AZERTY keyboard and uikeys.txt

AZERTY keyboard and uikeys.txt

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AZERTY keyboard and uikeys.txt

Post by BlueTemplar »

Sometimes the remapping doesn't work, even with key codes.

For instance I'd like to bind drawinmap to ² (the key under Escape), and I've tried both ² and Any+0x0B2 (B2 is hex for 0178) , but neither of these does work.

Something else I found recently: I was very frustrated with the "wait" activating when trying to change the position of buildings. Here's the solution:

Code: Select all

unbind              Any+z  buildspacing inc
bind              Any+w  buildspacing inc
unbind                  w  wait
unbind                  Any+w  wait
unbind                  Shift+w  wait
bind                  z  wait
unbind            Shift+w  wait queued
unbind            Any+w  wait queued
unbind            w  wait queued
bind            Shift+z  wait queued
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Re: AZERTY keyboard and uikeys.txt

Post by Gys »

i have an AZERTY keyboard but the Ctrl+1 to define a group doesn't work :(
Do u know how can i fix it?
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Re: AZERTY keyboard and uikeys.txt

Post by manolo_ »

tried alt+shift (switching between german (or what ever) and english keyboard layout)
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Re: AZERTY keyboard and uikeys.txt

Post by Gys »

I finally found the answer here (for french keyboard)
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Re: AZERTY keyboard and uikeys.txt

Post by trepan »

The 'keysym' uikeys.txt keyword can be used to
make the file more readable if you're using a lot
of hexadecimal keycodes.
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Re: AZERTY keyboard and uikeys.txt

Post by bashar »

up to this old thread.
I've problem with my own french azerty keyboard, can't :
- change space between build
- slowdown or speedup (do volume up or down instead...)
- can't use group 6 (volume down instead).

there is my uikeys.txt content. I added some command at the end, following recommandations I found on some thread or wiki, but no success about the three problem I describe (but it's ok for the other add I did in the file, like I can now draw on map, I can change build orientation too).


Code: Select all

//  -----------------------------

//  Quick Notes:
//  1. The built-in default bindings are always loaded. If you wish
//     to override them, use the unbindall and unbind commands
//     to delete them at the beginning of your 'uikeys.txt'.
//  2. More then one action can be bound to a specific keyset. The
//     actions for any given keyset are tried in the order that they
//     were bound. The first currently available command that matches
//     an action is used.
//  3. As a slight modification to the above note, keysets that use
//     the 'Any' modifier are tried after those that do not use it.
//  4. A keyset using the Shift modifier should be bound with its
//     unshifted key  (ex: bind  "Shift+."  instead of  "Shift+>" )

//  Commands that can be used in this file:
//    unbindall
//    ---------
//    - removes all bindings, and adds "bind enter chat"
//      (one of the other unbind commands can get rid of that one)
//    - good for deleting the default bindings
//    keysym <name> <keycode>
//    -----------------------
//    - add a custom key symbol  (the default key symbols can not be overriden)
//    - name must start with a letter, and only contain letters, numbers, and '_'
//    - the <keycode> can be a currently recognized keysym
//      (ex:  "keysym menu 0x13F"  or  "keysym radar r")
//    fakemeta <keysym>
//    -----------------
//    - assign an auxiliary key for the Meta modifier ("space" is a good choice)
//    - use "fakemeta none" to disable this feature
//    bind <keyset> <action>
//    ----------------------
//    - appends the action to the keyset's list of actions
//    - the action can be just a command, or a command with arguments
//    unbind <keyset> <action>
//    ------------------------
//    - removes the action from the keyset's list of actions
//    - both the action and the keyset must match
//    unbindkeyset <keyset>
//    ---------------------
//    - removes all bindings that use the keyset
//    unbindaction <action>
//    ---------------------
//    - removes all bindings that use the action  (command that is, a misnomer)
//  * NOTE: These commands can also be run from the chat line in-game using
//          the slash command syntax  (/bind, /unbind, etc...)

//  Keyset Format:
//    A keyset is a combination of keys, the main key and its modifiers.
//    Here are some examples:
//      bind            a  fake_action
//      bind       Ctrl+a  fake_action
//      bind          C+a  fake_action
//      bind Ctrl+Shift+a  fake_action
//      bind          *+a  fake_action
//    The format then goes like this:
//      [<Modifier>+]...[<Modifier>+]<keysym>
//    The modifiers (and their abbreviations), are:
//      Any   (*)
//      Alt   (A)
//      Ctrl  (C)
//      Meta  (M)
//      Shift (S)
//    The special 'Any' modifier makes it so that the keyset matches
//    regardless of the current state of the real modifiers.
//    The known keysyms (key symbols), are listed at the end of this file.
//    If you want to use a key that is unknown to Spring, then you may use
//    the hexadecimal notation. Here are two equivalent bindings:
//      bind Ctrl+0x20  firestate 0  // hold fire
//      bind Ctrl+space firestate 0  // hold fire

//  Extra Run-Time Commands
//    /keyload   : loads the uikeys.txt bindings  (does not clear current bindings)
//    /keyreload : loads the uikeys.txt bindings  (clears current bindings first)
//    /keysave   : save current bindings to 'uikeys.tmp'  (NOTE: 'tmp' vs. 'txt')
//    /keysyms   : prints the known keysyms to standard out
//    /keycodes  : prints the known keycodes to standard out
//    /keyprint  : prints the current bindings to standard out
//    /keydebug  : prints debugging information to standard out (for each keystroke)

//  Hotbinding:
//    The default bindings include the 'hotbind' (Ctrl+insert) and
//    'hotunbind' (Ctrl+delete) capabilities. Place the mouse cursor over one
//    of the control panel icons (normal command or build command), and press
//    Ctrl+insert. Spring will then ask for a keyset, which will then have the
//    icon's command immediately appended to its list of actions. Placing the
//    mouse cursor over an icon and hitting Ctrl+delete will delete all bindings
//    associated with that icon's command.

//  Default Bindings:
//  fakemeta          space
//  bind                esc  quitmenu
//  bind     Ctrl+Shift+esc  quitforce
//  bind          Any+enter  chat
//  bind          Alt+enter  chatally
//  bind          Alt+enter  chatswitchally
//  bind         Ctrl+enter  chatall
//  bind         Ctrl+enter  chatswitchall
//  bind        Shift+enter  chatspec
//  bind        Shift+enter  chatswitchspec
//  bind          Any+enter  edit_return
//  bind         Any+escape  edit_escape
//  bind            Any+tab  edit_complete
//  bind      Any+backspace  edit_backspace
//  bind         Any+delete  edit_delete
//  bind           Alt+left  edit_home
//  bind           Any+home  edit_home
//  bind          Alt+right  edit_end
//  bind            Any+end  edit_end
//  bind           Any+left  edit_prev_char
//  bind          Any+right  edit_next_char
//  bind          Ctrl+left  edit_prev_word
//  bind         Ctrl+right  edit_next_word
//  bind             Any+up  edit_prev_line
//  bind           Any+down  edit_next_line
//  bind             Ctrl+v  pastetext
//  bind          Any+pause  pause
//  bind              Any+j  mouse2
//  bind          backspace  mousestate
//  bind    Shift+backspace  togglecammode
//  bind     Ctrl+backspace  togglecammode
//  bind              Any+i  gameinfo
//  bind              Any+l  togglelos
//  bind              Any+;  toggleradarandjammer
//  bind            Any+tab  toggleoverview
//  bind                  ,  prevmenu
//  bind                  .  nextmenu
//  bind            Shift+,  decguiopacity
//  bind            Shift+.  incguiopacity
//  bind        Ctrl+insert  hotbind
//  bind        Ctrl+delete  hotunbind
//  bind              Any++  speedup
//  bind              Any+=  speedup
//  bind              Any+-  slowdown
//  bind         Any+insert  speedup
//  bind         Any+delete  slowdown
//  bind        Any+numpad+  speedup
//  bind        Any+numpad-  slowdown
//  bind              Alt+b  debug
//  bind              Alt+v  debugcolvol
//  bind              Alt+o  singlestep
//  bind              Any+h  sharedialog
//  bind              Any+c  controlunit
//  bind             Ctrl+t  trackmode
//  bind              Any+t  track

//  bind              Any+\  drawinmap
//  bind           Any+0xa7  drawinmap
//  bind           Any+home  increaseViewRadius
//  bind            Any+end  decreaseViewRadius
//  bind             Any+up  moveforward
//  bind           Any+down  moveback
//  bind          Any+right  moveright
//  bind           Any+left  moveleft
//  bind         Any+pageup  moveup
//  bind       Any+pagedown  movedown
//  bind          Any+shift  movefast
//  bind           Any+ctrl  moveslow
//  bind                  1  specteam 0
//  bind                  2  specteam 1
//  bind                  3  specteam 2
//  bind                  4  specteam 3
//  bind                  5  specteam 4
//  bind                  6  specteam 5
//  bind                  7  specteam 6
//  bind                  8  specteam 7
//  bind                  9  specteam 8
//  bind                  0  specteam 9
//  bind             Ctrl+1  specteam 10
//  bind             Ctrl+2  specteam 11
//  bind             Ctrl+3  specteam 12
//  bind             Ctrl+4  specteam 13
//  bind             Ctrl+5  specteam 14
//  bind             Ctrl+6  specteam 15
//  bind             Ctrl+7  specteam 16
//  bind             Ctrl+8  specteam 17
//  bind             Ctrl+9  specteam 18
//  bind             Ctrl+0  specteam 19
//  bind              Any+0  group0
//  bind              Any+1  group1
//  bind              Any+2  group2
//  bind              Any+3  group3
//  bind              Any+4  group4
//  bind              Any+5  group5
//  bind              Any+6  group6
//  bind              Any+7  group7
//  bind              Any+8  group8
//  bind              Any+9  group9
// bind              Any+z  buildspacing inc
// bind              Any+x  buildspacing dec
//  bind                  [  buildfacing inc
//  bind            Shift+[  buildfacing inc
//  bind                  ]  buildfacing dec
//  bind            Shift+]  buildfacing dec

//  bind                  a  attack
//  bind            Shift+a  attack
//  bind              Alt+a  areaattack
//  bind        Alt+Shift+a  areaattack
//  bind                  d  manualfire
//  bind            Shift+d  manualfire
//  bind             Ctrl+d  selfd
//  bind       Ctrl+Shift+d  selfd queued
//  bind                  e  reclaim
//  bind            Shift+e  reclaim
//  bind                  f  fight
//  bind            Shift+f  fight
//  bind              Alt+f  forcestart
//  bind                  g  guard
//  bind            Shift+g  guard
//  bind                  k  cloak
//  bind            Shift+k  cloak
//  bind                  l  loadunits
//  bind            Shift+l  loadunits
//  bind                  m  move
//  bind            Shift+m  move
//  bind                  p  patrol
//  bind            Shift+p  patrol
//  bind                  r  repair
//  bind            Shift+r  repair
//  bind                  s  stop
//  bind            Shift+s  stop
//  bind                  u  unloadunits
//  bind            Shift+u  unloadunits
//  bind                  w  wait
//  bind            Shift+w  wait queued
//  bind                  x  onoff
//  bind            Shift+x  onoff
//  bind                  q  groupselect
//  bind                  q  groupadd
//  bind             Ctrl+q  aiselect
//  bind            Shift+q  groupclear
//  bind            Ctrl+f1  viewfps
//  bind            Ctrl+f2  viewta
//  bind            Ctrl+f3  viewtw
//  bind            Ctrl+f4  viewrot
//  bind             Any+f1  showElevation
//  bind             Any+f2  ShowPathTraversability
//  bind             Any+f3  LastMsgPos
//  bind             Any+f4  ShowMetalMap
//  bind             Any+f5  hideinterface
//  bind             Any+f6  NoSound
//  bind             Any+f7  dynamicSky
//  bind      Ctrl+Shift+f8  savegame
//  bind             Any+f9  showhealthbars
//  bind     Ctrl+Shift+f10  createvideo
//  bind            Any+f11  screenshot
//  bind            Any+f12  screenshot
//  bind             Ctrl+a  select AllMap++_ClearSelection_SelectAll+
//  bind             Ctrl+b  select AllMap+_Builder_Idle+_ClearSelection_SelectOne+
//  bind             Ctrl+c  select AllMap+_ManualFireUnit+_ClearSelection_SelectOne+
//  bind             Ctrl+r  select AllMap+_Radar+_ClearSelection_SelectAll+
//  bind             Ctrl+v  select AllMap+_Not_Builder_Not_Commander_InPrevSel_Not_InHotkeyGroup+_SelectAll+
//  bind             Ctrl+w  select AllMap+_Not_Aircraft_Weapons+_ClearSelection_SelectAll+
//  bind             Ctrl+x  select AllMap+_InPrevSel_Not_InHotkeyGroup+_SelectAll+
//  bind             Ctrl+z  select AllMap+_InPrevSel+_ClearSelection_SelectAll+

//  Key Symbol    Key Code
//  ----------    --------
//  !             0x021
//  "             0x022
//  #             0x023
//  $             0x024
//  %             0x025
//  &             0x026
//  '             0x027
//  (             0x028
//  )             0x029
//  *             0x02A
//  +             0x02B
//  ,             0x02C
//  -             0x02D
//  .             0x02E
//  /             0x02F
//  0             0x030
//  1             0x031
//  2             0x032
//  3             0x033
//  4             0x034
//  5             0x035
//  6             0x036
//  7             0x037
//  8             0x038
//  9             0x039
//  :             0x03A
//  ;             0x03B
//  <             0x03C
//  =             0x03D
//  >             0x03E
//  ?             0x03F
//  @             0x040
//  [             0x05B
//  \             0x05C
//  ]             0x05D
//  ^             0x05E
//  _             0x05F
//  `             0x060
//  a             0x061
//  alt           0x134
//  b             0x062
//  backspace     0x008
//  c             0x063
//  clear         0x00C
//  ctrl          0x132
//  d             0x064
//  delete        0x07F
//  down          0x112
//  e             0x065
//  end           0x117
//  enter         0x00D
//  esc           0x01B
//  escape        0x01B
//  f             0x066
//  f1            0x11A
//  f10           0x123
//  f11           0x124
//  f12           0x125
//  f13           0x126
//  f14           0x127
//  f15           0x128
//  f2            0x11B
//  f3            0x11C
//  f4            0x11D
//  f5            0x11E
//  f6            0x11F
//  f7            0x120
//  f8            0x121
//  f9            0x122
//  g             0x067
//  h             0x068
//  home          0x116
//  i             0x069
//  insert        0x115
//  j             0x06A
//  joy0          0x12C
//  joy1          0x12D
//  joy2          0x12E
//  joy3          0x12F
//  joy4          0x130
//  joy5          0x131
//  joy6          0x132
//  joy7          0x133
//  joydown       0x141
//  joyleft       0x142
//  joyright      0x143
//  joyup         0x140
//  joyw          0x193
//  joyx          0x190
//  joyy          0x191
//  joyz          0x192
//  k             0x06B
//  l             0x06C
//  left          0x114
//  m             0x06D
//  meta          0x136
//  n             0x06E
//  numpad*       0x10C
//  numpad+       0x10E
//  numpad-       0x10D
//  numpad.       0x10A
//  numpad/       0x10B
//  numpad0       0x100
//  numpad1       0x101
//  numpad2       0x102
//  numpad3       0x103
//  numpad4       0x104
//  numpad5       0x105
//  numpad6       0x106
//  numpad7       0x107
//  numpad8       0x108
//  numpad9       0x109
//  numpad=       0x110
//  numpad_enter  0x10F
//  o             0x06F
//  p             0x070
//  pagedown      0x119
//  pageup        0x118
//  pause         0x013
//  printscreen   0x13C
//  q             0x071
//  r             0x072
//  return        0x00D
//  right         0x113
//  s             0x073
//  shift         0x130
//  space         0x020
//  t             0x074
//  tab           0x009
//  u             0x075
//  up            0x111
//  v             0x076
//  w             0x077
//  x             0x078
//  y             0x079
//  z             0x07A
//  {             0x07B
//  |             0x07C
//  }             0x07D
//  ~             0x07E

bind     c capture
bind              Any+*  drawinmap

unbind  Any+-  slowdown
bind 0x26 specteam 1
bind Any+0x26 group1
bind 0xe9 specteam 2
bind Any+0xe9 group2
bind 0x22 specteam 3
bind Any+0x22 group3
bind 0x27 specteam 4
bind Any+0x27 group4
bind 0x28 specteam 5
bind Any+0x28 group5
bind 0x2d specteam 6
bind Any+0x2d group6
bind 0xe8 specteam 7
bind Any+0xe8 group7
bind 0x5f specteam 8
bind Any+0x5f group8
bind 0xe7 specteam 9
bind Any+0xe7 group9
bind 0xe0 specteam 0
bind Any+0xe0 group0

bind        Any+numpad+  speedup
bind        Any+numpad-  slowdown
bind            numpad2  buildfacing  south
bind            numpad4  buildfacing  west
bind            numpad6  buildfacing  east
bind            numpad8  buildfacing  north

bind            Any+0x05E  buildspacing inc
bind            Any+0x024  buildspacing dec

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Re: AZERTY keyboard and uikeys.txt

Post by Jools »

bashar wrote:up to this old thread.
- slowdown or speedup (do volume up or down instead...)
XTA and also BA I think changed slowdown/speedup to be alt and +/-, and volume keys to be +/-. If you want to remap those I think you should use:

Code: Select all

bind +/- speedup/slowdown
and edit the snd_volume_osd widget correspondingly. Grab it from here and put a local version on spring/luaui/widgets folder: ... me_osd.lua

(it has a configuation of pluskey and minuskey, I think those numeric codes are the ones you find in uikeys.txt)
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Re: AZERTY keyboard and uikeys.txt

Post by knorke »

Which game?
Since a while the games have begun to add their own hotkey-things intead of just uikeys.txt
For example in in Balanced Annihilation the keys that used to be build-spacing are now to cycle through mexes/energy buildings.
List is here:
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Re: AZERTY keyboard and uikeys.txt

Post by bashar »

I tried XTA and BA.
Ok Jools, indeed alt+ +/- is ok for speeding up/down the game, thx.

Knorke, I'l check the link you provided. I 'll give u feedback (in around a week cause im going away of my PC for holidays now ^^)
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Re: AZERTY keyboard and uikeys.txt

Post by bashar »

Ok so it works.
But it's a bit confusing : indeed I dont have same keys for BA and XTA to inc/dec buildspace (B and N in BA, Z and X in XTA),
and the set of data in uikeys.txt seems ok for some action (like buildfacing) but not ok for anothers (like buildspace).

But maybe I don't use uikeys.txt as it should be ....
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Re: AZERTY keyboard and uikeys.txt

Post by Jools »

Ba has some widget that overrides the values you set in uikeys. I have these default bindings in uikeys, but you can set them as you wish, and maybe ba people can tell you what widget to disable or edit...

Code: Select all

//  bind              Any+z  buildspacing inc
//  bind              Any+x  buildspacing dec
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