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Re: League of Legends

Posted: 15 Aug 2011, 12:43
by TheMightyOne
If you see that your team can't win teamfights then buy some wards and splitpush the hell out of the enemy team. You're singed after all.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 15 Aug 2011, 13:53
by Gota
haha split push with noobs...does not work...As in its not some ultimate startegy you can use when u got a newbie team to turn the tied...

Instead of them poking other lanes while u split push they start jungling or fucking just idling near one of the turrets to "defend it".
This leads to the entire enemy team coming for you.

Another scenario is that when you start pushing on lane they all start coming towards you as oppose to pushing or poking another lane...
Low elo usually have zero idea as to how split pushing really works.

I have tried playing with split pushers like teemo and shaco but ultimately your team is brainless and will initiate 4v5 while u split push as oppose to just poking.
You need to push ur lane but you must join team fights in most occasions or ur team is gonna get owned.

If you dont join team fights and split push expect them to get wiped and than flame you for not playing with your team ^^.

Don't give up on s0lo queue that's how it is sometimes, big lose streaks...Doesn't mean you you wont still climb up overall.
Cant win them all.Some games are jut straight up unwinnable even if you're hotshotnidaleegg.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 15 Aug 2011, 14:00
by Gota
I hate when my team forces me to play support but if i see the enemy has support i still take support even though its hard to carry with.
I take an aggressive semi-support like ali and just build CDR to be as fucking disruptive as possible.
Support char on bot with cv is just so valuable for the team.

Also, iv noticed almost nobody in low elo knows hot to use CV properly.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 15 Aug 2011, 17:17
by Coresair
^ yup, that is the issue.

I did run down the lanes while my allies were regrouping though, our outer lanes were always pushing. I didn't stay to push simply because my team would just jungle or initiate.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 15 Aug 2011, 17:35
by smoth
Yan can you clearly define what a split push is supposed to be? I don't know all the terms just what people do.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 15 Aug 2011, 17:59
by Coresair
When the 5th member of a team pushes a side lane while their team pokes and distracts the 5 enemies. No teamfight is supposed to occur during a split push. Split pushing is normally down by champions with escape or map awareness mechanisms that can push creep waves down quickly, like singed, nidalee. Or by someone who just absolutely rapes towers like yi.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 15 Aug 2011, 18:15
by Gota
You pick a char that has great escape skills or movement skills like Teemo(cause of shroomies) Shaco(cause of invisi and jack in the boxes) Nidalee and Sivir cause of dodge,TF and Panth cause of very long range ulties though im not sure how good they are at it after the global ulti nerf and others...

this works best with a team that is good at poking.
Good poking chars are chars with long range skills like Kog,Brand,Nidalee, I suppose Cass,Orianna,Morgana perhaps,Lux,Anivia,and more...

So you push a lane while your team pokes the enemy on another lane but tries to not engage or engage only near own tower or if they see they can win cause its a 4v4(cause the 5th player had to go defend towers against your pushing or went back) or cause they poked enough and lowered the enemy team hp enough.

If their team pushes your team must back off but still make sure they maintain contact so you know where the enemies are and so they cant just all rush towards you.

They can decide to all come after you(or 2 or 3 of them) than you run while your team is suppose to be pushing another lane and raping that lane's towers( as oppose to running towards you to try and save or protect you which is what happens in newbie games).

Since Teemo has shrooms he can run away and see where the enemies are if you play and shroom the enemy jungle correctly.
Shaco has boxes for vision and slowing down enemies but you still need jungle wards sometimes in the jungle near the lane that you are pushing.
This way you know exactly where they are and know where and when to run.

This tactic seems to be effective/viable in mid ELO on rankes games.
In low elo and high elo its less viable I think although perhaps its fine in high elo in solo queue.
IN 5v5 premades it is less effective since the teams are much more organized.

Another note.
Usually if you push for a while and have not failed early game you should slowly become very very farmed(if you can last hit properly of course) thus having a higher 1v1 potential and a higher ability to actually kill a champ sent to stop ur push.

for great examples go watch HOTSHOTNIDALEEGG play.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 15 Aug 2011, 18:21
by smoth
Coresair wrote:When the 5th member of a team pushes a side lane while their team pokes and distracts the 5 enemies. No teamfight is supposed to occur during a split push. Split pushing is normally down by champions with escape or map awareness mechanisms that can push creep waves down quickly, like singed, nidalee. Or by someone who just absolutely rapes towers like yi.
Oh so that shit I pull :p

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 15 Aug 2011, 19:12
by Coresair
Dyrus is a better example because he does it with singed :P

Yeah, poor XAN, hsgg raped them.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 15 Aug 2011, 21:59
by Gota
that guy is funny..."he rape my brother in the ass"

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 15 Aug 2011, 22:07
by Coresair
Just played a game with nid solotop, I figure I would just gay it up and split push. I was against morde.....Well I killed him just fine in lane with the help of our jungler (OMG a jungler actually knowing morde can only push and using it to his advantage!). So my lane was won, I killed the turret. I just kept pushing when morde went mid, I got all the way down to the inhib turret constantly distracting their trynd and ashe trying to kill me, my team won the 4v3 teamfights early on, then started dieing to singed..... So basically I could 1v2 effectively but my team couldnt 4v3.

I love ranked. I am seriously considering just installing, this losing streak is getting ridiculous. I was almost to 1400 goddammit.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 15 Aug 2011, 22:18
by smoth
I don't know who this Drier fella is Corsair but I was more talking about why I have teleport always and when I get to turret hunting phase of the game.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 16 Aug 2011, 01:52
by smoth
ugh, just had my worst game evar.


Re: League of Legends

Posted: 16 Aug 2011, 10:20
by TheMightyOne
Coresair wrote:Just played a game with nid solotop, I figure I would just gay it up and split push. I was against morde.....Well I killed him just fine in lane with the help of our jungler (OMG a jungler actually knowing morde can only push and using it to his advantage!). So my lane was won, I killed the turret. I just kept pushing when morde went mid, I got all the way down to the inhib turret constantly distracting their trynd and ashe trying to kill me, my team won the 4v3 teamfights early on, then started dieing to singed..... So basically I could 1v2 effectively but my team couldnt 4v3.

I love ranked. I am seriously considering just installing, this losing streak is getting ridiculous. I was almost to 1400 goddammit.
so you pushed all the top towers up till the inhib? what about the other lanes? once you've pushed your first tower maybe second too you would be better off helping your teammates push other lanes imo or just switch to bot. and talk to your team, let them know what your plan is.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 16 Aug 2011, 20:28
by KaiserJ
Kaisers Definitive Guide on How To Rate Your Teammates Before The Game Has Even Begun

first you examine names.

somebody uses their real first name | -1
somebody uses their real last name | -1
somebody has random numbers after their name | -1
somebody has 420 or 69 in their name | -2
somebody has their birthyear in numbers in their name | -4
somebody has their birthyear in numbers in their name and it is post-1992| -8
somebody has no capitals (or all capitals in their name) | -2

so for a name like "PercivalLee1989" you would score it as a -6
and for a name like "420jason1999" you would score it as a -13

makes sense? lets keep going.

if they pick from the following group of characters, assign them -1
- master yi
- maokai
- garen
- karthus

jungling? assign them -5

if they are using a custom skin, assign them -4

noob heal? -2

for each minute it takes them to load the game, assign them -1

there, now use this differential as the game loads and check out the other team. if your teams total is significantly lower (by 15 or more points) then there really isn't any reason for you to play as you've already lost. just kill the task and wait until you are able to join the queue again.

i had some other things to mention but they are racist/sexist/culturally insensitive; plus its hard to tell gender/ethnicity before actually getting ingame.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 16 Aug 2011, 20:32
by smoth
Mao is shit tier now? I don't follow also you didn't give the base for the score.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 16 Aug 2011, 20:35
by KaiserJ
maokai is not a shit character

the scoring starts at zero, because both teams are generally worthless to begin with

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 16 Aug 2011, 20:43
by smoth
So why -1? I have seen more good maos than I do xin

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 16 Aug 2011, 21:14
by KaiserJ
i figure a bad xin is like throwing arrows into the air; you may not know the timing of misfortune but you know the basic nature of it even from the get-go

bad mao is more like putting a blind guy in a ferrari; you know there will be danger and heartbreak, but the exact nature of the failure is less obvious (will he crash into a schoolbus? a gas station? can he even find the keys etc)

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 17 Aug 2011, 05:52
by Gota
Why you haten on karthus?