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3 widgets: create startpoints, create mexes, screenshot helper

Posted: 08 Mar 2018, 14:33
by Silentwings
Here are 3 small widgets that I use to save time when creating maps.

(1) Place units (in order) using /give into chosen locations, to save an (ordered) table of their locations, which can be used as the table of startpoints in mapinfo.lua or in BAs FFA gadgetry.

(2) Place (&re-place) units in chosen locations, to save an (unordered) table of their locations, which can be used as a table of metal spot locations in the usual lua mex gadgetry.

(3) Sends a few commands in widget:GameStart that make Spring ready to take a png (=lossless) screenshot, without any gui/etc, by simply pressing f12.

See code for further details.