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Future of BAR

Posted: 21 Aug 2017, 20:36
by abma
It seems beherith changed the license of BAR: ... version=42

so with my understanding it is now allowed to be cloned to github?!

old license:

new license:

did beherith post somewhere some official about this change?

Re: Future of BAR

Posted: 21 Aug 2017, 20:45
by Silentwings
Fyi: Neither CC-BY-ND or CC-BY-NC-SA prevents making a copy on github.

Re: Future of BAR

Posted: 21 Aug 2017, 20:49
by abma
yeah, but cloning to github without beeing allowed to make changes isn't this useful :-|

CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 allows redistribute with changes! :-) :-) :-)

Re: Future of BAR

Posted: 23 Aug 2017, 14:55
by Beherith
Indeed, the license is now clear. Sorry for not changing it earlier, but I had plans without time or energy to follow through.

Re: Future of BAR

Posted: 23 Aug 2017, 14:58
by gajop
Either way, thanks for the response. What is your opinion about hosting it on Github?
And is there anyone/any organization (e.g. current BA team, Spring team, etc.) you would like to maintain the project in the future?

Re: Future of BAR

Posted: 24 Aug 2017, 17:42
by PicassoCT
We need a hosting service called alcoholics.

That would be the future of bar.

Great you came back sovthat the project can live.

Ps: Spring is all familydevs now. I can't wait for the first hostilities between the morally outraged Mums of spring and the avant-disgust-garde like myself.

If you truly love me honey, ask yourself what would jesus do with somebody like Picasso.
I mean yes.. he produced him in the first place...

Anyway you are missed here.

Re: Future of BAR

Posted: 24 Aug 2017, 21:24
by abma
Either way, thanks for the response. What is your opinion about hosting it on Github?
And is there anyone/any organization (e.g. current BA team, Spring team, etc.) you would like to maintain the project in the future?
i wouldn't expect a response from Beherith :-|

gajop wrote:And is there anyone/any organization (e.g. current BA team, Spring team, etc.) you would like to maintain the project in the future?
BA would be nice, else i would prefer a dedicated organization. Not sure if it would fit well directly to the spring organization at github.

see my question: ... /issues/74

Re: Future of BAR

Posted: 24 Aug 2017, 23:39
by abma
send innovations: ... ed/BAR.sdd

thats atm just a suggestion. not sure if names, etc are fine. Can be simple deleted / renamed, but the longer it exists the more difficult it will be :-)

i personally can only help in creating a release / fix small stuff / test. I basicly fail in creating (new) content :-)

if nobody is against this i'll switch rapid to the git repository and try to fix blocking stuff and create a bar:stable tag / release.

i'm afk this weekend... so next week i (try to) start doing this if nobody stops me :)

Re: Future of BAR

Posted: 24 Aug 2017, 23:44
by Silentwings

Re: Future of BAR

Posted: 04 Sep 2017, 21:15
by abma
ok, my conclusion: rapid uses ... ed/BAR.sdd for syncing as svn support needs to be dropped as the svn-rapid stuff sucks and very likely will fail to compile / config will break when upgrading/migrating the OS on the server.

the git repo should be kept in sync with the svn repo. (hopefully) all involved persons got an invitation as project admin to the BAR organization on github.

also made a dedicated forum for BAR, so it hopefully gets more attention / the kudos it deserves.

Re: Future of BAR

Posted: 15 Dec 2019, 10:49
by IceXuick
FYI: BAR has been worked on continuously in the past year and a halve.

We're actively polishing up the game, doing awesome visual updates pushing the overall quality of the game, the interface and graphics. Also since december 2018 there have been upgraded and new unit models and animations for almost 20 units, but even more impactfull, BAR now uses a special Physically Based Rendering (PBR) technique to show even more beautiful units.

Lobby, Server, Interface, Music, Website, Maps - we're practically polishing everything.
Check for more info:

Re: Future of BAR

Posted: 16 Dec 2019, 23:20
by abma
awesome! thanks for the update info!

Re: Future of BAR

Posted: 29 Dec 2019, 17:48
by FireStorm_
Can't say i agree with the the decision to revise or remove some of my models. :-)

I worked hard on them, trying to make them look fun and original, trying to make them distinguishable on battlefield while at the same time recognizable as child of their factory and part of their faction. Trying to make the look match their function. (Is that a submarine walking towards my base?) Yes, some of my models might look weird but that that wasn't by accident. :-)

And it's tricky using assets made by other contributors, trying not to end up with to much a mash-up of their styles, trying not to rip them off, trying not to discard their effort and work. Yet I am, to some extent, guilty of all those things.

So I understand the challenges, problems and process a project and its team go trough. (my comments are not so much critique, just advice maybe) :-)
And it's really cool to see our models used and BAR still being developed and worked on. Great work! That's really the main thing i wanted to say.

The website, and the stuff on it, looks awesome.
Good luck!

Re: Future of BAR

Posted: 29 Dec 2019, 21:16
by IceXuick
Thanks for the replies & feedback.
We're really happy to see people read this, and moreover, that previous contributors are also happy.

We are still (every day) in the process of developing BAR and learning new insights.
Regarding modelling: This is very hard and for each new model/tweak me make, we appreciate even more the work and dedication that has been put into the original BAR models. Most still are great and even now we still discuss some models we made a year ago, if perhaps the original isn't better, or has some unique look to them that made em:

- Recognizable
- Fit in the whole 'universe'
- Look fun and appropriate at the same time
- Match the ARM/Blue and CORE/Red factions
- Don't look like any other of the 391 units.

And also we've had lots of internal discussions about this, because in every group, there are multiple opinions.
Some want more realism, some want to try-out new stuff, some want to hold true to the original BAR set with it's look&feel, and all sorts of influences have passed along.

@Firestorm: Please join us on Discord and/or Trello - that's where we discuss models and looks.
Still every unit can be discussed - moreover - if there are real valid points/arguments for a unit change or revert they should be spoken about.
You are (of course) very welcome to join at this table. (and also about other stuff regarding BAR).

PS. We're on the verge of doing our first release and official download and installer/custom lobby.
Our first (alpha/soft) launch is planned for the (very) start of 2020.

Re: Future of BAR

Posted: 08 Feb 2020, 15:15
by IceXuick
We'll we've done a lot in the mean time, but we still need a (very) good plan for the lobby and install procedure as well.

But just to let you know what we've been doing:

- Full new set of strategic icons
- Full new set of buildpics
- UI upgrade
- PBR (which was pretty difficult to get right!)
- CAS (contrast adaptive sharpen)
- We have around 30 new/remodelled units (BAR units that's weren't as good as the rest) and were retextured and some even re-animated
- Retextured all construction units
- Expanded Texture atlas with camouflage and more
- Did quite some explosion improvements
- New smoke particles
- Re-did all AA weapons effects
- Re-did and added quite a lot of sound effects
- Redesigned and animated all cursors in 4 sizes
- Added quite a lot in-game voice notifications
- Added a totally new GameMode called #scavengers
- Did quite some AI things with DAI ba, DAI stai and DAI doo's variants
- We tried Chobby/Lobby... but no real succes there
- Added low-energy icons
- Colored LUPS/Fusion balls
- Redid a lot on shield-effects
- Removed some water-based/floating unit-variants

And some side projects like:

- Look into missions
- Build the new website
- Discussed naming/factions/lore
- Added music
- Tried to fix transport AI
- Optimized like 100 things (Floris at work!)
- Tested new config for units-type behaviour / max. slope tolerances
- Ally cursors lights/improvements
- Updated some weapons to look/feel better
- Tried all kinds of explosion effects/more "oompf" things...
- Working on Day Night Cycle

Also our new game mode called Scavengers:

Scavengers v1 are now a fact. As a game-up-spicer and generally a supplier of more destruction and fun.

We are continuing this and we want to include a survival mechanic to it, with an actual ending (super scav boss). So it's also possible to fully go into a scavenger survival mission and (hopefully) come out victorious!
Most awesome features imo:

- live/dynamic balancing
(Which only truly worked since 1-2 days ago)

- fluid 'tech-tree' also dynamically adjusting to the players

- basebuilding based on blueprints
just looks way cooler then regular AI bases.

- easy to adjust scaling/difficulty

- many systems that cope/work in many different situations.
For each battle, map and skill-level, Scavengers should have options to spice up each game.

But in the end, we still need a proper way to let people play it as easy as possible, with the right installer and right lobby.
So if there's anyone out there, please introduce yourself on our Discord channel:

Re: Future of BAR

Posted: 08 Feb 2020, 22:58
by ThinkSome
IceXuick wrote: 08 Feb 2020, 15:15 We'll we've done a lot in the mean time, but we still need a (very) good plan for the lobby and install procedure as well.
- We tried Chobby/Lobby... but no real succes there
- Look into missions
But in the end, we still need a proper way to let people play it as easy as possible, with the right installer and right lobby.
So if there's anyone out there, please introduce yourself on our Discord channel:
I am working on springlobby GUI, towards making it more newbie-friendly. I am always in the #springlobby channel if you want to chat, but I will not use proprietary software (discord).

zwzsg also has experience making installers (kernel panic).

Re: Future of BAR

Posted: 09 Feb 2020, 03:27
by zwzsg
ThinkSome wrote: 08 Feb 2020, 22:58zwzsg also has experience making installers (kernel panic).
And some basic save/load/mission.

Re: Future of BAR

Posted: 09 Feb 2020, 14:55
by IceXuick
Ah nice! Thanks for the feedback.
Too bad you're not on Discord - for us this works really well!

There are so many separate people working on Lobby's, it's just bizarre!
I think people should join forces and make just 1 really good one.

We're also checking out the Notalobby - you familiar with that one?

@ThinkSome do you have some examples of what you've accomplished so far? Some screenshots or even een working version?

Re: Future of BAR

Posted: 10 Feb 2020, 08:39
by PicassoCT
Lobbyism, it ruined springcracy. ;)

Re: Future of BAR

Posted: 10 Feb 2020, 20:06
by ThinkSome
IceXuick wrote: 09 Feb 2020, 14:55 There are so many separate people working on Lobby's, it's just bizarre!
I think people should join forces and make just 1 really good one.

We're also checking out the Notalobby - you familiar with that one?

@ThinkSome do you have some examples of what you've accomplished so far? Some screenshots or even een working version?
There are so many separate people working on games's, it's just bizarre!
I think people should join forces and make just 1 really good one.
:) On a more serious note, I think it is mostly a failure in communication and lack of agreement on how that "1 really good one should look like/be written". I am actually thinking about creating my very own lobby client.

I only know of NOTALobby (Notalobby? NotaLobby?) from screenshots. As the program is closed-source, I will not touch it. Pepeampere is the person to contact if you are interested in it.

My work is already in released Springlobby. There are also screenshots of WIP and finished-but-unreleased work around this forum in the various SL improvement threads and in issues on my framagit account -

Sadly, due to the used graphics library (wxWidgets), it is not possible to do some more advanced pretty-fication such as CSS theming.