Lua-induced texture garbling?

Lua-induced texture garbling?

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Lua-induced texture garbling?

Post by Arco »

If I run any heavy Lua interface stuff (like the CA interface or IceUI), it seems various textures get replaced/swapped or something. A texture that looks like a simple bitmap font table will often wind up on some part of the map surface (or in my example shot, covering the ENTIRE map), or very often as the command button background texture, or even replacing a unit buildpic. If I disable the offending widget, the problems tends to go away (although instead of seeing the bizarre font texture, I just tend to see a big white square where some actual graphics should be). If I reactivate it, the problem will return, although sometimes replacing a different graphical element.

Accompanying this is a font-garbling issue. Given that what should be font appears as weird blobs of color, and what should be blobs of color appears as a font, I can only assume that somehow these two graphical elements are being swapped. But only if something Lua-heavy is going on with the interface.

I swear I read threads about this issue before, but I can't seem to find them. I thought someone said the problem was going to be solved with .76, but I may be mistaken. Does anyone know what's going on here?

(NVidia graphics, Windows XP.)
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