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Re: BA:R Arm models

Posted: 23 Nov 2013, 12:56
by FireStorm_
Cool! :-)
I'm gonna check 'em out in game end of this afternoon.

Re: BA:R Arm models

Posted: 23 Nov 2013, 13:01
by smoth
the front wheels IMO need work on the jeffie.

that flash is baller.

Re: BA:R Arm models

Posted: 23 Nov 2013, 13:14
by gajop
flash looks a bit too wide, reminds me of amphs
jeffy looks great

Re: BA:R Arm models

Posted: 05 Jan 2014, 22:47
by Beherith
Some arm t1 vehicles:
Texture by Firestorm, model by me:



Con vec




Re: BA:R Arm models

Posted: 05 Jan 2014, 23:00
by knorke
nice :)
i like the wide wheels and tracks!
and somehow i feel reminded of these things

Re: BA:R Arm models

Posted: 06 Jan 2014, 03:48
by Pxtl
I hadn't been following this closely... goddamn it those models are so freaking adorable they're practically lickable.

Is there anything playable of this yet? Even just one lab? Like, an Arm hovers-only game or something? I'd love to take it for a spin.

Re: BA:R Arm models

Posted: 06 Jan 2014, 04:16
by smoth
Pxtl wrote:lickable.
Pxtl wrote:Is there anything playable of this yet? Even just one lab? Like, an Arm hovers-only game or something? I'd love to take it for a spin.
grab it from the bar repo man! I cannot remember the bar repo though :(


Re: BA:R Arm models

Posted: 06 Jan 2014, 09:52
by dansan
Pxtl wrote:Is there anything playable of this yet? Even just one lab? Like, an Arm hovers-only game or something? I'd love to take it for a spin.
Join "Polonium1" autohost for auto-download of the mod auto-generated from svn. (Nice infra we've got there :)

Re: BA:R Arm models

Posted: 06 Jan 2014, 20:23
by Beherith
Consul 327/368
Model and atlassing by FireStorm.

Re: BA:R Arm models

Posted: 06 Jan 2014, 20:37
by abma
looks great!

41 to go! 89% done!

Re: BA:R Arm models

Posted: 07 Jan 2014, 07:01
by zoggop
consul, the fun-loving tracked robot who likes to go out dancing :-)

Re: BA:R Arm models

Posted: 07 Jan 2014, 20:56
by Beherith
Luger 328/368
Model and atlassing by FireStorm.

Re: BA:R Arm models

Posted: 09 Jan 2014, 12:58
by Beherith
Penetrator 329/368
Model and atlassing by FireStorm.

Re: BA:R Arm models

Posted: 11 Jan 2014, 11:33
by Beherith
Bulldog 330/368
Model and atlassing by FireStorm.

Re: BA:R Arm models

Posted: 11 Jan 2014, 12:29
by FireStorm_
Huh? Interesting... That's not how I remember it :-)
I prefer my set-up of course, but I can't complain with all these models looking beautiful in-game. Great work as always.

(Still working on bots, nice and steady I'd say; just a little more swamped, and a little lazy :-) , than I hoped to be.)

Re: BA:R Arm models

Posted: 12 Jan 2014, 12:21
by Beherith
Oh, because of the barrels that were slid into the sleeves, I thought you had accidentally rotated the turret. Now I know it was intentional. Would you like me to rotate it around?

Re: BA:R Arm models

Posted: 12 Jan 2014, 12:56
by FireStorm_
Beherith wrote:Would you like me to rotate it around?
That would have my preference.

Re: BA:R Arm models

Posted: 12 Jan 2014, 20:22
by Beherith
Bulldog fixed, sorry about that!
Model and atlassing by FireStorm.

Re: BA:R Arm models

Posted: 12 Jan 2014, 20:43
by Jazcash
I'm excited for all the models being finished. I'll definitely come check it out properly when they are. However, I've heard comments here and there about how some of the units look too similar. Seeing as Spring games can be played at a more zoomed out level than almost any other RTS game, I think this issue is important.

You guys will know best how to deal with this issue, but I think there's only really a couple ways you can deal with it after the models are completed:
  • Making units bigger in size depending on which tech they are. e.g. tech 2 units are generally always at least 20-50% bigger than the tech 1 units. Obviously, this is largely the case already, but I just wanted to mention it anyway.
  • Making some team-colour parts of units static colours. e.g. giving a general base colour to certain types of units/faction units. Like making Arm units typically blue/brown and Core units typically red/yellow. It doesn't have to be much, just enough to make differing between units faster when taking a quick glance at a bunch of units.
  • Having a widget which makes spotting the difference between units faster by adding some sort of visual effect like a glow, hover label or tinted colour.
Again, these are just ideas, you guys will know the best way to do this being modellers/artists but I definitely think it's a big issue that will drastically affect gameplay if units are too similar looking and it needs addressing.

I think it's probably only really an issue with the tanks and a couple other units tbh.

Edit: Just to confirm, the blue on the units in all the screenshots above this post (on this page) is team colour right? And the yellow bits are part of the units texture? 'Cause if it is, I think team colour doesn't need to be that important as it can be easily added later with a widget like UnitShapes/TeamPlatters etc whereas the unit's general colour and texture can't really be changed like that.

Re: BA:R Arm models

Posted: 12 Jan 2014, 21:13
by smoth
jaz, they use an atlas. So unless behe used something like the material system I am working on he needs to keep the texture as simple as possible. if he sets components to specific texture styles(such as the old dominators cammo) it would hurt the atlas.

I still the OTA models look like shambling masses of junk in 3d so in my eyes these models are easier to tell apart that the *A content stolen from ota's hpi files