

Here is where ideas can be collected for the skirmish AI in development

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Post by Dead.Rabit »

ok heres more of a question... i have minimal knowledge of scripting but have scripted mini 2D games before and am currently making a uberly large version of the original (and best) sonic 2d styley.....

ok let me get to the point .... how exactly does someone like me go about making an AI.... is there a tutorial anywhere.. i need the scripting practice and i have a few interesting ideas..

also can someone just bring forward the original TA AI...that was pretty damned good.. i think itd be good. =]

thanx all who post/read
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Post by Min3mat »

oOTA's AI was crap!
the add-ons rocked (banzai :D)
there are at least 3 AIs being made so ask Alantai Firestar, Zaphod or Triax
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Post by jcnossen »

there are at least 3 AIs being made so ask Alantai Firestar, Zaphod or Triax
Or cain, or alik

If you just need coding practice, I suggest doing something else that gives more result in shorter time. I can tell you there are a lot of problems involved (probably unexpected at first sight) that are difficult to solve.

There is no tutorial, you'll just have to experiment with the global AI callback or see my JCAI 0.10 code for an example of how an AI can be set up. At this point, Im kinda biased and fed up with AI development, so I say just go finish your sonic 2d style game, I would personally enjoy that more than making an AI ;)
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Post by AF »

You forgot Veylon zaphod, and jouninkomikos interests, though he has other things.

The OTA AI files where nto AI's at all, just weights that guided how the AI built things, it isnt just what to build, but when to build ti where to build it, howto use it, when to use it, why you should use it, and who to use it against.

Look at JCAI code yes, but look at TAI, and look at how GLEST and Stratagus have implemented their AI's too, read the mass of theory me and triaxx have posted here and at, and read the notes many of us have posted in this forum.

Or you could just help one of us on an existing project.
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Post by Triaxx2 »

Not really AF, it's just that the real guts of the stuff was hard coded into the EXE. The easily modifiable stuff was all those weights and limits files were.
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Post by cain »

here it's not matter of scripting, as there is no ai at all to be scripted.

as soon as zhapod will finish his AI, you'll have plenty of time to tweak it. I fiddledd around with the 0.11 and I'm truly impressed. The throuble that we AI-making are facing is the blackbox problem, as the documentation does miss some points and the interface sometimes crashes (as the reclaim bug) and the c++ sintax, that is a real pain. who here has some java experience knows what I mean... (a iterator class for every container???????? what the **)

as a footnote for the documentation lack: did they change the getmap(width/height) implementation? it used to be getmetalmap[x+z*maxx] with c,z and maxx divided by 16, now they're divided by two..
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