Played around with this quite a bit earlier. It has the makings of becoming the first ever truly customizable AI that spring has seen. I don't remember the name of the tool, but you OTA people probably will... There was a 3rd party tool created for OTA that would allow you to define weights, build orders and all other kinds of ai behavior.
The upshot of it is that I could create an AI configuration that would play fairly similar to the way I play. The potential and power of this thing is, imo, huge, even moreso once it's seen some real use by us gamedevs and AF gets some good feedback. I personally am a massive fan of it being modularized.
As an example, kaik and RAI can almost always be guaranteed to put up a decent fight, but you have to put them on 100% bonus just to get them to attack in a lot of cases. Even worse, they are very predictable. Now that isn't the most damning sin known to man, but it does get kinda boring. For example I can tell you exactly how an RAI will lay out it's base every single time, and there isn't any way to change it short of asking reth to program in more behavior mechanisms.
Shard seems to allow you to shape the AI to your liking. I have no doubt that a frontend for taskqueues could be set up so that complete newbies could shape their own individual AI setup to their liking.
Long story short, I'll be using this rather extensively, and nice work AF!
Edit: Zydox ninja'd me. @zydox, you can use it for any mod just about. You could write a CA one without much trouble, or NOTA, or SA, etc.