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Re: League of Legends

Posted: 22 Jun 2011, 19:53
by Coresair
Speaking of fucking crutch that vayne isn't ridiculously OP my games are filled with nothing but awful vaynes.....

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 22 Jun 2011, 20:02
by Gota
Has the game been patched on the US servers?

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 22 Jun 2011, 20:05
by Teutooni
Heh, eve got raped by that patch. Good riddance.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 22 Jun 2011, 20:06
by Coresair
Yeah, I am figuring out how to play Yorick right now. Seems manamune rush followed by sheen, banshees and glacial is decent....

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 22 Jun 2011, 20:07
by Gota
Why do riot always spit on EU so hard...
US always gets patch first, US has stable servers, US forums and riot communication is better...

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 00:27
by Otherside
Eastern Europeans are the equivalent of brazilians especially Russians.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 00:50
by Coresair
I doubt they can possibly be as annoying/awful as Brazilians. So I have been playing with yorick all day. I have tried HP builds, AD builds, Hybrid AD/tanky and nothing works

Riot said he was a tanky dps, alright. His issue is the fact he has no gap closer, he has a weak slow, and a speed boost you have to hit the enemy to use, doesn't stop flash or dashes at all. He is also ridiculously squishy without tank items (I mean like caster level of squishy).

I don't know, his damage output is weak, he has no hard CC, he is squishy, lacks a gap closer and his minions die in 5 seconds, assuming the enemy didn't unknowingly nuke the poor little things....

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 03:11
by Aether_0001
Well Gota, I just meant that Jax's scaling ratios were pretty ridiculous. Jax is one of my mains, and heck I'm probably playing feeders but it does feel OP to hit 40% of your target's health with an empowered leapstrike the moment you get rageblade...

I know you feel a lot of people baww at characters because they're bad, but I think Xin is OP [at least, really powerful early game] right now for his lane sustainability from his passive heal, and his on-demand knockup + charge. He can zone from the brush with his charge range, and if he lands his knockup on you with his lane partner also focusing you, it's painful. Yes, I know the patch addressed his ult and not at all what I just said, I'm just giving out possible reasons why people (including me) think they're OP.

The fact that they weren't really chosen in the tourney probably means that there are better picks that fit different roles a lot more solidly and had stronger strengths - except usually at the cost of stronger weaknesses. This is okay because in pro levels with full teams, one can depend on their team to work together and cover each other's weaknesses.

On the other hand I feel that Jax and Xin are more competitive for solo queue when you can't really trust your team to cover your weaknesses. They're more well-rounded and though their strengths aren't as powerful as some other champions strengths [like malzahar's ability to take down a 100% hp champion in 2.5 seconds], they have less weaknesses.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 03:16
by Valheru
Aether_0001 wrote:[like malzahar's ability to take down a 100% hp champion in 2.5 seconds]
Show me how its done please!

(and i thought i was getting quite good on malz.. but this blows me out the water..)

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 04:37
by Gota
Malz got nerfed no?

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 14:27
by TheMightyOne
Aether_0001 wrote: The fact that they weren't really chosen in the tourney probably means that there are better picks pro levels with full teams, one can depend on their team to work together and cover each other's weaknesses.
This is a very important point. Ashe is one of the best ranged carries in the game but let me tell you it is extremely hard to carry solo queue with Ashe.

Let's compare Ashe to Kassadin. When I'm playing Kassadin whether I live or die lies to 95% in my hands. It is rather difficult to die with Kass if you know when to go in. The 5% where I need my team are the situations you cannot expect (I had a post about that already) e.g. Ashe arrow or out of nowhere Garen flashes over the wall silences me and spins next to me and I need my team to stun/slow him so I can get away.

When I'm playing Ashe whether I live or die in a teamfight probably depends 50% on my team. Even more if my flash/ghost is on CD. The most important part of playing a good AD ranged is knowing how to position yourself and I like to think that I possess this skill :) But even the best positioning won't protect you from a flash + ult by warwick. The range of the combo is rather huge so that he prolly could have started from the FoW now when this happens and your team charges into the enemy team instead of turning around to interrupt WWs ult you know you should have picked a different carry. Of course they lose the fight without their main carry and blame me for "not playing safe" :mrgreen:

Anyway, what I'm trying to say. Good champions for Tourney =/= Good champions for solo queue. There is definately a lot of correlation but some champs are beasts in solo and terrible in competetive play (Shaco anybody?) and the other way around, see Ashe.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 15:46
by Gota
GP was banned on guardmanbob's stream ^^

also iv tried about 5 times, I'm unable to connect to the EU servers.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 16:27
by TheMightyOne
Gota wrote:I'm unable to connect to the EU servers.
same. it says Availible though. I think they are patching it and forgot to change the status or something.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 16:49
by Gota
seems GP is now FOTM so here are my GP builds:
must have - teleport
second spell can be whatever...he has a lot of defensive ability since he has speed boost ability and cleanse so you could take an offensive skill but i usually go for ghost jsut to get an even bigger speed boost.

I take health regen and mana pot at start.
As soon as i get 365 g i go b to get philo stone than tele to lane.
Than i start build of the following items(depends on who im lanning against and enemy team compo):
Cooldown reduction shoes

after these 3 items things start to diverge.
you can go straight AD with bloodthirster(scepter is very nice on gp since he is half melee) if you think your not gonna get focused or you go tons of CC on your team.
You can also build TF and start with either sheen that gives stronger parley or zeal which is also great on GP.

Instead of blodthirster you can go Atma's impaler that gives crits armor and bonus ad bases on hp and than build HP/BV.

Phantoms is also a great item on him.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 16:54
by Gota
Iv also been thinking about playing Alistar as an AS anti carry XD.
Build shoes speed 3 on him, Youmuu's Ghostblade and malady,frozen heart and than whatever based on enemy team...

Probably mega troll build but i wanna try it for fun XD

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 17:30
by Aether_0001
Valheru wrote:
Aether_0001 wrote:[like malzahar's ability to take down a 100% hp champion in 2.5 seconds]
Show me how its done please!

(and i thought i was getting quite good on malz.. but this blows me out the water..)
Call of the void him first, then use Malefic Visions. Then you land your pool under him, and ult him when he's on top of it. The pool + ult is the most important part imo. All 4 spells this way usually does the trick.

(May want an ignite to be 100% sure)

An aware player can sometimes dodge this, which is why it's convenient to do this while someone has decided to dive you (taking tower damage), or if you're mid lane, you can gank sidelanes from brush this way. (Aware players will also probably have wards - maybe bring a vision ward to kill it and try another lane) Then you get an extra .2 seconds minimum of your opponent's reflex time to land your full combo. --> fastest takedowns I know of in the game!

EDIT: He did get nerfed, but it seems to work for me. Granted, I usually put all my spells on champions who have 80% health when I have no friends to support, which may have made the difference.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 17:58
by Valheru
Lol i was joking, i know the combo.. ;) But you'll find that higher elo opponents wont hang around to take Q E and W.. Its often best to just E W R, then catch them with the CotV as they run and drop a final E to finish.

Furthermore, at higher skill levels people build far more resists and you'll find you wont be able to solo enemies unless theyre already low on health, its very much a team effort. This is why i often open W then R to catch them fast so my team can nuke them while theyre suppressed. Its situational..

Also, though ignite seems like a fantastic choice for malz (and it is my 3rd), its almost always better to take ghost and flash as you have no other escape mechanisms. The exceptions being if youre with a cc-heavy team or with a shen/pantheon/TF etc..

Of course this doesnt apply when youre fighting newbs, as newbs try to carry without building defense. In this situation yes, it's entirely possible to nuke someone dead in half a combo.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 19:31
by Coresair
I am actually kind of sad they buffed GP to being FotM. I always loved to play him because I rarely saw him :( .

Anyways my build:

Start with the cheapest mana regen item, buy two of each pots and a ward. Just last hit with parrrley and get your CS up, don't worry about harassment. When I back the first time I will finish up philo stone and buy boots. After the philo I start to harass with parrrley but still prioritize last hitting.

The next trip I make back I pick up the boots that have a level 3 movement speed boost (I find mobility KEY with GP) and sheen. The sheen is awesome early on, really boosts parrrley damage. After that I build IE and PD. After the PD I will complete shirelyas reverie. After that comes tri force and a situation item....

He turns into a ridiculously fast squishy nuking machine. He is very squishy, but with 500+ move speed and your free cleanse (and a little common sense) you can stay alive. The main thing is helping your team escape/catch with your E, R and shirelyas reverie. You can also 3 hit ranged carries and casters if you get the chance >___>, so that is nice.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 21:42
by Aether_0001
Valheru, just flash works for me. Sometimes I take clarity, sometimes ignite, sometimes teleport - I vary it up. Still, if enemy stacks MR, a void staff would probably do the trick. Also, in mid-game when caster power is the greatest, takedowns are almost certain.

Re: League of Legends

Posted: 23 Jun 2011, 22:15
by Gota
EU servers are so fucked...