Status of melee weapons. - Page 2

Status of melee weapons.

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Re: Status of melee weapons.

Post by azaremoth »

knorke wrote:Problem I found with short ranged "melee weapons" was that when in close distance (like it happens in melee combat) weapons refuse to fire sometimes. (also a problem with CT's mining if the weapon range is set too low) I think it has to do with hitvolumes intersecting or emit points being inside a hitvolume(?)
As you said. The hitspheres and footprint sizes need to be adjusted carefully for all units or targetborder won't work as soon as the emit point is inside the targeted sphere. Take a look at The Cursed - there should be no buildings/big units left that can't be attacked properly with melee weapons.
smoth wrote: Unit stops in place does swing animation..
Rapid fires a weapon forward.
Target get hit by weapon call...
Chance to block if direction comes from front...
If success target does block animation...

Thoughts guise?
I had the vague idea of using HitByWeapon in the lua animation scripts to "fake" blocking by returning zero damage (and play an animation) if the weapon is fired from the front and is melee. I never did actually try it though...
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Re: Status of melee weapons.

Post by azaremoth »

Here is an experimental parry script. You can see that units only parry when they are not just attacking (first few hits).

What does it do:
- check: is the attacking weapon a melee weapon?
- check: is the attack coming from the front of the unit?
- check: is the unit currently attacking?
- check: is the unit already parrying something?

It might be of interest for Smoth and CarRepairer (CA:K).

Code: Select all


local attacking, parried, isparrying

function script.parry()
	if math.random()>0.33 then
		parried = true

function script.HitByWeapon ( x, z, weaponDefID, damage )
	parried = false
	GG.CheckParriableWeapon(unitID, weaponDefID)
	if (parried and (z>0)) then
		if ((not attacking) and (not isparrying)) then
			isparrying = true		

function script.AimWeapon1(heading, pitch)
	randomsleeptime = math.random(50)
	if isparring then
		return false
	return true

function script.Shot1()

	if attacking then
	if isparrying then
	isparrying = false

Code: Select all


if (not gadgetHandler:IsSyncedCode()) then
   return false

local parriableWeaponDefs = {}

local function CallUnitScript(unitID, funcName, ...)
	Spring.UnitScript.CallAsUnit(unitID, Spring.UnitScript.GetScriptEnv(unitID).script[funcName], ...)

function gadget:Initialize()
	for i=1,#WeaponDefs do
		if (WeaponDefs[i].description =="Melee") then
			parriableWeaponDefs[i] = 0.98

function GG.CheckParriableWeapon(unitID, weaponDefID)
	if not parriableWeaponDefs[weaponDefID] then return end
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Re: Status of melee weapons.

Post by knorke »

video looks like from The Settlers 2. :-)

That is how I would do it too, with one difference:
Instead of doing
if (parried ...

I would put that into the gadget like

if (meleeUnits[unitID].parried ...

You can start the animations from the gadget.
One problem might be that gadget:UnitPreDamaged() does not get the direction of the attack. Maybe GetUnitHeading could be used to see if attacker/defender are facing each other etc.
Advantage would be to only have animation stuff in the unitscript while the logic stuff would be in all in the gadget. (and not multiple times in several unit scripts, so if you change something there it just needs to be changed in one place)

just wondering is
the same as
function MeleeAnimations()
or what does this do?
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Re: Status of melee weapons.

Post by smoth »

knorke wrote:(also a problem with CT's mining if the weapon range is set too low) I think it has to do with hitvolumes intersecting or emit points being inside a hitvolume(?)
yeah something like that happens. if a firepoint goes inside a unit. The shooter cannot shoot. it is a really dumb spring "feature" that makes me rage on a regular basis.
knorke wrote:But I think best would be a gadget that keeps track of all melee units.
ie their recharge, blocking status, and if a attack was blocked.
The gadget would then deal out damage via AddUnitDamage() and use CallAsUnit() to notify units what animation to play (attack/block/hit)
For gundam this would be damn near all units. Wouldn't that be pretty expensive and have to update frequently?
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Re: Status of melee weapons.

Post by azaremoth »

knorke wrote: That is how I would do it too, with one difference:
Instead of doing
if (parried ...

I would put that into the gadget like

if (meleeUnits[unitID].parried ...

You can start the animations from the gadget.
One problem might be that gadget:UnitPreDamaged() does not get the direction of the attack. Maybe GetUnitHeading could be used to see if attacker/defender are facing each other etc.
Advantage would be to only have animation stuff in the unitscript while the logic stuff would be in all in the gadget. (and not multiple times in several unit scripts, so if you change something there it just needs to be changed in one place)
Actually that was my first try. As you said - it is more difficult to get the direction of the attack. When you do it in the animation script you can easily get the incoming attack as a direction in unit-space. Thus no math or complicated scripting is needed. It is the lazy way. You could use the non-amination part of the script as a module (inculde) in the animation scripts if you want to avoid changes to multiple scripts.
knorke wrote:just wondering is
the same as
function MeleeAnimations()
or what does this do?
As far as I can see it is the same.
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Re: Status of melee weapons.

Post by CarRepairer »

Oh yeah I made one a while ago but I forgot about it.

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Re: Status of melee weapons.

Post by smoth »

what happens when they move around?
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Re: Status of melee weapons.

Post by CarRepairer »

Then it looks dumb. I never finished it.
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