Units not moving into attack range? Others are running up to practically hug enemy models.

Units not moving into attack range? Others are running up to practically hug enemy models.

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Units not moving into attack range? Others are running up to practically hug enemy models.

Post by smoth »

The ranges are normal just the units are behaving peculiar.


anyone have thoughts?

Code: Select all

-- UNITDEF -- T61 --

local unitName = "t61"


local unitDef = {
  acceleration       = 0.05,
  bmcode             = "1",
  brakeRate          = 1,
  builder            = false,
  buildTime          = 10,
  buildpic			 = "T61.png",
  canAttack          = true,
  canGuard           = true,
  canMove            = true,
  canPatrol          = true,
  cantBeTransported  = true,
  canstop            = "1",
  category           = " NOTAIR",
  corpse             = "dead",
  defaultmissiontype = "standby",
  description        = "Support tank",
  explodeAs          = "RED_EXPLOSION",
  firestandorders    = "1",
  footprintX         = 3,
  footprintZ         = 3,
  collisionvolumetype  = "box",
  collisionvolumescales = "25 18 32",
  collisionvolumeoffsets = "0 0 0",
  iconType           = "fed",
  idleAutoHeal       = 0,
  leaveTracks        = true,
  maneuverleashlength = "300",
  mass               = 2000,
  maxDamage          = 900,
  maxSlope           = 15.00,
  maxVelocity        = 2.4,
  maxWaterDepth      = 2,
  minCloakDistance   = 76.84440612793,
  mobilestandorders  = "1",
  movementClass      = "tank3",
  name               = "Type 61 tank",
  noChaseCategory    = "AIR",
  objectName         = "units/T61.s3o",
  power              = 4,
  reclaimable        = false,
  script		 	 = "t61.cob",
  selfDestructAs     = "RED_EXPLOSION",
  shootme            = "1",
  side               = "renpou",
  sightDistance      = 900.00,
  smoothAnim         = true,
  standingfireorder  = "2",
  standingmoveorder  = "1",
  steeringmode       = "2",
  TEDClass           = "KBOT",
  threed             = "1",
  trackOffset        = 12,
  trackStrength      = 5,
  trackStretch       = 1,
  trackType          = "StdTank",
  trackWidth         = 18,
  transportByEnemy   = false,
  turnRate           = 500,
  unitname           = "t61",
  unitnumber         = "424",

  customparams = {    
	factionname		   = "federation",
  sfxtypes = {
    explosiongenerators = {
  sounds = {
    canceldestruct     = "cancel2",
    underattack        = "warning1",
    arrived = {
    cant = {
    count = {
    ok = {
    select = {
  weapons = {
    [1]  = {
      name               = "t61shot",
      onlyTargetCategory = "NOTAIR",
	[2]  = {
	  badTargetCategory  = "AIR",
      mainDir            = "0 0.5 1",
      maxAngleDif        = 110,
      name               = "smokegrenade",


local featureDefs = {
  dead = {
    blocking           = false,
    category           = "_corpses",
    damage             = 800,
    description        = "Wreckage",
    footprintX         = 4,
    footprintZ         = 4,
    height             = "10",
    hitdensity         = "70",
	collisionvolumetype  = "box",
	collisionvolumescales = "25 18 32",
	collisionvolumeoffsets = "0 0 0",    
    object             = "T61_dead",
    reclaimable        = true,
    seqnamereclamate   = "tree1reclamate",
    world              = "All Worlds",
unitDef.featureDefs = featureDefs


return lowerkeys({ [unitName] = unitDef })


Code: Select all


local weaponDef = {
  areaOfEffect       = 32,
  beamTime           = 0.4,
  weapontype         = "LaserCannon",
  coreThickness      = 0.2,
  explosionGenerator = "custom:BulletImpact",
  fallOffRate        = 0.1,
  --filename           = "weapons/t61shot.tdf",
  impactOnly         = 0,
  impulseFactor      = 0,
  largeBeamLaser     = true,
  movingAccuracy     = 500,
  name               = "150mm cannon",
  noSelfDamage       = true,
  projectiles		 = 2,  
  range              = 470,
  reloadtime         = 2,
  rgbColor           = "1 0.2 0.0",  
  rgbColor2          = "1 0.5 0.3", 

  soundHit           = "boom1",
  soundStart         = "boom3",
  soundTrigger       = true,
  startVelocity      = 1000,
  texture1           = "bigshot",
  texture2           = "bigshot_front",
  thickness          = 1,
  turret             = true,
  weaponTimer        = 2,
  weaponVelocity     = 1000,
  customparams = {
	damagetype		= "explosive",  
  damage = {
    default            = 120,

return lowerkeys({["t61shot"] = weaponDef})

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Re: Units not moving into attack range? Others are running up to practically hug enemy models.

Post by raaar »

there's an engine feature that makes units with two weapons stay at the range of the longest ranged weapon, which can be a secondary longer ranged low dps weapon instead of coming closer to fire with their primary weapon.
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Re: Units not moving into attack range? Others are running up to practically hug enemy models.

Post by smoth »

Thanks! I would have never been able to find that!

is there a way to tell the engine that I want it to make one of the weapons the range finder for that unit instead?
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Re: Units not moving into attack range? Others are running up to practically hug enemy models.

Post by raaar »

not sure, maybe you can set the range through this

Code: Select all


 ( number unitID, number maxRange ) -> nil
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Re: Units not moving into attack range? Others are running up to practically hug enemy models.

Post by smoth »

I'll have to add an override gadget, thanks for the help!

Any idea why units are not moving into position where they can shoot? as in there are 3 units, they don't walk to the side of the unit that already has sight instead they either push the unit or just stand there.
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Re: Units not moving into attack range? Others are running up to practically hug enemy models.

Post by raaar »

not sure, I think that's yet another unsolved engine fail.

units either stand there, move forward to try and get a clear line of fire or chase the enemy at max speed if it moves away, even if it's still well within firing range. This makes groups of fast short ranged units move in and hug a tough building or a slow retreating target, to the point where many won't even be able to fire...

the current workaround is educating the playerbase to use and redraw line formation often when maneuvering groups.
Last edited by raaar on 25 Nov 2016, 06:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Units not moving into attack range? Others are running up to practically hug enemy models.

Post by smoth »

it wasn't there before, hopefully a fix is coming.
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Re: Units not moving into attack range? Others are running up to practically hug enemy models.

Post by FLOZi »

The maxrange call doesn't quite work like that, unfortunately I can't quite remember what I did and why with that call. :( Seem to recall it didn't 100% resolve my issue either.
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Re: Units not moving into attack range? Others are running up to practically hug enemy models.

Post by smoth »

bugger all, I am pretty sure I remember it not being that way. Otherwise I would have said something earlier but I missed several versions of spring. Been playing in 93 for a while.
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