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Map Competition: "Whats in a button?"

Posted: 29 Apr 2013, 16:28
by knorke
The trick is to make map that is smaller than a button.
They are about half megabyte, file sizes vary so maybe with comparing them all you can find maximum.

button thread was removed.
So the limit-button shall be this one then:

Quick reference:
Kernel Panic map 16x12
60 KB

8x8 map with very basic texture
100 KB

Several speedmetal variants, about 16x6, 12x4 etc
290-500 KB (often including unneeded files)

Conflict Terra map 16 x 16
536 KB (including features)

-smaller than button
-the best map wins
-until next monday or until there is winner

Re: Map Competition: "Whats in a button?"

Posted: 29 Apr 2013, 19:34
by Cheesecan
"the best map wins" - what are the criteria by which maps will be judged? visual? gameplay? votes? downloads?

Re: Map Competition: "Whats in a button?"

Posted: 29 Apr 2013, 20:32
by knorke
what are the criteria by which maps will be judged? visual? gameplay? votes? downloads?

I don't think more detailed criteria are needed. Like no limits for what game your map is though realistically same games are more popular than other, thus easier to test/play with etc.

Re: Map Competition: "Whats in a button?"

Posted: 29 Apr 2013, 23:05
by Forboding Angel
2EZ :lol:

Also, knorke. You should allow SSMF, at which point the filesize will be at least a few mb (because of all the extra maps).

Re: Map Competition: "Whats in a button?"

Posted: 30 Apr 2013, 00:31
by Forboding Angel
Name this map:

Re: Map Competition: "Whats in a button?"

Posted: 30 Apr 2013, 01:44
by zwzsg
Center Rock by IceXuick. It is 28MB so you're out!

Re: Map Competition: "Whats in a button?"

Posted: 30 Apr 2013, 02:13
by Forboding Angel
Au Contraire!


Forblove (less than 10 colors used on this entire texture):

A wild submission appears!

Re: Map Competition: "Whats in a button?"

Posted: 30 Apr 2013, 17:47
by Cheesecan
Looks a bit like a nasty STD...

Re: Map Competition: "Whats in a button?"

Posted: 01 May 2013, 01:05
by The Yak
great, now cannot unsee bad vagina in centerrock

thanks a lot cheesecan

Re: Map Competition: "Whats in a button?"

Posted: 02 May 2013, 15:04
by Pxtl
You are not authorised to read this forum.

Re: Map Competition: "Whats in a button?"

Posted: 02 May 2013, 15:25
by knorke
Seems someone hide the thread with the buttons, I guess because of language used on some buttons. For users it is not visible anymore thanks for notice :)

So the limit-button shall be this one then: might be worth reading too.

Re: Map Competition: "Whats in a button?"

Posted: 03 May 2013, 01:24
by zwzsg

Here's my entry, a 141 kilobytes 12x8 map: ... -warehouse

Re: Map Competition: "Whats in a button?"

Posted: 03 May 2013, 11:31
by Forboding Angel
And as previously intoned, it looks like shit. This isn't shocking, nor is it a step forward, or even novel. It's just shitty.

On a nice note, good job on at least making the textures on the walls non-stretchy.

User was warned for this post - felony 1
-- FLOZi

Re: Map Competition: "Whats in a button?"

Posted: 03 May 2013, 12:11
by zwzsg
I demand an independent jury to qualify the shittiness of my map.

Once the shit levels of various maps (including yours) has been assessed by a fair panel, then we shall proceeed to comparing the measures of shit per kilobyte.

That is, if my map is ten time shittier but yours is fifty time bigger, I still win by a factor of five.
However, should my map be a hundred time shittier, then I'll concede you the victory contest your participation on the ground of manifest rules violation.

Re: Map Competition: "Whats in a button?"

Posted: 03 May 2013, 13:03
by dansan
I like it... I like those 8-bit industrial textures... it reminds me of the good old days with Quake1 :)

Re: Map Competition: "Whats in a button?"

Posted: 03 May 2013, 13:04
by Funkencool
tbh, it isn't pretty BUT neither is any rusty junk pile :wink: . I like it, it captures an old rusty war field very well. The heightmap/texture is very well done, especially on the slopes, and although simple the detail map fits nicely as well.

Btw, how large is your procedural map?

Re: Map Competition: "Whats in a button?"

Posted: 03 May 2013, 13:26
by Cheesecan
Forboding Angel wrote:And as previously intoned, it looks like shit. This isn't shocking, nor is it a step forward, or even novel. It's just shitty.

On a nice note, good job on at least making the textures on the walls non-stretchy.
So far his map is the best looking out of the valid entries.
*rub it in*

Re: Map Competition: "Whats in a button?"

Posted: 03 May 2013, 16:43
by knorke
Most urban maps in spring look bad because of the stretching on sharp cliffs and changing terrain lod constanly making the ground warp.
I played a short game* on this map and here did not notice that.
There are not many urban maps and this one looks decent even without any features.
I like the mapedges, at first thought it was Lua.
In other thread was said "pure white map" will win, this has decent heightmap and 5 different textures, who would have thought its possible? It is also bigger but smaller than the white map!

* ... d8da7960a/ but not really interessting. too tired and previously duck games had weakend the eco mind

I am not sure if I get to work on my map during weekend.
Good thing the rules say "-until next monday or until there is winner"! :roll:

Re: Map Competition: "Whats in a button?"

Posted: 03 May 2013, 23:50
by KaiserJ
I like the idea but I don't think I can make a map that small

now if the limit was at least a certain filesize then I'd be in business

Re: Map Competition: "Whats in a button?"

Posted: 03 May 2013, 23:53
by zwzsg
KaiserJ: Avoid render. Use tiles aligned on a grid. It's really that simple.