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error spam on Grts_Messa_008 / EvoRTSDedicated4

Posted: 14 Apr 2014, 12:56
by abma
idk if its map related or my gfx drivers are bad:

[f=0000000] Using map: Grts_Messa_008
[f=0000000] Using game: Evolution RTS - v7.44
[f=0000000] Warning: /LuaRules / SHADER VERSION
#define MapMid vec3(6144.000000000000,0.000000000000,6144.000000000000)
#define ScreenInverse vec2(0.000520833360,0.000925925910)
#define ScreenTextureSizeInverse vec2(0.000000112197,-0.000000209047)
#define ViewPos vec2(0.000000000000,0.000000000000)
#define SurfaceColor vec4(0.040000002831,0.080000005662,0.160000011325,0.100000001490)
#define PlaneColor vec4(0.040000002831,0.080000005662,0.100000001490,0.100000001490)
#define DiffuseColor vec3(0.699999988079,0.699999988079,0.600000023842)
#define SpecularColor vec3(0.800000011921,0.699999988079,0.649999976158)
#define SpecularPower 270.000000000000
#define SpecularFactor 9.899999618530
#define AmbientFactor 0.050000000745
#define DiffuseFactor 147.000000000000
#define SunDir vec3(-0.468292891979,0.749268651009,-0.468292891979)
#define FresnelMin 0.449999988079
#define FresnelMax 1.000000000000
#define FresnelPower 12.000000000000
#define ReflDistortion 0.699999988079
#define BlurBase vec2(0.000000000000,0.007407407276)
#define BlurExponent 2.000000000000
#define PerlinStartFreq 20.000000000000
#define PerlinLacunarity 3.099999904633
#define PerlinAmp 0.899999976158
#define WindSpeed 1.000000000000
#define shadowDensity 0.500000000000
#define TexGenPlane vec4(0.000081380211,0.000081380211,0.000122070312,0.000122070312)
#define ShadingPlane vec4(0.000061035156,0.000061035156,0.750000000000,0.750000000000)
#line 1
* @project Spring RTS
* @file bumpWaterFS.glsl
* @brief An extended bumpmapping water shader
* @author jK
* Copyright (C) 2008-2012. Licensed under the terms of the
* GNU GPL, v2 or later.

#define CausticDepth 0.5
#define CausticRange 0.45
#define WavesLength 0.15

#ifdef opt_texrect
#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable
#define texture2DRect texture2D
#define sampler2DRect sampler2D

// Uniforms + Varyings

uniform sampler2D normalmap;
uniform sampler2D heightmap;
uniform sampler2D caustic;
uniform sampler2D foam;
uniform sampler2D reflection;
uniform sampler2DRect refraction;
uniform sampler2D coastmap;
uniform sampler2DRect depthmap;
uniform sampler2D waverand;
uniform float frame;
uniform vec3 eyePos;

varying vec3 eyeVec;
varying vec3 ligVec;
varying vec3 worldPos;
varying vec2 clampedPotCoords;

vec2 clampedWorldPos = clamp(worldPos.xz, vec2(0.0), (vec2(1.0) / TexGenPlane.xy));

// Screen Coordinates (normalized and screen dimensions)

#ifdef opt_texrect
vec2 screencoord = (gl_FragCoord.xy - ViewPos);
vec2 reftexcoord = (screencoord*ScreenInverse);
vec2 screenPos = gl_FragCoord.xy - ViewPos;
vec2 screencoord = screenPos*ScreenTextureSizeInverse;
vec2 reftexcoord = screenPos*ScreenInverse;

// Depth conversion
#ifdef opt_depth
float pm15 = gl_ProjectionMatrix[2][3];
float pm11 = gl_ProjectionMatrix[2][3];
float convertDepthToZ(float d) {
return pm15 / (((d * 2.0) - 1.0) + pm11);

// shorewaves functions
#ifdef opt_shorewaves
const float InvWavesLength = 1.0 / WavesLength;

float smoothlimit(const float x, const float edge) {
float limitcurv = edge - (mod(x,edge) * edge) / (1.0 - edge);
return mix(x, limitcurv, step(edge, x));

vec4 waveIntensity(const vec4 v) {
vec4 front = vec4(1.0)-(abs(v - vec4(0.85)))/vec4(1.0-0.85);
bvec4 bs = lessThan(v, vec4(0.85));
front = max(front, vec4(bs) * v * 0.5);
return front;


// Shadow

#ifdef opt_shadows
uniform mat4 shadowMatrix;
//uniform float shadowDensity;
uniform sampler2DShadow shadowmap;

float GetShadowOcclusion(vec3 worldPos) {
float shadowInt = 1.0;
#ifdef opt_shadows
vec4 vertexShadowPos = shadowMatrix * vec4(worldPos, 1.0); += vec2(0.5, 0.5);
shadowInt = shadow2DProj(shadowmap, vertexShadowPos).r;
shadowInt = mix(1.0, shadowInt, shadowDensity);
return shadowInt;

// infotex

#ifdef opt_infotex
uniform sampler2D infotex;

vec3 GetInfoTex(float outside) {
vec3 info = vec3(0.0);
#ifdef opt_infotex
vec2 clampedPotCoords = ShadingPlane.xy * clampedWorldPos;
info = texture2D(infotex, clampedPotCoords).rgb * 0.5 + 0.5;
info = info * 1.0 - 0.5;
info = mix(info, vec3(0.0), outside);
return info;

// Helpers

void GetWaterHeight(out float waterdepth, out float invwaterdepth, out float outside, in out vec2 coastdist)
outside = 0.0;

#ifdef opt_shorewaves
vec3 coast = texture2D(coastmap, gl_TexCoord[0].st).rgb;
coastdist = coast.rg;
invwaterdepth = coast.b;
invwaterdepth = texture2D(heightmap, gl_TexCoord[5].st).a; // heightmap in alpha channel

#ifdef opt_endlessocean
outside = min(1., distance(clampedWorldPos, worldPos.xz));
invwaterdepth = mix(invwaterdepth, 1.0, step(0.5, outside));

waterdepth = 1.0 - invwaterdepth;

vec3 GetNormal(out vec3 octave)
vec3 octave1 = texture2D(normalmap, gl_TexCoord[1].st).rgb;
vec3 octave2 = texture2D(normalmap, gl_TexCoord[1].pq).rgb;
vec3 octave3 = texture2D(normalmap, gl_TexCoord[2].st).rgb;
vec3 octave4 = texture2D(normalmap, gl_TexCoord[2].pq).rgb;

float a = PerlinAmp;
octave1 = (octave1 * 2.0 - 1.0) * a;
octave2 = (octave2 * 2.0 - 1.0) * a * a;
octave3 = (octave3 * 2.0 - 1.0) * a * a * a;
octave4 = (octave4 * 2.0 - 1.0) * a * a * a * a;

vec3 normal = octave1 + octave2 + octave3 + octave4;
normal = normalize(normal).xzy;

octave = octave3;

return normal;

float GetWaterDepthFromDepthBuffer(float waterdepth)
#ifdef opt_depth
float tz = texture2DRect(depthmap, screencoord).r;
float shallowScale = abs(convertDepthToZ(tz) - convertDepthToZ(gl_FragCoord.z)) / 3.0;
shallowScale = clamp(shallowScale, 0.0, 1.0);
return shallowScale;
return waterdepth;

vec3 GetShorewaves(vec2 coast, vec3 octave, float waterdepth , float invwaterdepth)
vec3 color = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
#ifdef opt_shorewaves
float coastdist = coast.g + octave.x * 0.1;
if (coastdist > 0.0) {
// no shorewaves/foam under terrain (is 0.0 underground, 1.0 else)
float underground = 1.0 - step(1.0, invwaterdepth);

vec3 wavefoam = texture2D(foam, gl_TexCoord[3].st).rgb;
wavefoam += texture2D(foam, gl_TexCoord[3].pq).rgb;
wavefoam *= 0.5;

// shorewaves
vec4 waverands = texture2D(waverand, gl_TexCoord[4].pq);

vec4 fi = vec4(0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00);
vec4 f = fract(fi + frame * 50.0);
f = f * 1.4 - vec4(coastdist);
f = vec4(1.0) - f * InvWavesLength;
f = clamp(f, 0.0, 1.0);
f = waveIntensity(f);
float intensity = dot(f, waverands) * coastdist;

float iwd = smoothlimit(invwaterdepth, 0.8);
intensity *= iwd * 1.5;

color += wavefoam * underground * intensity;

// cliff foam
color += (wavefoam * wavefoam) * (underground * 5.5 * (coast.r * coast.r * coast.r) * (coastdist * coastdist * coastdist * coastdist));
return color;

vec3 GetReflection(float angle, vec3 normal, in out float fresnel)
vec3 reflColor = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
#ifdef opt_reflection
// we have to mirror the Y-axis
reftexcoord = vec2(reftexcoord.x, 1.0 - reftexcoord.y);
reftexcoord += vec2(0.0, 3.0 * ScreenInverse.y) + normal.xz * 0.09 * ReflDistortion;

reflColor = texture2D(reflection, reftexcoord).rgb;

#ifdef opt_blurreflection
vec2 v = BlurBase;
float s = BlurExponent;
reflColor += texture2D(reflection, + v).rgb;
reflColor += texture2D(reflection, + v *s).rgb;
reflColor += texture2D(reflection, + v *s*s).rgb;
reflColor += texture2D(reflection, + v *s*s*s).rgb;
reflColor += texture2D(reflection, + v *s*s*s*s).rgb;
reflColor += texture2D(reflection, + v *s*s*s*s*s).rgb;
reflColor += texture2D(reflection, + v *s*s*s*s*s*s).rgb;
reflColor *= 0.125;

fresnel = FresnelMin + FresnelMax * pow(angle, FresnelPower);
return reflColor;

// MAIN()

void main()
gl_FragColor.a = 1.0; //note: only rendered with blending iff !opt_refraction

//#define dbg_coastmap
#ifdef dbg_coastmap
gl_FragColor = vec4(texture2D(coastmap, gl_TexCoord[0].st).g);

float outside = 0.0;
vec2 coast = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
float waterdepth, invwaterdepth;
GetWaterHeight(waterdepth, invwaterdepth, outside, coast);
float shallowScale = GetWaterDepthFromDepthBuffer(waterdepth);

vec3 octave;
vec3 normal = GetNormal(octave);

vec3 eVec = normalize(eyeVec);
float eyeNormalCos = dot(-eVec, normal);
float angle = (1.0 - abs(eyeNormalCos));

float shadowOcc = GetShadowOcclusion(worldPos + vec3(normal.x, 0.0, normal.z) * 10.0);

vec3 reflectDir = reflect(normalize(-ligVec), normal);
float specular = angle * pow( max(dot(reflectDir, eVec), 0.0) , SpecularPower) * SpecularFactor * shallowScale;
vec3 SunLow = SunDir * vec3(1.0, 0.1 ,1.0);
float diffuse = pow( max( dot(normal, SunLow) ,0.0 ) ,3.0) * DiffuseFactor;
float ambient = smoothstep(-1.3, 0.0, eyeNormalCos) * AmbientFactor;
vec3 waterSurface = SurfaceColor.rgb + DiffuseColor * diffuse + vec3(ambient);
float surfaceMix = (SurfaceColor.a + diffuse) * shallowScale;
float refractDistortion = 60.0 * (1.0 - pow(gl_FragCoord.z, 80.0)) * shallowScale;

#ifdef opt_refraction
#ifdef opt_texrect
vec3 refrColor = texture2DRect(refraction, screencoord + normal.xz * refractDistortion ).rgb;
vec3 refrColor = texture2DRect(refraction, screencoord + normal.xz * refractDistortion * ScreenInverse ).rgb;
gl_FragColor.rgb = mix(refrColor, waterSurface, 0.1 + surfaceMix);
gl_FragColor.rgb = waterSurface;
gl_FragColor.a = surfaceMix + specular;

if (waterdepth>0.0) {
vec3 caust = texture2D(caustic, gl_TexCoord[0].pq * 75.0).rgb;
#ifdef opt_refraction
float caustBlend = smoothstep(CausticRange, 0.0, abs(waterdepth - CausticDepth));
gl_FragColor.rgb += caust * caustBlend * 0.08;
gl_FragColor.a *= min(waterdepth * 4.0, 1.0);
gl_FragColor.rgb += caust * (1.0 - waterdepth) * 0.6;

gl_FragColor.rgb += shadowOcc * GetShorewaves(coast, octave, waterdepth, invwaterdepth);

// Schlick's approx. for Fresnel term
float fresnel = 0.0;
vec3 reflColor = GetReflection(angle, normal, fresnel);
gl_FragColor.rgb = mix(gl_FragColor.rgb, reflColor, fresnel * shallowScale);

gl_FragColor.rgb += shadowOcc * specular * SpecularColor;

gl_FragColor.rgb += mix(vec3(0.0), GetInfoTex(outside), waterdepth);

// FOG
float fog = clamp( (gl_Fog.end - abs(gl_FogFragCoord)) * gl_Fog.scale ,0.0,1.0);
gl_FragColor.rgb = mix(gl_Fog.color.rgb, gl_FragColor.rgb, fog );
: cannot execute before gameframe #2

Re: error spam on Grts_Messa_008 / EvoRTSDedicated4

Posted: 16 Apr 2014, 02:07
by knorke
Think something is not right with shaders.
Anarchid (?) posted screenshot of metalextractor where the spinning part looked like it was supposed to glow, but rest had graphical errors.

For me, units randomly turn grey:

Re: error spam on Grts_Messa_008 / EvoRTSDedicated4

Posted: 16 Apr 2014, 07:38
by klapmongool
knorke wrote:Think something is not right with shaders.
Anarchid (?) posted screenshot of metalextractor where the spinning part looked like it was supposed to glow, but rest had graphical errors.

For me, units randomly turn grey:
I had that with my old graphics card. Too little video memory maybe?

Re: error spam on Grts_Messa_008 / EvoRTSDedicated4

Posted: 16 Apr 2014, 09:37
by knorke
"Had this" as in generally in spring or in this exact version of evo? Because it is the first time I have seen that in spring and earlier game versions were ok too.

Re: error spam on Grts_Messa_008 / EvoRTSDedicated4

Posted: 16 Apr 2014, 13:01
by Anarchid
I've only been getting the outline corruption on linux.

The outline corruption was present on all hosts and locally. The error spam also occured on Plutonium that ikinz started later upon discovery of bug.

On windows i still get some hilarious slowdowns though, but no error spam and no outline artifacts.

The errors seem to have gone on linux after disabling LUPS, with performance returning to normals.

I suspect the piecelights.


Re: error spam on Grts_Messa_008 / EvoRTSDedicated4

Posted: 16 Apr 2014, 20:27
by Forboding Angel
Lups has indeed been updated. Necessary for user selected unit materials stuffs (and some other goodies). Might cause some issues with older graphics hardware though :-/

Maybe we can get JK to make individual parts of LUPS toggleable? That would be pretty nifty.

Re: error spam on Grts_Messa_008 / EvoRTSDedicated4

Posted: 17 Apr 2014, 08:35
by Anarchid
How old is that "older hardware" you'd assume?

Re: error spam on Grts_Messa_008 / EvoRTSDedicated4

Posted: 17 Apr 2014, 08:49
by knorke
With regard to steam release a stable tested game is more important than adding the latest graphical features. I recommend reversing these things.

Re: error spam on Grts_Messa_008 / EvoRTSDedicated4

Posted: 17 Apr 2014, 11:59
by klapmongool
knorke wrote:"Had this" as in generally in spring or in this exact version of evo? Because it is the first time I have seen that in spring and earlier game versions were ok too.
Ah, for me it was on an old (a year ago?) evo version. Didn't check evo again until I got a new graphics card.