) -- Allow this thread to be killed by fresh copies
   if open then
       -- TODO: This is where you would add your opening up anim
       -- TODO: This is where you would add your closing up anim
   SetUnitValue(COB.YARD_OPEN, open)
   SetUnitValue(COB.BUGGER_OFF, open)
   SetUnitValue(COB.INBUILDSTANCE, open)


-- Called when factory yard opens function script.Activate()

   -- OpenCloseAnim must be threaded to call Sleep() or WaitFor functions
   StartThread(OpenCloseAnim, true)


-- Called when factory yard closes function script.Deactivate()

   -- OpenCloseAnim must be threaded to call Sleep() or WaitFor functions
   StartThread(OpenCloseAnim, false)


function script.StartBuilding()

   -- TODO: You can run any animation that continues throughout the build process here e.g. spin pad


function script.StopBuilding()

   -- TODO: You can run any animation that signifies the end of the build process here

end </syntaxhighlight>

Wind Generator

<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> -- FIXME: Assumes model has pieces named 'tower' and 'blades' local tower, blades = piece("tower", "blades")

function script.WindChanged (number heading, number strength)

 -- Turn the tower to face the wind at 30deg/s
 Turn(tower, y_axis, heading, math.rad(30))
 -- Spin the turbine blades relative to wind strength
 -- FIXME: Here I set rotational speed to half of strength
 Spin(blades, z_axis, strength * 0.5)

end </syntaxhighlight>