Normal Maps / Depth Maps - Testers Needed! V1.0 - Page 6

Normal Maps / Depth Maps - Testers Needed! V1.0

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Re: Normal Maps / Depth Maps - Testers Needed! V1.0

Post by bobthedinosaur »

I am having issues with this:

Code: Select all

[      0] Fragment shader(s) failed to link,  vertex shader(s) linked. 
WARNING: 0:103: implicit cast from ivec3 to float
[      0] [unit_normalmap_shader:Initialize] shader2 compilation failed
[      0] Fragment shader failed to compile with the following errors:
ERROR: 0:39: '=' :  cannot convert from '4-component vector of float' to '3-component vector of float'
Any help?
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Forboding Angel
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Re: Normal Maps / Depth Maps - Testers Needed! V1.0

Post by Forboding Angel »

It fails with the MT version of spring.

You also need a fairly recent vid card for them. nvidia 8 series or ati equivalent should do the trick.
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Das Bruce
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Re: Normal Maps / Depth Maps - Testers Needed! V1.0

Post by Das Bruce »

Are 8 still considered decent cards? I've been working on the premise that they're becoming low end.
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Re: Normal Maps / Depth Maps - Testers Needed! V1.0

Post by bobthedinosaur »

MT? meaning mobile graphics?
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Re: Normal Maps / Depth Maps - Testers Needed! V1.0

Post by MidKnight »

bobthedinosaur wrote:MT? meaning mobile graphics?
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Re: Normal Maps / Depth Maps - Testers Needed! V1.0

Post by bobthedinosaur »

Funny, I didn't think I was using a MT version of spring....
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Re: Normal Maps / Depth Maps - Testers Needed! V1.0

Post by Beherith »

Das Bruce wrote:Are 8 still considered decent cards? I've been working on the premise that they're becoming low end.
I still think the 8800 series are decent. They are currently the vast majority.
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Forboding Angel
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Re: Normal Maps / Depth Maps - Testers Needed! V1.0

Post by Forboding Angel »

bobthedinosaur wrote:Funny, I didn't think I was using a MT version of spring....
What kinda of video card are you using?
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Re: Normal Maps / Depth Maps - Testers Needed! V1.0

Post by Argh »

Oh, now I see why this topic's making everybody hot and bothered again. Sorry, I had no idea this thread had been necro'd.

Here's the latest version of this, with fixes that work on ATi, so far as I know. The last time I tested Spring's current build, it was working again, but ymmv and I would urge people to test with SVN builds and MT, since it's compiling again apparently, to see what problems are in store.

Code: Select all

function gadget:GetInfo()
   return {
	name	= "unit_normalmap_shader_tst.lua",
	desc	= "adds normal-mapping to S3O models",
	author    = "Kloot,fmodified by Argh",
	date	= "4-1-2010",
	license   = "GPL v2",
	layer     =  0,
	enabled   = true

if (gadgetHandler:IsSyncedCode()) then
function gadget:UnitGiven(unitID)
	SendToUnsynced("MyUnitCrea", unitID)
	return true

function gadget:UnitDecloaked(unitID)
	SendToUnsynced("MyUnitCrea", unitID)
	return true

function gadget:UnitFinished(unitID)
	SendToUnsynced("MyUnitCrea", unitID)
	return true

function gadget:UnitDestroyed(unitID)
	SendToUnsynced("MyUnitDest", unitID)
	return true

--------------------------------------------------------------END SYNC
local runShader = 0 -- SAFETY CODE

local glLoadIdentity	 = gl.LoadIdentity
local glPushMatrix	= gl.PushMatrix
local glPopMatrix	 = gl.PopMatrix
local glTranslate	 = gl.Translate
local glBeginEnd	  = gl.BeginEnd
local glNormal	 = gl.Normal
local glVertex	 = gl.Vertex
local glColor	  = gl.Color
local glLight	  = gl.Light
local glLighting	  = gl.Lighting
local glBlending	  = gl.Blending
local glPushAttrib	= gl.PushAttrib
local glPopAttrib	 = gl.PopAttrib

local glCulling	= gl.Culling
local glDepthMask	 = gl.DepthMask
local glDepthTest	 = gl.DepthTest
local glAlphaTest    = gl.AlphaTest

local glCreateList	= gl.CreateList
local glDeleteList	= gl.DeleteList

local glUnit	= gl.Unit
local glUnitRaw	= gl.UnitRaw
local glTexture	= gl.Texture
local glTexCoord	  = gl.TexCoord
local glMultiTexCoord	= gl.MultiTexCoord
local glUnitMultMatrix     = gl.UnitMultMatrix

local glGetSun	 = gl.GetSun
local glGetShadowMapParams = gl.GetShadowMapParams
local glGetMatrixData	= gl.GetMatrixData

local glGetShaderLog	 = gl.GetShaderLog
local glCreateShader	 = gl.CreateShader
local glDeleteShader	 = gl.DeleteShader
local glUseShader	 = gl.UseShader

local glUniformMatrix	= gl.UniformMatrix
local glUniformInt	= gl.UniformInt
local glUniform	= gl.Uniform
local glGetUniformLocation = gl.GetUniformLocation
local glGetActiveUniforms  = gl.GetActiveUniforms

	local GL_BACK = GL.BACK 

local normalMapNames	= {}
local textureNames	  = {}
local preDisplayLists     = {}
local pstDisplayLists     = {}
local luaShader	  = nil

local luaShaderLocs = {
	treeMove = -1,
	shaderTime = -1,
	cameraMatrixLoc     = -1,
	cameraInvMatrixLoc  = -1,
	shadowMatrixLoc     = -1,
	shadowParamsLoc     = -1,
	shadowDensityLoc    = -1,

	unitAmbientLightLoc = -1,
	unitDiffuseLightLoc = -1,

	shadowMapLoc	  = -1,
	textureS3O1Loc	= -1,
	textureS3O2Loc	= -1,
	--specularMapLoc	= -1,
	reflectMapLoc	 = -1,
	normalMapLoc	  = -1,

local treeMoveList = {}
local treeMove = {}

local sprGetGameFrame	  = Spring.GetGameFrame
local sprGetUnitDefID	  = Spring.GetUnitDefID
local sprGetAllUnits	= Spring.GetAllUnits
local sprGetVisibleUnits	  = Spring.GetVisibleUnits
local sprIsUnitVisible	 = Spring.IsUnitVisible
local sprGetUnitTeam	= Spring.GetUnitTeam
local sprGetCameraPosition	= Spring.GetCameraPosition
local sprGetTeamColor	  = Spring.GetTeamColor
local sprSetUnitNoDraw	 = Spring.SetUnitNoDraw
local sprHaveShadows	= Spring.HaveShadows
local sprGetUnitTransformMatrix = Spring.GetUnitTransformMatrix
local SUR		  = Spring.UnitRendering

local function GetPreDisplayList(unitID)
	local unitTeam = sprGetUnitTeam(unitID)
	local unitDefID = sprGetUnitDefID(unitID)

	if (preDisplayLists[unitDefID] == nil) then
	preDisplayLists[unitDefID] = {}

	if (preDisplayLists[unitDefID][unitTeam] == nil) then

	local tcr, tcg, tcb, tca = sprGetTeamColor(unitTeam)

	preDisplayLists[unitDefID][unitTeam] = glCreateList(

	local sdx, sdy, sdz = glGetSun("pos")


	glLight(0, true)
	glLight(1, false)
	glLight(0, GL_POSITION, sdx, sdy, sdz, 0)

	glColor(tcr, tcg, tcb, tca)

	glTexture(4, normalMapNames[unitDefID][1])


	return preDisplayLists[unitDefID][unitTeam]

local function GetPostDisplayList(unitID)
	local unitTeam = sprGetUnitTeam(unitID)
	local unitDefID = sprGetUnitDefID(unitID)

	if (pstDisplayLists[unitDefID] == nil) then
	pstDisplayLists[unitDefID] = {}

	if (pstDisplayLists[unitDefID][unitTeam] == nil) then
	pstDisplayLists[unitDefID][unitTeam] = glCreateList(
	glTexture(4, false)
	glColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

	glLight(0, false)


	return pstDisplayLists[unitDefID][unitTeam]

local function GetUnitDefMaterial(unitDefID, preDL, pstDL)
	local matTbl = {
	texunits = {
	[0] = {tex = textureNames[unitDefID][1],   enable = true},
	[1] = {tex = textureNames[unitDefID][2],   enable = true},
	[2] = {tex = "$reflection",	 enable = true},
	[3] = {tex = normalMapNames[unitDefID][1], enable = true},
	[4] = {tex = "$shadow",	  enable = true}

	culling	= GL_BACK,
	shader	 = luaShader,
	cameraloc	 = luaShaderLocs.cameraMatrixLoc,
	--   camerainvloc    = luaShaderLocs.cameraInvMatrixLoc, -- Spring 0.79
	shadowloc	 = luaShaderLocs.shadowMatrixLoc,
	shadowparamsloc = luaShaderLocs.shadowParamsLoc,
	prelist = preDL,
	postlist = pstDL
	return matTbl

local function MyUnitCrea(unitID)
	local unitDefID = sprGetUnitDefID(unitID)

	if (normalMapNames[unitDefID] ~= nil) then
		if (textureNames[unitDefID] == nil) then
			textureNames[unitDefID] = {
			[1] = '%' .. unitDefID .. ":0",
			[2] = '%' .. unitDefID .. ":1"

		local preDL = GetPreDisplayList(unitID)
		local pstDL = GetPostDisplayList(unitID)

		SUR.SetLODCount(unitID, 1)
		SUR.SetMaterial(unitID, 1, "opaque", GetUnitDefMaterial(unitDefID, preDL, pstDL))
		SUR.SetUnitLuaDraw(unitID, true)

		for pieceID, pieceName in pairs(Spring.GetUnitPieceList(unitID) or {}) do
			if (pieceID ~= "n") then
				SUR.SetPieceList(unitID, 1, pieceID)

	if treeMoveList[unitDefID] ~= nil then
		treeMove[unitID] = (tonumber(UnitDefs[unitDefID].customParams.tree_mult) + (math.random(1,50)/100)) or 40.0

local function MyUnitDest(unitID)
	local unitDefID = sprGetUnitDefID(unitID)

	if (normalMapNames[unitDefID] ~= nil) then
	--SUR.SetUnitLuaDraw(unitID, false)
	--SUR.SetLODCount(unitID, 0)
	if treeMoveList[unitDefID] ~= nil then
		treeMove[unitID] = nil

local function SetShaderUniformLocations(s)
	luaShaderLocs.cameraMatrixLoc     = glGetUniformLocation(s, "cameraMatrix")
	luaShaderLocs.cameraInvMatrixLoc  = glGetUniformLocation(s, "cameraInvMatrix")
	luaShaderLocs.shadowMatrixLoc     = glGetUniformLocation(s, "shadowMatrix")

	luaShaderLocs.haveShadowsLoc	= glGetUniformLocation(luaShader, "haveShadows")
	luaShaderLocs.shadowParamsLoc     = glGetUniformLocation(luaShader, "shadowParams")
	luaShaderLocs.shadowDensityLoc    = glGetUniformLocation(luaShader, "shadowDensity")
	luaShaderLocs.treeMoveLoc = glGetUniformLocation(luaShader, "treeMove")
	luaShaderLocs.shaderTime = glGetUniformLocation(luaShader, "shaderTime")

local function CreateShader1()
	local s = glCreateShader({
	vertex = [[
	varying vec3 lvES;
	varying vec3 hvES;
	varying vec3 nvES;

	varying mat3 tbnInvMatrix;
	varying vec3 cdES;
	//varying vec3 cdTS;
	uniform float treeMove;
	uniform float shaderTime;

	uniform int haveShadows;
	uniform mat4 shadowMatrix;
	uniform vec4 shadowParams;
	uniform mat4 cameraMatrix;
	uniform mat4 cameraInvMatrix;

	void main(void) {
	vec4 vertexDis = gl_Vertex;

	if (treeMove > 0.1)
		float sinTime = (treeMove - floor(treeMove)) + 1.0;
		float treeMult = vertexDis.y / treeMove;
		vertexDis.x += sin(shaderTime*sinTime) * treeMult;
		vertexDis.y += cos(shaderTime*sinTime) * treeMult * 0.02 * (abs(gl_Vertex.x) + abs(gl_Vertex.x));
		vertexDis.z += cos(shaderTime*sinTime) * treeMult * 0.5;

	mat4 modelMatrix = cameraInvMatrix * gl_ModelViewMatrix;
	mat4 modelInvMatrix = gl_ModelViewMatrixInverse * cameraMatrix;

	vec3 vpES = (gl_ModelViewMatrix * vertexDis).xyz;
	vec3 cpES = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

	vec3 svOS =;
	vec3 tvOS =;
	//Manual transform of the matrix, for GLSL 1.X compatibility
	mat3 tbnMatrix = mat3(svOS, tvOS, gl_Normal);
	tbnInvMatrix[0].x = tbnMatrix[0].x;
	tbnInvMatrix[0].y = tbnMatrix[1].x;
	tbnInvMatrix[0].z = tbnMatrix[2].x;

	tbnInvMatrix[1].x = tbnMatrix[0].y;
	tbnInvMatrix[1].y = tbnMatrix[1].y;
	tbnInvMatrix[1].z = tbnMatrix[2].y;

	tbnInvMatrix[2].x = tbnMatrix[0].z;
	tbnInvMatrix[2].y = tbnMatrix[1].z;
	tbnInvMatrix[2].z = tbnMatrix[2].z;
	cdES = (vpES - cpES);
	//cdTS = (tbnInvMatrix * (gl_ModelViewMatrixInverse * vec4(cdES, vertexDis.w)).xyz);

	nvES = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal);
	lvES = normalize(gl_LightSource[0];
	hvES = normalize(gl_LightSource[0];

	gl_FrontColor = gl_Color;
	gl_TexCoord[0].st  =;
	gl_Position = gl_ProjectionMatrix * cameraMatrix * modelMatrix * vertexDis;

	if (haveShadows != 0) {
	vec4 vpWS = modelMatrix * gl_Vertex;
	gl_TexCoord[3] = vec4(shadowMatrix * vpWS);
	gl_TexCoord[3].xy *= vec2(1 / sqrt(abs(gl_TexCoord[3].st) + shadowParams.z) + shadowParams.w);

	gl_TexCoord[3].xy += shadowParams.xy;

	fragment = [[
	varying vec3 lvES;
	varying vec3 hvES;
	varying vec3 nvES;

	varying vec3 cdES;
	//varying vec3 cdTS;

	uniform sampler2D textureS3O1;
	uniform sampler2D textureS3O2;

	uniform samplerCube reflectMap;
	uniform sampler2D normalMap;

	uniform sampler2D shadowMap;
	uniform int haveShadows;

	uniform vec3 unitAmbientLight;
	uniform vec3 unitDiffuseLight;

	varying mat3 tbnInvMatrix;

	void main(void) {

	vec2 tc = vec2(gl_TexCoord[0].s, gl_TexCoord[0].t);

	vec4 basicColor = texture2D(textureS3O1, tc);
	vec4 extraColor = texture2D(textureS3O2, tc);

	/*if (extraColor.a < 0.05)

	//Manual transform of the matrix, for GLSL 1.X compatibility
	mat3 tbnMatrix;

	tbnMatrix[0].x = tbnInvMatrix[0].x;
	tbnMatrix[0].y = tbnInvMatrix[1].x;
	tbnMatrix[0].z = tbnInvMatrix[2].x;

	tbnMatrix[1].x = tbnInvMatrix[0].y;
	tbnMatrix[1].y = tbnInvMatrix[1].y;
	tbnMatrix[1].z = tbnInvMatrix[2].y;

	tbnMatrix[2].x = tbnInvMatrix[0].z;
	tbnMatrix[2].y = tbnInvMatrix[1].z;
	tbnMatrix[2].z = tbnInvMatrix[2].z;

	vec3 nvTS = vec3((texture2D(normalMap, tc) * 2.0) - 1.0);

	float nvDOTlv = 0.0;
	float nvDOThv = 0.0;
	vec3 reDirES;

	vec3 nv_OS = normalize(tbnMatrix * nvTS);
	vec3 nv_ES = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * nv_OS);

	nvDOTlv = max(nvDOTlv, dot(nv_ES, lvES));
	nvDOThv = max(nvDOThv, dot(nv_ES, hvES));
	reDirES = reflect(normalize(cdES), nv_ES);

	float shininess = extraColor.g * 4.0;

	float specPow =
	(nvDOTlv > 0.0 && nvDOThv > 0.0)?
	max(0.0, pow(nvDOThv, shininess)):

	if (extraColor.b > 0.0)
		specPow = specPow * extraColor.b;//reduce specularity with blue channel

	vec3 specColor = textureCube(reflectMap, reDirES).rgb * specPow * extraColor.g;
	vec3 reflColor = textureCube(reflectMap, reDirES).rgb;
	vec3 diffColor = (unitDiffuseLight * nvDOTlv) + unitAmbientLight * 1.25;  //boost light values

	reflColor = mix(diffColor, reflColor, extraColor.g);
	reflColor += extraColor.r;

	gl_FragColor = basicColor;
	gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(mix(gl_FragColor.rgb, gl_Color.rgb, gl_FragColor.a));
	gl_FragColor.rgb = gl_FragColor.rgb * reflColor + specColor;

	if(haveShadows != 0)
	vec2 tc = vec2(gl_TexCoord[3].s, gl_TexCoord[3].t);

	float depth =  texture2D(shadowMap, tc).z;
	if (depth <  0.05)
		gl_FragColor.rgb = gl_FragColor.rgb * vec3(extraColor.r + unitAmbientLight.r + extraColor.g, extraColor.r + unitAmbientLight.g + extraColor.g, extraColor.r + unitAmbientLight.b + extraColor.g);

		if (basicColor.a > 0.0)
			gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(mix(gl_FragColor.rgb, gl_Color.rgb, basicColor.a));
	gl_FragColor.a   = extraColor.a;

	uniformInt = {
	textureS3O1 = 0,
	textureS3O2 = 1,
	reflectMap  = 2,
	normalMap   = 3,
	shadowMap   = 4,
	uniform = {
	treeMove = 0,
	shaderTime = 0,
	unitAmbientLight = {glGetSun("ambient", "unit")},
	unitDiffuseLight = {glGetSun("diffuse", "unit")},
	uniformMatrix = {
	shadowMatrix = {glGetMatrixData("shadow")},

	return s

function gadget:Initialize()
	if (glCreateShader == nil) then
		Spring.Echo("[unit_normalmap_shader:Initialize] no shader support")
		runShader = 0

	luaShader = CreateShader1()
	if (luaShader == nil) then
		Spring.Echo("[unit_normalmap_shader:Initialize] shader1 compilation failed")
		runShader = 0
		Spring.Echo("[unit_normalmap_shader:Initialize] shader1 compilation successful")
		runShader = 1

	if runShader == 1 then

	for unitDefID, unitDef in pairs(UnitDefs) do
		if (unitDef.customParams.normalmaps == "yes") then
			normalMapNames[unitDefID] = {"unittextures/" .. unitDef.customParams.normalmap_name, true, true}
		if (unitDef.customParams.tree_move == "yes") then
			treeMoveList[unitDefID] = 1
	local unitNumber = Spring.GetAllUnits()
	if #unitNumber ~= nil then
		for i,k in ipairs(unitNumber) do
			local unitDef = Spring.GetUnitDefID(k)
			if normalMapNames[unitDef] or treeMoveList[unitDef] then

function gadget:Shutdown()
	for unitDefID, _ in pairs(UnitDefs) do
		if (preDisplayLists[unitDefID] ~= nil) then
			for i = 0, 1024 do
				if (preDisplayLists[unitDefID][i] ~= nil) then glDeleteList(preDisplayLists[unitDefID][i]) end
				if (pstDisplayLists[unitDefID][i] ~= nil) then glDeleteList(pstDisplayLists[unitDefID][i]) end

function gadget:RecvFromSynced(fun, unitID)
	if runShader == 1 then
		if (fun == "MyUnitCrea") then MyUnitCrea(unitID) return true end
		if (fun == "MyUnitDest") then MyUnitDest(unitID) return true end
	return false

local loaded,dt,diffTime,oldTime = 0,0,0,0
function gadget:DrawWorld()
	loaded = 0
	dt = Spring.GetLastUpdateSeconds()
	diffTime = oldTime + dt
	oldTime = diffTime

------------------------------------------------------------DRAW THE UNIT
function gadget:DrawUnit(unitID, gameDrawMode)	
	if gameDrawMode == 1 and runShader == 1 then
	--if runShader == 1 then
	if loaded == 0 then
		loaded = 1

		glUniformMatrix(luaShaderLocs.cameraInvMatrixLoc, glGetMatrixData("caminv")) -- Spring 0.78.2.*
		glUniformInt(luaShaderLocs.haveShadowsLoc, ((sprHaveShadows() and 1) or 0))

		if (sprHaveShadows()) then
			glUniform(luaShaderLocs.shadowParamsLoc, glGetShadowMapParams())
			glUniform(luaShaderLocs.shadowDensityLoc, glGetSun("shadowDensity", "unit"))

	if treeMove[unitID] then
		glUniform(luaShaderLocs.treeMoveLoc, treeMove[unitID])
		glUniform(luaShaderLocs.treeMoveLoc, 0.0)

	glUnitRaw(unitID, true)
	return true
		return false
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Forboding Angel
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Re: Normal Maps / Depth Maps - Testers Needed! V1.0

Post by Forboding Angel »

Your modifications for some reason cause a massive framerate drop for me on my 9600 GT :-/
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Re: Normal Maps / Depth Maps - Testers Needed! V1.0

Post by Argh »

Are you sure it's not a CPU use problem, as opposed to GPU?

Are you trying to run it in MT Spring or single-thread? A current SVN build, or .81? Kind've important to know what the situation is, the current version reflects some changes that were made while .82 was still pretty badly broken, amongst other things.
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Re: Normal Maps / Depth Maps - Testers Needed! V1.0

Post by Forboding Angel »

Single thread
Current Spring release
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Re: Normal Maps / Depth Maps - Testers Needed! V1.0

Post by AF »

It doesn't matter since under the same environment the new code is slower, as such you not foreboding are the best to diagnose if it is a CPU or a gpu since you know what is different and how your code works as well as how it is intended to work. Attempting to deflect on to forebodings environment is non-productive.
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Forboding Angel
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Re: Normal Maps / Depth Maps - Testers Needed! V1.0

Post by Forboding Angel »

On a side note, with his modifications, the normal maps show up very sharply. I couldn't decide how much I like it because to some degree the teamcolors could get a little washed out, but it was nice.
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Re: Normal Maps / Depth Maps - Testers Needed! V1.0

Post by Argh »

@AF: No.

1. Hardware responses to GLSL often differ fairly markedly.

2. I have no idea about where he's hitting the wall.

Maybe this massive FPS loss started after he put a normalmap on a single character, and everything else is using ARB? Then it's obviously CPU, as the shader would have to be unbelievably slow to account for that. So yeah, I need to know some details, I'm used to testing in an environment where nothing uses any ARB any more, other than weapon projectiles...
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Re: Normal Maps / Depth Maps - Testers Needed! V1.0

Post by AF »

Im sorry for mis-wording my post you must not have understood.

His hardware is identical, as is his spring version, as is his machine, as is his OS. His environment has not differed, yet he reports a difference in performance, where the only change is your code.

Since the only variable factor here is old Argh code versus new Argh code, my point was that asking for reports on hardware changes when the user has reported that identical set up is used, is a waste of your time and theirs, and that since the major change is your code, therefore you are in a far better position to understand theoretically and practically why the reported results could occur, and this is where your efforts should be directed
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Re: Normal Maps / Depth Maps - Testers Needed! V1.0

Post by Argh »

I didn't ask the questions out of idle curiosity, AF.

It's entirely germane to me how Forb is testing things. I don't plan to spend time on this for at least a week, and I will not be able to sink much time into it, so it's very important that I know exactly what the test conditions were.

Please refrain from further posts here, you're being argumentative and you're not contributing anything useful.

Or, if you want to contribute something constructive, read the code and tell me what might be causing the problem. Who knows, maybe there's an obvious problem with a loop or whatever. I haven't looked at this code in 2 months or more, so maybe I left in a cute glitch or three. I even forget what I playing around with after I put the vertex animation stuff in for foliage, etc.

Feel free to actually do something useful here, otherwise butt out, please.
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Forboding Angel
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Re: Normal Maps / Depth Maps - Testers Needed! V1.0

Post by Forboding Angel »

Actually AF is entirely correct. Use original Kloot code, go ingame, spawn a unit, normalicy occurs.

Drop in argh+kloot code as a replacement, go ingame, on the same map, spawn the same unit, framerate gets axed by 2/3rds.

As AF said, nothing changed on my end except me dropping in that code. The moment I saw my frames plummet I restarted spring and tested again with even more units, things go from bad to worse.

Revert code, do the same thing over again, everything is normal.

Seriously, in your project, drop in kloots original code and check your framerate, the drop in your modifications and check your framerate. If you don't see a marked difference then there is something seriously messed up. Also, I noticed some shadow artifacts (shadows on the model where they shouldn't be, etc) as well.
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Re: Normal Maps / Depth Maps - Testers Needed! V1.0

Post by Argh »

You still haven't answered my central question, though.

Is CPU use rising remarkably in the rendering cycle (i.e., is DrawWorld now a bigger part of the total load), or is it all GPU related (i.e., nothing looks really different, but FPS goes in the toilet)?

Knowing which way to look would be a huge benefit. The original code can't just be "dropped into my project" for a "quick peek" like you're suggesting- the GLSL doesn't compile on this hardware.

So I really need to know where I am supposed to be looking for problems before I kill a couple of days on this sometime soonish.

If it's the GLSL, it's going to be a fairly easy fix, probably, because it's probably related to the silly branching stuff I did to make the vertex animations work and other stuff, and that can all get cut pretty easily.

I was going to write a specific foliage shader anyhow, because the current design is fairly horrible, but was meant to be a technical demo mainly, and because it was a fun thing to try out. It may very well be that that is killing your GPU.

If it's CPU, it depends on what happens if I merely transpose the shader over to the original Lua and fire up a current SVN build of Spring. It may be as easy as that, it may not, depending on whether certain things in Spring ever got fixed.
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Forboding Angel
Evolution RTS Developer
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Joined: 17 Nov 2005, 02:43

Re: Normal Maps / Depth Maps - Testers Needed! V1.0

Post by Forboding Angel »

I'm not sure how helpful this will be because it doesn't seem to show a whole lot, but with your code implemented, the moment I start moving the camera around and stuff, my fps cries in the corner and starts cutting itself.

Without your code:

With your code:

It was enough of a drop that I actually mentioned it, which should tell you something. If it had been a drop of 5 fps or a little more I would have called it an acceptable loss and moved on with my life, but when I actually started moving the camera around and ordering units, it was immediately apparent that something was wrong.

I mean, it's pretty obvious when I give the comm a move order and the animation is real real super choppy instead of butter smooth like normal. I immediately knew something was wrong.

Your additions are nice because it makes the normalmaps REALLY stand out even at a distance, but it washes out the teamcolor a lot more than I care for :-/
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