Can not include custom type (SetMetatable)

Can not include custom type (SetMetatable)

Discuss Lua based Spring scripts (LuaUI widgets, mission scripts, gaia scripts, mod-rules scripts, scripted keybindings, etc...)

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Journeywar Developer & Mapper
Posts: 10450
Joined: 24 Jan 2006, 21:12

Can not include custom type (SetMetatable)

Post by PicassoCT »

Code: Select all

   vectorial3.lua ver 0.2 - A library for 3D vectors.
   Copyright (C) 2015 Leo Tindall
    All operators work as expected except modulo (%) which is vector distance and concat (..) which is linear distance.
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
   Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
Vector = {}
Vector.__index = Vector

   function (ix, iy, iz) 
   if ix and type(ix)== "number" then
		return setmetatable({x = ix , 
							 y = iy ,
							 z = iz }, Vector)
		return setmetatable({x =  0, 
							 y =  0,
							 z =  0}, Vector)


	function Vector.__eq (lhs, rhs)
		--Equal To operator for Vector3Ds
		return (self.x == rhs.x) and (self.y == rhs.y) and (self.z == rhs.z)
	function Vector.__lt (lhs, rhs)
		--Less Than operator for Vector3Ds
		return sqrt((self.x^2) + (self.y^2) + (self.z^2)) < sqrt((rhs.x^2) + (rhs.y^2) + (self.z^2)) --We do this to compute the linear value of the vector so that, for example, (a % b) < (c % d) will not be broken.
	function Vector.__le (lhs, rhs)
		--Less Than Or Equal To operator for Vector3Ds
		return sqrt((self.x^2) + (self.y^2) + (self.z^2)) <= sqrt((rhs.x^2) + (rhs.y^2) + (self.z^2)) --We do this to compute the linear value of the vector so that, for example, (a % b) < (c % d) will not be broken.

	function Vector.__unm (rhs)
		--Unary Minus (negation) operator for Vector3Ds
		out = Vector:new()
		out.x =(-rhs.x) --Operate on the X property
		out.y =(-rhs.y) --Operate on the Y property
		out.y =(-rhs.z) --Operate on the Z property
		return Vector:new(-rhs.x,
	function Vector.__add (lhs, rhs)
		--Addition operator for Vector3Ds
		out = Vector:new()--Copy the operand for the output (else the output won't have metamethods)
		if type(rhs)=="number" then
		out.x =(lhs.x + rhs) --Operate on the X property
		out.y =(lhs.y + rhs) --Operate on the Y property
		out.z =(lhs.z + rhs) --Operate on the Z property
		out.x =(lhs.x + rhs.x) --Operate on the X property
		out.y =(lhs.y + rhs.y) --Operate on the Y property
		out.z =(lhs.z + rhs.z) --Operate on the Z property
	return out

	function Vector.__sub (lhs, rhs)
		--Subtraction operator for Vector3Ds
		out = Vector:new()
		if type(rhs)=="number" then		
			out.x =(lhs.x - rhs) --Operate on the X property
			out.y =(lhs.y - rhs) --Operate on the Y property
			out.z =(lhs.z - rhs) --Operate on the Z property
			out.x =(lhs.x - rhs.x) --Operate on the X property
			out.y =(lhs.y - rhs.y) --Operate on the Y property
			out.z =(lhs.z - rhs.z) --Operate on the Z property
			return out

	function Vector.__mul (lhs, rhs)
		if type(lhs)=="number" then

			return Vector:new(rhs.x * lhs,
							  rhs.y * lhs,
							  rhs.z * lhs
		if type(rhs)=="number" then

			return Vector:new(lhs.x * rhs,
							  lhs.y * rhs,
							  lhs.z * rhs
			--Multiplication operator for Vector3Ds
				return Vector:new(lhs.x * rhs.x,
								  lhs.y * rhs.y,
								  lhs.z * rhs.z)

	function Vector.__div (lhs, rhs)
		out = Vector:new()

	if type(rhs)=="number" then
		--Division operator for Vector3Ds
		out.x =(lhs.x / rhs) --Operate on the X property
		out.y =(lhs.y / rhs) --Operate on the Y property
		out.z =(lhs.z / rhs) --Operate on the Z property
		--Division operator for Vector3Ds
		out.x =(lhs.x / rhs.x) --Operate on the X property
		out.y =(lhs.y / rhs.y) --Operate on the Y property
		out.z =(lhs.z / rhs.z) --Operate on the Z property
		return out
	function Vector.__mod (lhs, rhs)
		--Vector distance operator for Vector3Ds. Denoted by modulo (%)
		out = Vector:new()
		out.x =(math.abs(rhs.x - lhs.x)) --Operate on the X property
		out.y =(math.abs(rhs.y - lhs.y)) --Operate on the Y property
		out.z =(math.abs(rhs.z - lhs.z)) --Operate on the Z property
		return out	

	function Vector.__concat (lhs, rhs)
		--Linear distance operator for Vector3Ds. Denoted by concat (..)
		out = 0		--This is a linear operation, so no deepcopy. 
		out = math.sqrt(((rhs.x - lhs.x)^2) + (((rhs.y - lhs.y)^2) + ((rhs.z - lhs.z)^2))) --Distance formula
		return out

	function Vector.__tostring (s)
		--tostring handler for Vector3D
		out = ""	--This is a string operation, so no deepcopy.
		out = "[(X:"
		out = out .. s.x 
		out = out .. "),(Y:" 
		out = out .. s.y 
		out = out .. "),(Z:" 
		out = out .. s.z 
		out = out .. ")]"
		return out

	--Vector Specific Math

	function Vector:getAngle() --Return the 3D angle (heading, carom) of the vector IN RADIANS!.
		hdg = math.atan2(self.y, self.x)
		crm = math.atan2(self.z, 0)
		return hdg, crm
	function Vector:length() --Return the length of the vector (i.e. the distance from (0,0), see for examples of using this)
		return math.sqrt (self.x *self.x +self.y*self.y + self.z*self.z)
	function Vector:cross ( rhs)
		--Vector cross product 
		out = Vector:new()
		out.x =(self.y*rhs.z - self.z*rhs.y) --Operate on the X property
		out.y =(self.z*rhs.y - self.x*rhs.z) --Operate on the Y property
		out.z =(self.x*rhs.y - self.y*rhs.x) --Operate on the Z property
		return out	
	function Vector:normalized()
		return self/ self.length()
setmetatable(Vector, { __call = function(_, ...) return end })	
Any attempt to include this with include "lib_type.lua" into another library was vain. How to include such types?
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Journeywar Developer & Mapper
Posts: 10450
Joined: 24 Jan 2006, 21:12

Re: Can not include custom type (SetMetatable)

Post by PicassoCT »

Code: Select all

[ParseCmdLine] command-line args: "D:\Dev\Journeywar\Spring\spring.exe "C:\Users\PicassoCT\AppData\Roaming\springlobby\script.txt""
Using configuration source: "D:\Games\SpringDownloads\springsettings.cfg"
Using additional configuration source: "C:\Users\PicassoCT\Documents\My Games\Spring\springsettings.cfg"
============== <User Config> ==============
AdvSky = 1
BumpWaterBlurReflection = 1
BumpWaterRefraction = 2
DynamicSky = 1
FSAALevel = 4
FixAltTab = 1
Fullscreen = 0
GrassDetail = 30
GroundDecals = 5
GroundDetail = 198
GuiOpacity = 0.9
InputTextGeo = 0.26 0.73 0.02 0.028
LastSelectedMap = Sever 1
LastSelectedMod = Journeywar test-350-6618278
LastSelectedScript = Player Only: Testing Sandbox
MaxNanoParticles = 20000
MaxParticles = 20000
ScreenshotCounter = 67
ShadowMapSize = 8192
Shadows = 1
ShowClock = 0
ShowPlayerInfo = 0
ShowSpeed = 1
SmoothLines = 1
SmoothPoints = 1
TeamNanoSpray = 0
TreeRadius = 3000
UnitIconDist = 10000
VSync = -1
WindowPosX = 961
WindowPosY = 31
XResolutionWindowed = 958
YResolutionWindowed = 1008
snd_volbattle = 20
snd_volmaster = 2
snd_volui = 69
snd_volunitreply = 80
============== </User Config> ==============
Available log sections: KeyBindings, AutohostInterface, GameServer, Net, CSMFGroundTextures, RoamMeshDrawer, BumpWater, DynWater, SkyBox, DecalsDrawerGL4, FarTextureHandler, Model, Piece, OBJParser, ModelRenderContainer, Shader, Texture, Font, CregSerializer, ArchiveScanner, VFS, Sound, LuaSocket, GroundMoveType, Path
Enabled log sections: Sound(Notice)
Enable or disable log sections using the LogSections configuration key
  or the SPRING_LOG_SECTIONS environment variable (both comma separated).
  Use "none" to disable the default log sections.
LogOutput initialized.
Spring 103.0
Build Environment: boost-105500, GNU libstdc++ version 20130531
Compiler Version:  gcc-4.8.1
Operating System:  Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Home Premium Edition, 64-bit (build 9200)
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz; 16333MB RAM, 18765MB pagefile
Word Size:         32-bit (emulated)
         CPU Clock: win32::TimeGetTime
Physical CPU Cores: 4
 Logical CPU Cores: 4
[CMyMath::Init] CPU SSE mask: 127, flags:
	SSE 1.0:  1,  SSE 2.0:  1
	SSE 3.0:  1, SSSE 3.0:  1
	SSE 4.1:  1,  SSE 4.2:  1
	SSE 4.0A: 0,  SSE 5.0A: 0
	using streflop SSE FP-math mode, CPU supports SSE instructions
Supported Video modes on Display 1 x:0 y:0 1920x1080:
	640x480, 720x480, 720x576, 800x600, 1280x720, 1024x768, 1280x768, 1360x768, 1366x768, 1280x800, 1152x864, 1440x900, 1600x900, 1280x960, 1280x1024, 1600x1024, 1400x1050, 1680x1050, 1920x1080, 1600x1200
Supported Video modes on Display 2 x:-1080 y:0 1080x1920:
	480x640, 480x720, 576x720, 600x800, 768x1024, 864x1152, 664x1176, 720x1280, 768x1280, 800x1280, 960x1280, 1024x1280, 768x1360, 768x1366, 1050x1400, 900x1440, 900x1600, 1024x1600, 1200x1600, 1050x1680, 992x1768, 1080x1920
SDL version:  linked 2.0.4; compiled 2.0.4
GL version:   4.5.0 NVIDIA 372.90
GL vendor:    NVIDIA Corporation
GL renderer:  GeForce GTX 970/PCIe/SSE2
GLSL version: 4.50 NVIDIA
GLEW version: 1.5.8
Video RAM:    total 4096MB, available 3435MB
SwapInterval: 1
FBO::maxSamples: 32
GL info:
	haveARB: 1, haveGLSL: 1, ATI hacks: 0
	FBO support: 1, NPOT-texture support: 1, 24bit Z-buffer support: 1
	maximum texture size: 16384, compress MIP-map textures: 0
	maximum SmoothPointSize: 190, maximum vec4 varying/attributes: 31/16
	maximum drawbuffers: 8, maximum recommended indices/vertices: 1048576/1048576
	number of UniformBufferBindings: 84 (64kB)
VSync disabled
[InitOpenGL] video mode set to 1920x1017:24bit @60Hz (windowed)
[WatchDogInstall] Installed (HangTimeout: 10sec)
[WatchDog] registering controls for thread [main]
[ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] #wanted=4 #current=1 #max=4
[ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] #threads=3
Using read-write data directory: D:\Games\SpringDownloads\
Using read-only data directory: C:\Users\PicassoCT\Documents\My Games\Spring\
Using read-only data directory: D:\Dev\Journeywar\Spring\
Scanning: D:\Dev\Journeywar\Spring\maps
Scanning: D:\Dev\Journeywar\Spring\base
Scanning: D:\Dev\Journeywar\Spring\games
Scanning: C:\Users\PicassoCT\Documents\My Games\Spring\packages
Scanning: D:\Games\SpringDownloads\maps
Scanning: D:\Games\SpringDownloads\games
CArchiveScanner: 22 ms
[f=-000001] [Sound] OpenAL info:
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Available Devices:
[f=-000001] [Sound]               Speakers (Sound Blaster Z)
[f=-000001] [Sound]               Speakers (Sound Blaster Z)
[f=-000001] [Sound]               DELL U2414H-0 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)
[f=-000001] [Sound]               SPDIF-Out (Sound Blaster Z)
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Device:     OpenAL Soft
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Vendor:         OpenAL Community
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Version:        1.1 ALSOFT 1.16.0
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Renderer:       OpenAL Soft
[f=-000001] [Sound]   AL Extensions:  AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length
[f=-000001] [Sound]   ALC Extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFTX_device_clock ALC_SOFTX_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFTX_midi_interface ALC_SOFT_pause_device
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error:   EFX: AL_INVALID_VALUE (40963)
[f=-000001] [Sound] Error:   Initializing EFX failed!
[f=-000001] [Sound]   Max Sounds: 128
[f=-000001] [WatchDog] registering controls for thread [audio]
[f=-000001] Joysticks found: 0
[f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][1] #wanted=3 #current=4 #max=4
[f=-000001] [ThreadPool::SetThreadCount][2] #threads=2
[f=-000001] [Threading] Main thread CPU affinity mask set: 12
[f=-000001] [StartScript] Loading StartScript from: C:\Users\PicassoCT\AppData\Roaming\springlobby\script.txt
[f=-000001] Hosting on: :8452
[f=-000001] Connecting to local server
[f=-000001] [AddGameSetupArchivesToVFS] using map: Tropical
[f=-000001] Checksums: game=0x4E98E6D0 map=0x81ED9642
[f=-000001] Binding UDP socket to IP (v6) :: () port 8452
[f=-000001] [UDPListener] successfully bound socket on port 8452
[f=-000001] PreGame::StartServer: 1720 ms
[f=-000001] [InitOpenGL] video mode set to 1920x1017:24bit @60Hz (windowed)
[f=-000001] [AddGameSetupArchivesToVFS] using map: Tropical
[f=-000001] [AddGameSetupArchivesToVFS] using game: Journeywar $VERSION (archive: Journezwar.sdd)
[f=-000001] Recording demo to: D:\Games\SpringDownloads\demos\20160925_214603_Tropical_103.sdfz
[f=-000001] PreGame::GameDataReceived: 390 ms
[f=-000001] [PreGame::UpdateClientNet] user number 0 (team 1, allyteam 0)
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Searching for new Widgets
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/Addons/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/Widgets/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/SystemAddons/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/SystemWidgets/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Scanning: LuaIntro/chili/
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "SpringLogo"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "LoadTexture"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "LoadProgress"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "Main"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Found new widget "Music"
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widgets   <>=vfs  **=raw  ()=unknown
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget:      LoadProgress           <loadprogress.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget:      Main                   <main.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget:      Music                  <music.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] Loading widget:      LoadTexture            <bg_texture.lua>
[f=-000001] [LuaIntro] LuaIntro v1.0 (Lua 5.1)
[f=-000001] [WatchDog] registering controls for thread [load]
[f=-000001] Parsing Map Information
[f=-000001] Loading SMF
[f=-000001] Loading Map (145 MB)
[f=-000001] Loading Radar Icons
[f=-000001] Loading GameData Definitions
[f=-000001] [defs.lua] loading all *Defs tables: 89ms
[f=-000001] Game::LoadDefs (GameData): 98 ms
[f=-000001] Loading Sound Definitions
[f=-000001] [Sound]  parsed 6 sounds from gamedata/sounds.lua
[f=-000001] Game::LoadDefs (Sound): 1 ms
[f=-000001] Creating Smooth Height Mesh
[f=-000001] SmoothHeightMesh::MakeSmoothMesh: 74 ms
[f=-000001] Creating QuadField & CEGs
[f=-000001] [CDamageArrayHandler] number of ArmorDefs: 2
[f=-000001] [RegisterAssimpModelFormats] supported Assimp model formats: *.3ds;*.blend;*.dae;*.lwo;
[f=-000001] Creating Unit Textures
[f=-000001] Creating Sky
[f=-000001] Loading Weapon Definitions
[f=-000001] Warning: Could not load sound from def: null
[f=-000001] Warning: Could not load sound from def: null
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "texture0" in "cflamethrower"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "description" in "cnukegrenadelvl1"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "description" in "cnukegrenadelvl3"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "description" in "crazorgrenade"
[f=-000001] Warning: Could not load sound from def: null
[f=-000001] Warning: Could not load sound from def: null
[f=-000001] Warning: Could not load sound from def: sounds/jfishswarm/jFishSwarmAttack.wav
[f=-000001] Warning: Could not load sound from def: sounds/jfishswarm/jFishSwarmAttack.wav
[f=-000001] Warning: Could not load sound from def: sounds/jfishswarm/jFishSwarmAttack.wav
[f=-000001] Warning: Could not load sound from def: sounds/jfishswarm/jFishSwarmAttack.wav
[f=-000001] Warning: Could not load sound from def: null
[f=-000001] Warning: Could not load sound from def: null
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "randomdecay" in "shotgunnogamble"
[f=-000001] Warning: WeaponDefs: Unknown tag "startsmoke" in "warpcannon"
[f=-000001] Loading Unit Definitions
[f=-000001] Loading Feature Definitions
[f=-000001] [IPathManager::GetInstance] using DEFAULT path-manager
[f=-000001] Initializing Map Features
[f=-000001] [Texture] Warning: [LoadAndCacheTexture] could not load texture "Spring unit" from model "objects3d/greyrock2.s3o"
[f=-000001] Creating ShadowHandler
[f=-000001] Creating GroundDrawer
[f=-000001] Loading Map Tiles
[f=-000001] Loading Square Textures
[f=-000001] CSMFGroundTextures::ConvolveHeightMap: 4 ms
[f=-000001] Switching to ROAM Mesh Rendering
[f=-000001] Creating TreeDrawer
[f=-000001] Loaded DecalsDrawer: Legacy
[f=-000001] Creating ProjectileDrawer & UnitDrawer
[f=-000001] Creating Projectile Textures
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] GAUSS_RING_H: Unknown tag CBitmapMuzzleFlame::emitrot
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] GAUSS_RING_H: Unknown tag CBitmapMuzzleFlame::emitrotspread
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] GAUSS_RING_H: Unknown tag CBitmapMuzzleFlame::particlesizespread
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] GAUSS_RING_H: Unknown tag CBitmapMuzzleFlame::sizemod
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] GAUSS_RING_S: Unknown tag CBitmapMuzzleFlame::emitrot
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] GAUSS_RING_S: Unknown tag CBitmapMuzzleFlame::emitrotspread
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] GAUSS_RING_S: Unknown tag CBitmapMuzzleFlame::particlesizespread
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] GAUSS_RING_S: Unknown tag CBitmapMuzzleFlame::sizemod
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] table for CEG "none" invalid (parse errors?)
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] shotgunImpact: Unknown tag CSmokeProjectile::sizegrowth
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] powerplant_explosion: Unknown tag CSmokeProjectile::sizegrowth
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] cbonkerplasma: Unknown tag CBitmapMuzzleFlame::emitrot
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] cbonkerplasma: Unknown tag CBitmapMuzzleFlame::emitrotspread
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] cbonkerplasma: Unknown tag CBitmapMuzzleFlame::particlesizespread
[f=-000001] Warning: [CCEG::Load] cbonkerplasma: Unknown tag CBitmapMuzzleFlame::sizemod
[f=-000001] Creating Water
[f=-000001] Game::LoadInterface (Camera&Mouse): 39 ms
[f=-000001] Game::LoadInterface (Console): 0 ms
[f=-000001] InfoTexture: shaders
[f=-000001] Loading LuaRules
[f=-000001] Error: Failed to load: animal_hohymen.lua  (error = 2, scripts/lib_UnitScript.lua, Include() could not load 'lib_type.lua')
[f=-000001] Error: Failed to load: animal_seastar.lua  (error = 2, scripts/lib_UnitScript.lua, Include() could not load 'lib_type.lua')
[f=-000001] Error: Failed to load: animal_varyfoos.lua  (error = 2, scripts/lib_UnitScript.lua, Include() could not load 'lib_type.lua')
[f=-000001] Error: Failed to load: game_spawn.lua  (error = 2, scripts/lib_UnitScript.lua, Include() could not load 'lib_type.lua')
[f=-000001] Error: Failed to load: jw_ecologicredux.lua  (error = 2, luarules/Gadgets/animal_hohymen.lua, error = 2, scripts/lib_UnitScript.lua, Include() could not load 'lib_type.lua')
[f=-000001] Error: Failed to load: jw_fire.lua  (error = 2, scripts/lib_UnitScript.lua, Include() could not load 'lib_type.lua')
[f=-000001] Error: Failed to load: jw_forrestfire.lua  (error = 2, scripts/lib_UnitScript.lua, Include() could not load 'lib_type.lua')
[f=-000001] Error: Failed to load: jw_minimission.lua  (error = 2, scripts/lib_UnitScript.lua, Include() could not load 'lib_type.lua')
[f=-000001] Error: Failed to load: jw_projectileimpacts.lua  (error = 2, scripts/lib_UnitScript.lua, Include() could not load 'lib_type.lua')
[f=-000001] Error: Failed to load: jw_trampletreegadget.lua  (error = 2, scripts/lib_UnitScript.lua, Include() could not load 'lib_type.lua')
[f=-000001] Error: Failed to load: jw_wildhorsesai.lua  (error = 2, scripts/lib_UnitScript.lua, Include() could not load 'lib_type.lua')
[f=-000001] Error: Failed to load: jwunitdeath.lua  (error = 2, scripts/lib_UnitScript.lua, Include() could not load 'lib_type.lua')
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  Beefeaterlua        <jw_jbeefeater.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  Bob The Builder     <jw_builders.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  Buffs & Debuffs     <jw_buffs.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  Dialog              <jw_dialogcollector.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  Electric Barriers   <jw_electric.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  EventStream         <jw_eventstream.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  Game End            <game_end.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  Great Cube In The Sky  <greatcubeinthesky.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  HeatDeathShader     <jw_heatdeathshader.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  JW_ScaleUpGadget::  <jw_scaleupgadget.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  LandLord            <jw_landlord.lua>
[f=-000001] Loading gadget: Lua unit script framework  <unitscript.lua>
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gzonescript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/cadvisor.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/dbg_armtestscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/artscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/bbind.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/decalfactory.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/beanstalkscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/bgscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/bonker.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/cbuibaisky.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/cbuibaicityarco.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/builuxscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/cairbasescript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/callygatorscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/campole.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/campro.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/cawilduniverseappears.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/cbuildanim.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/ccomenderscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/cnukescript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/cconaircontainer_script.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/ccrabsynthscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/cdefusermine_script.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/cdistrictnone.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/dbg_cegtest.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/cfactorylvl1transformscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/cgamagardener.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/cgatefotressscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/cgunshipscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jwheadlaunchscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/chedgehog.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/chostageblockscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/chopper.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/chunterchopperscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/ichneumonidaescript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/citadellscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/conairscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/slicerimpact.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/cmissambassadorscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/cmtwgrenade_script.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/cnanoreconscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/coffworldassemblyscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/coffworldassemblyseed.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/combinedfeaturescript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/comendbonker.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/conbigfoot.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/condepotscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/ccontrain.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/contrainpillar.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/contruck.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/operatransscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/coverworldgatescript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/crailgund.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/crazorscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/crewarder.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/csniper.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/css.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/csuborbexplo.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/csuborbital.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/transitnode.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/transitnodeexit.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/cvictorystatue.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/cwallbuilder.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/c_waterextractor.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/cefence.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/factoryspawndecorator.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/fclvl2.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/fclvlone.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jflyingmountainscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jflyingmountainbubbledscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/galgopropscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gdeco.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gcarscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/ccivilbuilding.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gcivillian.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gmission1containerscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gcrawlerscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gcrawlerfeederscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gcscrapheap.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gcscrapheappeace.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gcvehicscrap.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gdiamonddeathscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/cgeohive.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/ccastbuilding.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gfreemanscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gglasstreescript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/glueminescript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/ghohymenscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/mission1hornblow.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/ginfmachinescript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gjbigbiowaste.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jmeatballscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gkivascript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/glavaunit.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gnewsdronescript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gpillarscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gproceduralfeature.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gpropsscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/dbg_ragtest.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/grewardbox.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gsantascript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gseastarscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/spaceportscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gullscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gvolcano.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gwoodscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gworldenginescript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gzombiehorsescript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gzombiespawnerscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/hcscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/dbg_iktestscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jabyssscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jantart.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jethiefscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jbeefeaterscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jbeefeatermiddle.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jbeefeatertail.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jbeehive.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jbeherith.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jgeobugscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jbuildanimscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jbutterfly.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jconroach.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jcrabscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jdarkgatescript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jdragongrassscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jdrilltree.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jdropscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jeliahscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jestoragescript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jfactorylvl1transformscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jfactorylvl2transformscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jfirebombscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jfiredancegliderscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jfiredancerscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jfireflower.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/gfireplace.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jfishswarmscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jfungiforrest.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jgalatescript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jgeohive.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jghostdancer.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jglowwormscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jharbourscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jhivehoundjunior.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/hivehound.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jhoneyscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jinfectorscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jinfinityscraddlescript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jjamscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jmadmaxscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/beefbringer.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jmeconverterscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jmobileeggstackscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jmotherofmercyscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jmobilefactory1.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jmobilednacraddlescript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jnativevilscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jpeeble.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jplanktonerscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jracedartscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jrecyclerscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jrefugeetrapscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jresistancecell.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jresistanceoutpost.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jresistancewarrior.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jscrapheap_script.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/sequoiascript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/sequoiarestingscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jshadow.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jshroudshrikescript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/skinegg.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jembryoscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/spore.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jcondronescript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jsuneggnoggscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jsungodcattlescript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jsunshipfirescript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jsunshipwaterscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jglowswampscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/swiftspear.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/tiglilegg.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jtransportedfactory1.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jtransportedeggstackscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jtransportedfactory2.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jtree.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jtree2.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jtree3.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jltreescript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jltree8script.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jlspawnscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jvarytarascript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/varyfooscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jviciouscycler.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jvictoryscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jviralfacscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jwatchbirdscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/j_watergate.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/mbeanstalkscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/mbuiluxscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/mdigscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/mdiggmexscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/mestoscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/mtw.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/cpaxcentrailscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/notahivescript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/cres.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/cscumslum.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/sentryscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/sentrynellscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/skinfantry.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/spectratorscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/striderscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/tiglilscript.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/jvortigaunt.lua
[f=-000001]   Loading unit script: scripts/zombiescript.lua
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  Lua unit script framework  <unitscript.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  Lups Flamethrower Jitter  <lups_flame_jitter.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  Making the Efence deadly  <jwcefence.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  Napalm              <lups_napalm.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  RocketSience with projectiles  <jw_rocketsience.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  Shockwaves          <lups_shockwaves.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  Sinking Wrecks      <feature_sinkingwrecks.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  Spawn A Unit API    <jw_shutupandlivewithit.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  TacZone             <jw_taczones.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  Traffic Gadget      <jw_trafficgadget.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  TransMuationOverSeer  <jw_transmuationoverseer.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  Units having nice moments with tractor gun ya  <jw_tractorcannon.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  Victory Statue Spawner  <jw_victorystatuespawner.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  j Plague            <jw_plague.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  jw_centrailwin.lua  <jw_centrailwin.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  jw_comend.lua       <jw_comend.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  jw_eventstreamaifunctions.lua  <jw_eventstreamaifunctions.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  jw_guiReciver       <jw_guireciver.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  jw_xmas.lua         <jw_xmas.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  lups_wrapper.lua    <lups_wrapper.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  orbital Strike      <jworbitalstrike.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  swiftspearPregnant   <jwswiftspear.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  Lups Cloak FX       <lups_cloak_fx.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  LupsSyncedManager   <lups_manager.lua>
[f=-000001] flyingmountain is a zeppelin with cruisealt 210
[f=-000001] flyingmountainb is a zeppelin with cruisealt 210
[f=-000001] jsunshipfire is a zeppelin with cruisealt 256
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  Zeppelin Physics    <jw_zeppelin.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  Allow Builder Hold Fire  <jw_builder_under_fire_behaviour.lua>
[f=-000001] (Initializing SpawnerAI
[f=-000001] SpawnerAI::TeamInfo::0, , 0, false, true, centrail
[f=-000001] SpawnerAI::TeamInfo::1, player, 0, false, false, centrail
[f=-000001] SpawnerAI::TeamInfo::2, player, -1, false, false, 
[f=-000001] RemoveGadget:SpawnerAI
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  spawner             <jw_spawnerai.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded SYNCED gadget:  Profiler            <dbprofiler.lua>
[f=-000001] Error: Failed to load: animal_hohymen.lua  (error = 2, scripts/lib_UnitScript.lua, Include() could not load 'lib_type.lua')
[f=-000001] Error: Failed to load: animal_seastar.lua  (error = 2, scripts/lib_UnitScript.lua, Include() could not load 'lib_type.lua')
[f=-000001] Error: Failed to load: animal_varyfoos.lua  (error = 2, scripts/lib_UnitScript.lua, Include() could not load 'lib_type.lua')
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Beefeaterlua        <jw_jbeefeater.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Bob The Builder     <jw_builders.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Buffs & Debuffs     <jw_buffs.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Dialog              <jw_dialogcollector.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Ecology gadget      <jw_ecologicredux.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Electric Barriers   <jw_electric.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Eliah ReSpawner/ Death Catcher  <jwunitdeath.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  EventStream         <jw_eventstream.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Gadget:Weltenbrand  <jw_forrestfire.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Great Cube In The Sky  <greatcubeinthesky.lua>
[f=-000001] HeatDeath Initialised
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  HeatDeathShader     <jw_heatdeathshader.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  JW_ScaleUpGadget::  <jw_scaleupgadget.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  LandLord            <jw_landlord.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Lups Flamethrower Jitter  <lups_flame_jitter.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Making the Efence deadly  <jwcefence.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Napalm              <lups_napalm.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Projectiles         <jw_projectileimpacts.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  RocketSience with projectiles  <jw_rocketsience.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Shockwaves          <lups_shockwaves.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Sinking Wrecks      <feature_sinkingwrecks.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Spawn A Unit API    <jw_shutupandlivewithit.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  TacZone             <jw_taczones.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Traffic Gadget      <jw_trafficgadget.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Trample Tree Gadget   <jw_trampletreegadget.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  TransMuationOverSeer  <jw_transmuationoverseer.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Units having nice moments with tractor gun ya  <jw_tractorcannon.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Victory Statue Spawner  <jw_victorystatuespawner.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  j Plague            <jw_plague.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  jw_centrailwin.lua  <jw_centrailwin.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  jw_comend.lua       <jw_comend.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  jw_eventstreamaifunctions.lua  <jw_eventstreamaifunctions.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  jw_guiReciver       <jw_guireciver.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  jw_xmas.lua         <jw_xmas.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  on Fire             <jw_fire.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  orbital Strike      <jworbitalstrike.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  swiftspearPregnant   <jwswiftspear.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Lups Cloak FX       <lups_cloak_fx.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  LupsSyncedManager   <lups_manager.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Zeppelin Physics    <jw_zeppelin.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Allow Builder Hold Fire  <jw_builder_under_fire_behaviour.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  spawner             <jw_spawnerai.lua>
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Lups                <lups_wrapper.lua>
[f=-000001] Initialize profiler
[f=-000001] Loaded UNSYNCED gadget:  Profiler            <dbprofiler.lua>
[f=-000001] Loading LuaGaia
[f=-000001] Loading LuaUI
[f=-000001] LuaUI Entry Point: "luaui.lua"
[f=-000001] LuaUI Access Lock: disabled
[f=-000001] LuaSocket Enabled: yes
[f=-000001] Using LUAUI_DIRNAME = LuaUI/
[f=-000001] Reloading GUI config from file: LuaUI/ctrlpanel.txt
[f=-000001] LuaUI: bound F11 to the widget selector
[f=-000001] LuaUI: bound CTRL+F11 to tweak mode
[f=-000001] Set "shadows" config-parameter to 1
[f=-000001] ChiliPath:: luaui/widgets/chili/core.lua
[f=-000001] BuildBar Warning: you deactivated the "blurApi" widget, please reactivate it.
[f=-000001] [Chili] Error: Tried to add multiple times "onOffButton" to "grid1"!
[f=-000001] small digital clock is disabled!
[f=-000001] frames-per-second indicator is disabled!
[f=-000001] LuaUI v0.3
[f=-000001] [LoadFinalize] finalizing PFS
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::Hash] mapChecksum=3828202383
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::Hash] typeMapChecksum=2776208535
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::Hash] moveDefChecksum=2816343427
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::Hash] blockingChecksum=3342650398
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::Hash] BLOCK_SIZE=8
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::Hash] PATHESTIMATOR_VERSION=78
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::ReadFile] hash=4173470237
[f=-000001] Reading Estimate PathCosts [8]
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::Hash] mapChecksum=3828202383
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::Hash] typeMapChecksum=2776208535
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::Hash] moveDefChecksum=2816343427
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::Hash] blockingChecksum=3342650398
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::Hash] BLOCK_SIZE=32
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::Hash] PATHESTIMATOR_VERSION=78
[f=-000001] [Path] [PathEstimator::ReadFile] hash=4173470261
[f=-000001] Reading Estimate PathCosts [32]
[f=-000001] [LoadFinalize] finalized PFS (56ms, checksum 52ff3050)
[f=-000001] Loading Skirmish AIs
[f=-000001] [WatchDog] deregistering controls for thread [load]
[f=-000001] GameID: 7b29e857fcd45567953a878f40c2d64e
[f=-000001] Connection attempt from Picasso_CT
[f=-000001]  -> Version: 103.0
[f=-000001]  -> Connection established (given id 0)
[f=-000001] Skirmish AI "Bot1" (ID:0, Short-Name:"RAI", Version:"0.601") took over control of team 0
[f=-000001] Player Picasso_CT finished loading and is now ingame
[f=-000001] Cheating is enabled!
[f=-000001]   gjbigbiowaste   gjmeatballs   gjmedbiogwaste 
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