CEG documentation is lacking

CEG documentation is lacking

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CEG documentation is lacking

Post by smoth »

CEG documentation doesn't really cover all of the classes.
from the wiki
Spawner Level Tags

A CEG can contain any number of spawners. The name of the spawners don't really matter, as long as it's not groundflash, which has a special meaning. You can think of each spawner as being one component of the overall explosion.
string class Default: spawner_name
Each spawner has a class that determines what kind of graphical effect it creates. Spring has a number of standard classes that you can choose from. Currently available classes are:
  • CExpGenSpawner
  • CBitmapMuzzleFlame
  • CExploSpikeProjectile
  • CHeatCloudProjectile
  • CSimpleParticleSystem
  • CSpherePartSpawner
  • CSimpleGroundFlash
  • CStandardGroundFlash

Looking at explosion alias.lua

Code: Select all

generators = {
      std    = 'CStdExplosionGenerator',
      custom = 'CCustomExplosionGenerator',
    projectiles = {
      beamlaser             = 'CBeamLaserProjectile',
      bitmapmuzzleflame     = 'CBitmapMuzzleFlame',
      bubble                = 'CBubbleProjectile',
      delayspawner          = 'CExpGenSpawner',
      dirt                  = 'CDirtProjectile',
      emg                   = 'CEmgProjectile',
      expl                  = 'CExplosiveProjectile',
      explsphere            = 'CSpherePartSpawner',
      explspike             = 'CExploSpikeProjectile',
      fireball              = 'CFireBallProjectile',
      fire                  = 'CFireProjectile',
      flame                 = 'CFlameProjectile',
      flare                 = 'CFlareProjectile',
      geosquare             = 'CGeoSquareProjectile',
      gfx                   = 'CGfxProjectile',
      heatcloud             = 'CHeatCloudProjectile',
      lighting              = 'CLightingProjectile',
      missile               = 'CMissileProjectile',
      muzzleflame           = 'CMuzzleFlame',
      piece                 = 'CPieceProjectile',
      shieldpart            = 'CShieldPartProjectile',
      simplegroundflash     = 'CSimpleGroundFlash',
      simpleparticlespawner = 'CSphereParticleSpawner',
      simpleparticlesystem  = 'CSimpleParticleSystem',
      smoke                 = 'CSmokeProjectile',
      smoke2                = 'CSmokeProjectile2',
      smoketrail            = 'CSmokeTrailProjectile',
      spherepart            = 'CSpherePartProjectile',
      starburst             = 'CStarburstProjectile',
      torpedo               = 'CTorpedoProjectile',
      tracer                = 'CTracerProjectile',
      wake                  = 'CWakeProjectile',
When going through the cegs, I see the proper names and their alias used. Look at my oldcegs, I remember I did it because I was too lazy to look up code but now that I am working through a friends older project and the stupid smoke class is crying about a tag my cegs use with zero tears. I began to wonder if I could better expand the warning messages to something meaningful, reading the wiki left me asking, why only a subset are listed as "available?" One of the biggest things I always see people complain about is CEG's lack of documentation. Since I am updating CEGS, I may be able to contribute to the wiki.

Flozi, do you have any thoughts?
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Re: CEG documentation is lacking

Post by FLOZi »

Yes. IIRC Weapon (i.e. synced) projectiles are not available to CEG => Wiki documents only those that are.

Been a while since I redid those pages though so I may be recalling incorrectly.
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