Code: Select all
function gadget:GetInfo()
return {
name = "Death Spawns",
desc = "Spawns a Container when a unit dies",
author = "",
date = "2022",
license = "Public domain",
layer = 0,
enabled = true -- loaded by default?
if gadgetHandler:IsSyncedCode() then
local partsList = {
function gadget:UnitDestroyed(unitID, unitDefID, unitTeam)
if math.random(1,2) == 1 then
_, _, _, _, buildProgress = Spring.GetUnitHealth(unitID)
if buildProgress == 1 then
local unitName = UnitDefs[unitDefID].name
local unitCostMetal = UnitDefs[unitDefID].metalCost
local unitCostEnergy = UnitDefs[unitDefID].energyCost
posx, posy, posz = Spring.GetUnitPosition(unitID)
-- Spring.Echo("[Death Spawns] Unit Name is " .. unitName)
local featureID = Spring.CreateFeature (partsList[math.random(1,#partsList)], posx, posy, posz, 0, unitTeam)
if featureID then
-- Spring.Echo("[Death Spawns] Unit Cost is " .. unitCostMetal)
Spring.SetFeatureResources(featureID, unitCostMetal * 0.25, unitCostEnergy * 0.25)
Spring.SetFeaturePosition(featureID, posx, posy, posz, false)
dirx = math.random(1,100000)
diry = math.random(1,50000)
dirz = math.random(1,100000)
Spring.SetFeatureDirection(featureID, dirx, diry , dirz)
rotx = math.random(1,50)
roty = math.random(1,100)
rotz = math.random(1,50)
Spring.SetFeatureRotation(featureID, rotx, roty , rotz)
The issues I am having is that setfeatureresources is having no effect whatsoever, even when being set to a specific value.
The other issue is that SetFeatureRotation is having no effect except around the Y axis.
Things I have tried:
Spring.SetFeatureMoveCtrl(featureID,false,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) and moving everything to movectrl, but this isn't super helpful when it comes to x/z rotations.
I have tried using SetFeaturePhysics to do everything. I don't have those examples, so hopefully just take my word for it.
Does anyone know the secret to getting a feature to rotate around the x/z axis and setting that feature's worth?
Tried another method after that:
Code: Select all
function gadget:GetInfo()
return {
name = "Death Spawns",
desc = "Spawns a Container when a unit dies",
author = "",
date = "2022",
license = "Public domain",
layer = 0,
enabled = true -- loaded by default?
local featuresToRotate = {}
if gadgetHandler:IsSyncedCode() then
local partsList = {
function gadget:UnitDestroyed(unitID, unitDefID, unitTeam)
if math.random(1,2) == 1 then
_, _, _, _, buildProgress = Spring.GetUnitHealth(unitID)
if buildProgress == 1 then
-- local unitName = UnitDefs[unitDefID].name
local unitCostMetal = UnitDefs[unitDefID].metalCost
local unitCostEnergy = UnitDefs[unitDefID].energyCost
local posx, posy, posz = Spring.GetUnitPosition(unitID)
-- Spring.Echo("[Death Spawns] Unit Name is " .. unitName)
local featureID = Spring.CreateFeature (partsList[math.random(1,#partsList)], posx, posy, posz, 0, unitTeam)
if featureID then
featuresToRotate[featureID] = {unitCostMetal,unitCostEnergy}
function gadget:FeatureCreated(featureID)
if featuresToRotate[featureID] then
local unitCostMetal = featuresToRotate[featureID][1]
local unitCostEnergy = featuresToRotate[featureID][2]
local posx, posy, posz = Spring.GetFeaturePosition(featureID)
-- Spring.Echo("[Death Spawns] Unit Cost is " .. unitCostMetal)
Spring.SetFeatureResources(featureID, unitCostMetal * 0.25, unitCostEnergy * 0.25)
Spring.SetFeaturePosition(featureID, posx, posy, posz, false)
dirx = math.random(1,100000)
diry = math.random(1,50000)
dirz = math.random(1,100000)
Spring.SetFeatureDirection(featureID, dirx, diry , dirz)
rotx = math.random(1,50)
roty = math.random(1,100)
rotz = math.random(1,50)
Spring.SetFeatureRotation(featureID, rotx, roty , rotz)
--Spring.SetFeatureRotation(featureID, math.random()*360, math.random()*360 , math.random()*360)
featuresToRotate[featureID] = nil