gajop wrote:So as a Linux user, I'd like to test the lobby again. How would this work?
Links to obsolete OSx and Linux versions of lobby were removed to satisfy agreement with Spring community. For playing Spring on Linux contact directly authors.
Note: You still can't give me GPL-infringing versions even if you send it in private.
- Obsolete image and not perfect explanation of missing linux installer/lobby adressed in and I hope i fixed.
- Gajop We ignore your toxic style of communication and I personally wonder you really need to behave like that. Anyway we hope the new statement there explains the situation better.
8611z wrote:
Bit ago I had tested version nota-0.7.2.msi, no idea how different this one is...
... path...
I also remember this in 0.7.2. The path selection in that version was just a placeholder
. The installer is still not perfect and this for sure is not intended.
8611z wrote:
On start I only got a black window. (win vista)
Then I booted to win 7, and also got a black window. Does it maybe need flash or something?
Only other idea would be that I had recently swapped GFX-cards from ATI to Nvidia and maybe something with drivers...(but all other software including spring worked)
- Adressed here
- Lobby log you find in folder with client would help us the most
- We do not use flash but we had similar issues once the there were some codecs issues with intro trailer. But i was happening in 0.7.x installers. not in 0.8.x ones. Are you sure it still happens in the latest version?
8611z wrote:
I think the way to avoid crazy combos would have been to implent validmaps.lua and validais.lua....
Yes, but our integration issues are not just game-map, game-ai, etc related (what we described was only spring related top of iceberg). We have also notAspace setup related stuff which consist around another 25-30 params beeing in sync (map-mission-players-ai setup combos). So there is a lot of preselection which cannot be handled in mod itself.
8611z wrote:I put small note about NOTA-only content ...
Change the wording if you want to.
No, its ok, no problem
Changed to reference the download page, yes, we have the same opinion.
AF wrote:Your package is missing some dll libs,
details here
Thx for that report
AF wrote:Also, 280mb? I'm guessing your installer contains a spring engine install and all the default maps/content too?
The biggest part (~50%)of that is HD trailer :). All other stuff can be downloaded through special content downloader interface (there are only few default maps for quick battle as part of install pack (~ 60 MB))
AF wrote:
It installs to Application Data too, are there problems having a separate content directory under My Games called NOTA rather than the standard Spring folder?
Lobby thing is portable but current installer is kind of strict with paths and with folder structure. So its problem of installer than lobby itself. Installer is primitive and some decisions/solutions are chosen to be able to run everything on XP-Vista-7--8-10 Win range and test lobby fast.
We agree current state is not optimal.
AF wrote:More images of the lobbys UI, perhaps even a video demonstrating starting a single player game or a multiplayer game would be good
I agree, but the lobby changes a lot still (0.7.x and 0.8.x is huge audiovisual step) and we have not time for proper PR before "thing" is stable. We plan to share more but I would guess it be would primarly on our comminucation channels first. It is also connected with my next answer.
AF wrote:most of your media and content revolves around justifying why the program is not violating the GPL, very little is about the interface, features, cool easter eggs, design, how it was built, etc
Yes, but:
- this community leaders consider the legal part of one of lobbys components as the most important (and we respect it)
- without removing of the blockade of all NOTA stuff in spring communication/news channels our communication is not effective as it can be, so the benefit comming from such effort is very limited
AF wrote:... I don't believe I've seen an explanation of why it's closed source?
This is for longer talk but in short I can say our project is not just about the lobby. Our game content, ai framework, a lot of website stuff, internal tools, etc. etc. is open source and we share those things with other projects. The lobby is core part of integration of all other NOTA related stuff. Those things have small value alone, lobby gives them extra value by integrating them together.
AF wrote:I currently get a black screen as a result...
Will be adressed as part of , btw, this icon (among many others we created) is not our work, it is free icon we just use. And btw thx to your screenshot i see it is bad version of it
hokomoko wrote:
gajop wrote:... Note: You still can't give me GPL-infringing versions even if you send it in private.
Very simple. A single instance of GPL-infringing versions proliferation may lead to Nota&lobby being permanently removed from the site, server and forums. I firmly believe pepe and danil are sincere in their will to cooperate, so the above is irrelevant.
Exactly, we have no reason to offer fake deal. We are not stupid to invest too much energy to something like this and silently distribute still the old stuff.
Anyone here can follow any distribution channel we offer as normal user and figure it out himself/herself. Any trick would leak in few hours with small effort so I hope this is last time I have to answer such questions. Of course I can imagine there happens that some old stuff can be found somewhere forgotten but as I stated above we follow what we promised: full cooperation in removing this.