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Effectively this means, in addition to decaying volume by distance, there is a low pass filter (also distance relative). So from far away, you will only hear the low frequency sounds. While the decay in volume does not happen when zooming out, just for (x,z) distance, the air-absorption uses the real 3D distance, so eg. laser sounds will not be hearable from far away, while explosions usually are still heard.
This is currently set to a fixed factor (0.1f). The reasons for the change are realism and to make the general sounds less annoying (additionally you could say for health, as high frequency sounds will damage the ears more over time, though... well

soo.. please test this! and give feedback.
installer with this change can be found here: ... b00aef.exe
side note: as you can see from the code, this needs the ALC_EXT_EFX OpenAL extension to work, and there will be an warning message in infolog if your system/OpenAL version does not support this, though it will work for most modern distributions.