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Re: League of Legends

Posted: 22 Jul 2011, 23:30
by Otherside
The lizard buff won't do much to carries if they want a slow they can just get a triforce/mallet.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 23 Jul 2011, 01:34
by Coresair
Triforce has alot of undesirable traits for its price, AND its slow is unreliable. Mallet has very low damage for a carry item. It impacts carries significantly......

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 23 Jul 2011, 01:44
by Gota
Mallet good for offtanks.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 23 Jul 2011, 10:29
by TheMightyOne
Otherside wrote:The lizard buff won't do much to carries if they want a slow they can just buy a 4k gold item with a built in slow.
fixed that for you

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 23 Jul 2011, 19:23
by Otherside
triforce is core on some carries already so what if a few more have to get it. It is not a big deal.

Ashe has a slow
Vayne was already really good.
Tristana doesn't really need it that much.
Corki Triforce is core.
MF doesn't need it.

etc etc

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 26 Jul 2011, 17:54
by Aether_0001
Grand notice to all EU players, I made a level 1 account during US downtime and will play during US downtime. Add me: NeutralRight. I'm a 1400 elo in US servers :>

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 27 Jul 2011, 03:24
by Coresair
Oh my god, riot banned Reginald during the his demonstration of escaping low elo, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF-

I wanted to watch that, But oh well.....He promised to do something else after the ban to make up for it.

Chaox's champion demonstrations have been sweet though....

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 27 Jul 2011, 04:16
by Das Bruce

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 01 Aug 2011, 14:17
by Carpenter
Ok so the more I play LoL the more it starts to piss me off and guess why? Because it has the same disease as Spring has; balance of the teams never works. 10 out of 15 games I've had a team that has had one noob (currently playing 15 - 22 lvl games or so and I am 17 myself) and that noob has first feeded the other team like shit and then he quits, now this leads to one more player quitting and there we go, surrender is the only reasonable thing to do.

Now this thing has started to happen only recently, balance was never a problem on lower levels for some reason, probably because we were all pretty bad but right now it's really unbearable, it's everything but fun. Maybe it's to do with ppl matching a lot these days and I just happen to get the worse team, not that I'm a super player myself but at least I'm not playing heroes that I don't even know and at least I'm not letting the enemies kill me in a stupid way, as in soloing on their territory.


Re: League of Legends

Posted: 01 Aug 2011, 22:27
by pintle
So I bought 9 atk speed marks for Kayle, then tried them out on Vayne and have had some success playing her with crit dmg quints and whoring phantoms/IE.

I rarely see her played since the nerf, and was wondering if anyone plays her and if so how they build these days? Playing straight up AD like Ashe or Cait just seems to suck.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 01 Aug 2011, 23:58
by TheMightyOne
she seems to be just fine. i still use the usual build: 2-3 dorans, bloodthirster, phantom.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 07 Aug 2011, 11:45
by scifi
Dominion Map is coming !!


Also basic havent seen you around, what time you play.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 07 Aug 2011, 21:06
by Coresair
Jungle gragas is surprisingly brutal. I was in a ranked game and NO ONE chose to jungle, and I second picked gragas already....

So I just grabbed smite and started at blue. No one leashed me but I killed it and wolves before I killed the leblanc mid....after finishing the other half of the jungle I got another kill on rumble....

As soon as gragas is 6 his ganks are brutal....I was shocked it worked.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 07 Aug 2011, 21:09
by Plato
Olaf top solo...hell yeah.
Grab health regen and hp pot first than go for shoes and wriggles.
Skill up E, than Q and one in W.
Hieeeell yeah.
Bring it.

All the god damn solo top Jaxes FOTM bastards.

Fiddler orianna and jax are pretty good right now...Play them for easiear ELO climb, at least until they get nerfed.
Orianna mid early game OP as feck and fiddle in jungle with max 3 second fear is fecken crazy...
Jax vgood versus tanky wonders solo top.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 07 Aug 2011, 23:27
by Plato
Had a funny game.
We were trying to get baron and we were waiting for them in the bushes near it but they were not coming so I typed "Baron" in all chat and they immediately went in and into our ambush...
so funny.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 08 Aug 2011, 04:45
by Aether_0001
hehe fuck my life

I dropped from 1400 elo to 1200 in two days. Fucking teams, did people in ranked just start sucking the moment they announced season 1 end? I wanted 1500 for silver awards but now i'm gonna have to try to settle for bronze.

Last game i did jungle yi (first time in a while, I usually do something like singed, kass, or taric due to the lack of tanks, supports, and sometimes AP carries - everyone wants tanky DPS or full-on squishy AD's) - went 12-6. My team was all around 2-9, except for a 0-2-9 soraka, who was the guy i was duoqueuing with. A feeder gangplank complained about soraka and I (lmao?) which was kind of dumb since i was the one getting two quadras and a baron steal... we lost cause enemy had pushed too far by the time i pushed them back - minions finished us. Not even yi with wriggle's, IE, and phantom dancers can take on 12 super minions and like 50 caster ones.

Anyone in NA wanna duo queue with me? I wanna get back to 1250 (1230 right now), but my top rating was 1411.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 08 Aug 2011, 17:25
by Plato
Well I started playing ranked when i was really nooby and failed my first 5 games and was dropped to 800-900.
Since than i'v climbed to 1300 but I play on the European servers, where all the cool kids are...

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 08 Aug 2011, 18:44
by Aether_0001
hehe yeah, i failed my first rankeds too. it's actually so hard to climb up though :/ its a pain

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 09 Aug 2011, 04:14
by Plato

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 10 Aug 2011, 22:38
by Coresair
Ok, ranked is a joke.....I am pretty much done with it. I had a streak of good games, which were all close... I carried with ap mid or jungle trundle most of my win and climbed to 1300. Now I have a streak of retards I cannnot possibly carry.... I try to always go mid so I can push/win my lane (I ALWAYS do if the other lanes don't fail) and gank the other two, but my past 6+ ranked games bot and top fell before the 15 min mark letting me deal with 3 people in my lane constantly.....Oh and the lanes that fell fed too and were useless in teamfights....

Ranked is simply about luck 1k-1.3k elo in my opinion, its whoever doesn't get the new player with 2 ranked wins that wins...