Where did advanced BA go? - Update for ABA inside for BA7.04

Where did advanced BA go? - Update for ABA inside for BA7.04

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Where did advanced BA go? - Update for ABA inside for BA7.04

Post by Grimshad »

Will there be an update for ABTA? or will we have to continue using the 7.01 version?
Last edited by Grimshad on 03 Jan 2010, 10:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Where did advanced BA go?

Post by Jazcash »

Hopefully it's dead.
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Re: Where did advanced BA go?

Post by Grimshad »

When I try to play ABTA with my friends it says we arnt in sync, does anyone know how to fix this? it only does it with ABTA, it didn't use to do it

Edit: N/m, found out u have to have BA 7.01 installed on both systems too.
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Re: Where did advanced BA go?

Post by bobthedinosaur »

Image ?
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Re: Where did advanced BA go?

Post by 1v0ry_k1ng »

BA for people with advanced learning disabilities?
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Re: Where did advanced BA go?

Post by Tribulex »

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Re: Where did advanced BA go?

Post by Grimshad »

Is that a no?
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Re: Where did advanced BA go?

Post by Gota »

Maybe its hiding in the closet?
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Re: Where did advanced BA go?

Post by Grimshad »

Well, if noone is going to update it, can anyone point me in the direction to learn to start editing this TA stuff? I'de like to update it to version 7.04 and remove a lot of redundancy in the build menu's

EDIT:n/m can just open the mod with winrar and start coding.. I guess ill post an updated version for BA 7.04 as well as reduced redundancy in the build menu's (hopefully)
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Re: Where did advanced BA go?

Post by TheFatController »

Speak to Senna or [xXx]Senna, he was developing it.
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Re: Where did advanced BA go?

Post by Grimshad »

well for anyone who cares, here's an updated version.

-Updated for BA 7.04
-Renamed Fortification Seaplane to "Fortification Plane" because it just didn't make sense...
-Removed Stardock from T4 as well as both T4 spaceships, they really didn't fit in the TA world.
-Moved Core Defiler from Upgraded Core Advanced Vehicle Plant to Core Upgraded Advanced KBot Plant(It's a Kbot, not a vehicle)
-Removed the arm fark
-Changed the name of Helper to "Fark" (The fark and helper were redundant)
-Advanced Construction Kbot can no longer upgrade
-Removed the Constructor and gave all of its non water structures to the Fark/Helper
-Removed Ops Center
-Removed Arch Center
-Removed abuilderlvl3 and cbuilderlvl3 because they didnt fit in the TA world, moved all their stuff to abuilderlvl1 and cbuilderlvl1
-abuilderlvl1 and cbuilderlvl1 can be built in the arm and core gantries
-raised stats of builderlvl1 units to match that of the old builderlvl3 units
-moved the monkeylord and shielded biomech to the T4 gants
-Fortification plane can now guard
Advanced BA v1.6 (BA704).sd7
(8.92 MiB) Downloaded 48 times
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Re: Where did advanced BA go? - Update for ABA inside for BA7.04

Post by Tribulex »

remmeber to wear condom when playing this mod
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Re: Where did advanced BA go?

Post by Deadnight Warrior »

TheFatController wrote:Speak to Senna or [xXx]Senna, he was developing it.
Not quite exact but it doesn't matter
Grimshad wrote:well for anyone who cares
I care, and if you ever decide to join #advba channel you'll see that v1.58 is under development for a longer time.

I'm just waiting for BA7.05 to be released for publishing the next revision.
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Re: Where did advanced BA go? - Update for ABA inside for BA7.04

Post by Tribulex »

what is advanced ba? is it an std? im confused...
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Re: Where did advanced BA go? - Update for ABA inside for BA7.04

Post by Deadnight Warrior »

It's a standalone mutator for BA. Not a mapmod like Senna's stuff.
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Re: Where did advanced BA go? - Update for ABA inside for BA7.04

Post by Gota »

BA + cool stuff
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Re: Where did advanced BA go? - Update for ABA inside for BA7.04

Post by Tribulex »

orly? sounds amazing. will dl.

Sorry that i had wrong impression. BA always needs more cool stuff, and less balance!
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Re: Where did advanced BA go?

Post by R-TEAM »

Deadnight Warrior wrote: .....
Grimshad wrote:well for anyone who cares
I care, and if you ever decide to join #advba channel you'll see that v1.58 is under development for a longer time.

I'm just waiting for BA7.05 to be released for publishing the next revision.
VERY Nice ;)
Wait for ABA for >BA7.01 long time ;)
Would be nice to have a seperate forum for AdvBA or more infos, IS a update on way, on this site .. not all user like to connect to IRC for this ..

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Re: Where did advanced BA go? - Update for ABA inside for BA7.04

Post by Grimshad »

Sorry Deadnight Warrior, I didn't know where to look for information of this, can't wait to check out your next release, until then my friends and I will use the version I made, I hope you remove all the redundancy and pointlessness of the arch and op center like I did, unless you plan on furthering their use later. And that spaceship stuff just doesn't fit in TA :\

I'll remove the attached file here if you like. just let me know.
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Re: Where did advanced BA go? - Update for ABA inside for BA7.04

Post by Deadnight Warrior »

For all that are interested in Adv. BA, the official moddev site is http://www.hktresnjevka.hr/advba
You can download the latest beta there (version can change at any time, so I won't guaranty that it will be the same as the one you had yesterday).

If anyone want's to join the development, join #advba and start a discussion with the peopple on the channel.
I myself am quite surprised that a rather obscure mod like this has usually 4-6 people on the channel every evening (~20:00 CET).

For all that want to know the history of this mod, here it goes:

It all started with Senna's mapmods aka DSD Special. Some of them where more or less playable than the other, but at one point I liked a version he made so I asked him if I could join his developments and if there is a mutator instead of those maps. The main reason was that DSD itself has ~20MB and I didn't want to download those excess 20MB everytime a change in the mod part happend. He pointed me to Advanced Annihilation wich was an older revision of his mapmods made as a mutator for BA.

First thing was to update the mod to Senna's latest revision of the time and as a little bonus from my creative side i added upgrading of factories instead of having Tx and Tx.5 in the buildmenu.
He liked that idea to that extent that all further maps he made had upgrading (morphing). We made an agreement that he'll do the maps, while I update the mod. At some point he made some changes I didn't like that much so we started parting away slowly. While he was trying to make a unique mod (which I must say that he did but I won't comment the gameplay (you have all the rights to angry at me Senna))
Then somebody left a comment of the Springfiles like:
Cool mod, can you make a Chicken Defense out of it?
That was the birth of Adv. BA Chicken Defense v1.52, wich i still see is played now and then. Please do not play that version as any Adv. BA mod after v1.55 has Chicken Defense integrated into it. Just select "Chicken Defense" from the "Game End Mode" in mod options.

The version from 1.53 to 1.56 where a housecleaning, compression and optimization releases where I drastically reduced the amount of useless and unrefferenced stuff. And some sea units.

The current stable (v1.57) features the avatar of "me" unit. I was inspired by Saktoth and Licho, if they can have units named after themselves so can I.

[Less] Detailed changelogs are availabe on the modsite and in every modarchive in the DOCS folder.

...to be continued, tldr
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