I propose a tournament

( French players for french content web page : http://springrts.fr/evenements/tournoi- ... puis-1v1v1 )
INTL users, google translation (not the best, I did some below) : http://translate.google.fr/translate?hl ... s-1v1v1%2F
Date : Thursday, December 5th 2013, from 18H00 ~ 23H55 @ Paris time (GMT + 1)
BA 7.84
For your information :
* Teams will be made by drawing lots,
* For the 1/4 and 1/2 finals, 2 wins are required on 3 games maxi. A third game will be played if there is a tie (1-1),
* 1/4 finals on Fields_Of_Isis (6 x 1v1 games) will be played,
* 1/2 finals on MartianDesert (3 x 1v1 games) will be played by the winners from the 1/4 finals,
* The final on Ternion (1v1v1) will be played by the 3 winners from the 1/2 finals in a FFA match ! ; 3 wins are required for the winner ! (games will be played until 3 wins will be reached).
+ Thank you for respecting dates and times namely Thursday, December 5, 2013 between 6:00PM & 11:55PM,
+ If either a player is not expected this in a match (within 10 to 20 min), then opponent will be declared the winner for this game,
+ The autohosts who will manage the tournament will be [ACE]Ortie, [ACE]Pirine & if needed [ACE]Sure.
+ Other informations will be available thereafter.
The small form can be found at the bottom of the page.
Please register on http://springrts.fr/evenements/tournoi- ... puis-1v1v1 by typing in the «NAME (NOM)» field your Spring RTS nickname, your e-mail address and in the the field «comment (Commentaire)» your favorite starting game time (between 6:00PM & 9:30PM would be best due to others later battles)
If you want to register another player you are sure about his participation, please redo the registration process.
You can practice until the D day on [ACE]Ortie, [ACE]Pirine and [ACE]Sure (The 3 maps above are locked on the 2 firsts, no way to practice any one else)
You could see registered players & active results on the same web page : http://springrts.fr/evenements/tournoi- ... puis-1v1v1
Any questions welcomed !