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Gundam 1.26 release post.

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Re: Gundam 1.26 release post.

Post by smoth »

Well these are brainstorm ideas and perhaps I should make a new thread but I don't like discussing on this site for obvious reasons.

The important part is that I want expansion linked to tech. Not to resources. I just put a possible resource bonus as a thought.

The key component of the idea is rank. Either through doing things on map or claiming strategic locations(like a crashed gaw, old mining facility, hlv or perhaps even just a large cache of sea cans in a harbor)

the idea is that say take the following:
Succeed at bombing run taking out a key building: lesser promotion
Destroy enemy player: promotion
Hold mining site: promotion
lose mining site: demotion

each rank(look at the image) has 3 sub ranks. So you would step through each rank via lesser promotions. The idea being to give players goals so that they will leave their base. This plays off of two concepts that have proven to generate player interest: Unlocks and Achievements. I even thought of having a little image window with a talking head that will condemn or laud your accomplishments.

The idea is realism to some degree but with also having some ease of use, interaction and little goals so that players are no longer asking, "what am I supposed to do?"

Again, the strategic points might not even be on some maps. it is just an extra element that I can choose to put on maps to mix it up, add goals and points of interest. The real rank system goal is to encourage combat.

Sanada: As far as RTT, that would be if I focused on small unit groups. Just because I am looking at possible strategic goals does not mean rtt. I feel I need more explanation on this concern sanada.
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Re: Gundam 1.26 release post.

Post by SinbadEV »

I told my co-worker about GundamRTS on Friday and gave him a scrap of paper with a link to the ModDB page and he called in sick Monday so either:
  • GundamRTS Made him ill
  • He was unable to stop playing it once he started
in either case I feel we should be warning people about this issue... when he comes back to work I'll ask him which was the case and let you all know.
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Re: Gundam 1.26 release post.

Post by PicassoCT »

This thread, and its inhabitants are now under quarantine. Mr. Smoth, you know the procedure, so dont cause any trouble. :)

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Re: Gundam 1.26 release post.

Post by knorke »

I find it pretty cool that you don't have to expand until the whole map is your base in GRTS.
Base creep is quite lolzy and fits my playstyle (whole map=mah base) but in *a games it is imo overdone.
Control points in RTS always felt very artificial to me.
Also agree.
Stuff like secureing important choke points is cool gameplay, like civil buildings in C&C Zero Hour. Sadly in Spring (all games really) capturing a point usually means that whoever gets there first, holds it for the rest of the game. Even in S44 - which is all about flag capture - only a small number of flags actually change ownership during the average game.
I think in RTS games holding control points should give a miliatary advantage instead of generating income or even simply triggering victory. Though the ticket systems seems to work out in Company of Hereos. (never played myself but a friend does)

It all depends alot on the maps too.

I could never "get" the current eco, imo it should manage resources on its own by turning buildings on and off depending on what you need. Kind of like metal makers. But then it would basically boil down to being only one resource and the basic income is fix anyway.
(ok, there is converting time too if the "eco AI" plans ahead and your base is "complete" that would be little)
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Re: Gundam 1.26 release post.

Post by smoth »

again, all of the focus is on ECONOMY

when I have said 2 times and now 3 times that I was looking at using it for a rank/tech condition.
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Re: Gundam 1.26 release post.

Post by PicassoCT »

How about Heroes, that preserve Rank after the game has ended, adding longterm-RPG Motivation like in that DOTA Successor?

Had a great Game this evening, two noobs fighting each other (slow grasping picasso is slow) but nearly got gumdisease from all that eyecandy :)
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Re: Gundam 1.26 release post.

Post by Pxtl »

While I'd love to see Gundam incorporate more of the map, I'd hate to see Gundam join the ranks of massive sprawling TA-esque bases. My approach would be to put a hard cap on what the player can build outside of his homebase, so any external constructs to hold important outposts are purely weak, temporary structures rather than simply engulfing the objective into your base.
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Re: Gundam 1.26 release post.

Post by PicassoCT »

But thats the boxxy-cancerours feeling, we all loved so much with TA ;)

Summoning a raging smoth. Its a spell who randomly fails, but sometimes.
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Re: Gundam 1.26 release post.

Post by SpikedHelmet »

The "best" RTS multiplayer competitive experience I've ever.. experienced... was from Men of War. No bases, no economy, just pure battle. Everyone got a set amount of income and everyone had to do the best they could with it.
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Re: Gundam 1.26 release post.

Post by Neddie »

I sympathize, but remember you also come from table top wargaming, where this is the norm, broken up with brief periods of objective oriented play.

And this is where 1944 Deployment should be going anyway, though it doesn't always appeal to me.
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Re: Gundam 1.26 release post.

Post by smoth »

pintle and I were chatting about the possibily tech tree and I told him I would post a shot. This does not include gm3 or the guntank tech tree.

Code: Select all

	fedtier1= {
		name="Unlock Tier 1 units",
		desc="Unlocks:\nGuntank, Popup Turret",
		unlockUnits={"guntank","t61_squad_l1", "toriares_squad_l1", "ffan_squad_l1", "fedpopup"},
	fedtier2= {
		name="Unlock Tier 2 units",
		desc="Tier 2 technology",
		lockUnits={	"t61_squad_l1","jetb_squad_l0"},
		unlockUnits={"t61_squad_l2", "jetb_squad_l2"},
		require={fedtier1 = true},
	gundamresearch1= {
		name="Gundam development",
		unlockUnits={"rx79plus", "rx79zook", "rx79rl","fedhangar",},
		require={fedtier1 = true},
	fedbeamrifle1= {
		name="Ecap Technology",
		desc="Unlocks:\nJet Core Booster\nRX-79(G) beam rifle\nRGM7-9 (G) beam rifle, GM Sniper",
		unlockUnits={"rgmsniper", "rgm79beam", "rx79beam","corebooster",},
		require={gundamresearch1 = true},
	Ez8= {
		desc="Unlocks:\nEZ-8(S. Amada)",
		require={gundamresearch1 = true, fedbeamrifle1 = true},
	gm1= {
		name="Early GM",
		require={gundamresearch1 = true},
	gm2= {
		desc="Unlocks:\nGM, AquaGM",
		unlockUnits={"gm", "aquagm",},
		require={gm1 = true},
	gmcannon= {
		name="GM cannon",
		desc="Unlocks:\n GM Cannon, GM Cannon(R. Wolf)",
		unlockUnits={"gmcannon", "gmcannonrw",},
		require={gm2 = true, guncannonresearch1 = true,},
	fedtier3= {
		name="Unlock Tier 3 units",
		desc="Unlocks:, GM Light Armor, GM Sniper Custom\nPowered GM, GM Sniper II",
		lockUnits={	"t61_squad_l2","toriares_squad_l1","ffan_squad_l1"},
		unlockUnits={"litegm", "powered", "poweredzook", "sniperii", "gmsnipercustom","t61_squad_l3", "toriares_squad_l3", "ffan_squad_l3"},
		require={fedtier2 = true},
	guncannonresearch1= {
		name="Guncannon development",
		desc="Unlocks:Guncannon\nGuncannon Mass production",
		unlockUnits={"guncannon", "guncannon_sml","guncannonii", },
		require={fedtier2 = true, fedbeamrifle1 = true},
	gundamresearch2= {
		name="Gundam development",
		require={gundamresearch1 = true, fedtier2 = true},
	gundamresearch3= {
		name="Further gundam development",
		desc="rx78 gets magnetic coating for faster movement\nUnlocks:\nNt-1, full armor gundam",
		unlockUnits={"rx78g3", "fa781", "alex"},
		require={fedtier3 = true, gundamresearch2 = true},
For those who want to know the planned restrictions.
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Re: Gundam 1.26 release post.

Post by PicassoCT »

Before i forget it smoth - your easiest chickens are to hard. Played against them - and well i read a book, but the fact is they flated somebody who played like a noob. Dumb them down. Yes its ridiculous, no challenge for you.. but you!=allotherpeople.
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Re: Gundam 1.26 release post.

Post by Wombat »

i specced game today and got few small suggestions.

first of all, make all sounds louder, i could barely hear them. stuff is very good for a noncommercial game.

(detail warning) this square around bunker ( thing that repairs stuff i think) looks bit odd, why dont u just keep the building ?

i noticed that at the very beginning ppl spam power plants and machines shops (dunno if thats pro or not). why dont u increace their efficiency and cost? it causes start to be much slower for no reason i think.

unit description is bit confusing... i cant give any specific quotes atm coz im at work. its like 'attacks ground/air' and 'heavy support'. ok, but is it effective against, both air and ground ? heavy support doesnt tell much either. 'artillery' , 'anti-tank', something like that tells more.

i love the animation of mechs and airplains movement btw :D
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Re: Gundam 1.26 release post.

Post by smoth »

Wombat wrote:first of all, make all sounds louder, i could barely hear them. stuff is very good for a noncommercial game.
Rattle helped me redo many of the weapon sounds. So they are much better thanks to him. I posted one of them on the moddb page
Wombat wrote:(detail warning) this square around bunker ( thing that repairs stuff i think) looks bit odd, why dont u just keep the building ?
The square base is a concrete foundation. Both conyards have it. i can see about adding some details to make it more interesting if you would like.
Wombat wrote:i noticed that at the very beginning ppl spam power plants and machines shops (dunno if thats pro or not). why dont u increace their efficiency and cost? it causes start to be much slower for no reason i think.
I am going to be adding deployment next version.
Wombat wrote:unit description is bit confusing... i cant give any specific quotes atm coz im at work. its like 'attacks ground/air' and 'heavy support'. ok, but is it effective against, both air and ground ? heavy support doesnt tell much either. 'artillery' , 'anti-tank', something like that tells more.
It's ok, next time take a screenshot and we can try and go into more detail. But I will try based on what you have given me.

Attacks air/ground is just showing you that it can attack any non-sea unit. I hate playing guessing game in *A and several other projects when I have aa that can attack only air with no indication to tell me.

Artillery, only suits like 2 units in the game(guntank and xamel) the rest of the units have a lot of multi role capability. Also anti-tank doesn't exist. I do not balance units on a unit<->unit basis but instead do it based on damage types.

For example, you would never use a light weapon on a heavy armor unit.

If you want we can go into more detail and pick on a unit later if you have time.

Wombat wrote:i love the animation of mechs and airplains movement btw :D
Thanks, I hope next version will thrill you more, I am further expanding the animations of the units and hope to have some new surprises next version.
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Re: Gundam 1.26 release post.

Post by AnimatedTanker »

What engine do i need for this game? It seems INTERESTINg.
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Re: Gundam 1.26 release post.

Post by AnimatedTanker »

If you can help me, what is the engine for the game. Please help
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Re: Gundam 1.26 release post.

Post by PicassoCT »

A very good lawyer who is into bandai bondage?
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Re: Gundam 1.26 release post.

Post by smoth »

It was/is interesting but I have closed the project years ago.
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Re: Gundam 1.26 release post.

Post by AnimatedTanker »

Gundam mod looks very interesting and at points in end and i am wanting a response.
Forgive me for repeating.
I am using both 96 and 100 and i am guessing if i need 81 or lower for it to work properly.
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