
Search found 328 matches

by Senna
16 Jan 2019, 20:59
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: PV = global LOS
Replies: 14
Views: 6734

Re: PV = global LOS

Today Cartouche used some tricky things against oponents like nuking enemy in the edge of anti ranges without scout. I propose to block some certain parts of the new spring engine versions for not being modified and modified gameplay and block custom widgets. If we dont do something this game will d...
by Senna
03 Dec 2018, 03:48
Forum: Balanced Annihilation
Topic: BA10s "official letter" to Chris Taylor
Replies: 28
Views: 15620

Re: BA10s "official letter" to Chris Taylor

Sorry but i had something to say there. Whats the attitude of BA wich uses models, sounds, names and open code from copyrighted content (Cavedog now belongs to EA) against Article 13. This is we all should worry off instead fighting each other i think.... Whats the matter of keep doing work if in ne...
by Senna
02 Oct 2018, 08:22
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: EU Changes Internet Laws Internet in DANGER
Replies: 8
Views: 5101

Re: EU Changes Internet Laws Internet in DANGER

Well this getting worse and worse. There are rumours that Axel Voss wil vote for a prohibition of VPN in whole EU and only Hospitals, Military Services, Unis and Govern will have access to. Its very bad news guys. I dont wanna scare people there but this is what will happend to EU. If the final vote...
by Senna
24 Sep 2018, 05:43
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: EU Changes Internet Laws Internet in DANGER
Replies: 8
Views: 5101

Re: EU Changes Internet Laws Internet in DANGER

I doubt it'll have such a drastic impact on those services, it's probably just another step along the path toward censorship and control of the internet. If they had voted against it, the "powers that be" would push it again in a year or so until they get the "correct" result. T...
by Senna
22 Sep 2018, 23:07
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: EU Changes Internet Laws Internet in DANGER
Replies: 8
Views: 5101

Re: EU Changes Internet Laws Internet in DANGER

Looks like no one is caring so much, but these laws affects us all including this forum, spring and all its mods inside.
by Senna
22 Sep 2018, 00:23
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: EU Changes Internet Laws Internet in DANGER
Replies: 8
Views: 5101

EU Changes Internet Laws Internet in DANGER

Its strange that these laws are not getting way too much attention.... Well these laws will complete wipe out free of speech we have today internet and it will triggered if not kill the open source for forever. Once ive readed these laws (Articles) i posted there:
by Senna
05 Aug 2018, 06:27
Forum: Engine
Topic: SpringRTS development with gajop
Replies: 17
Views: 14112

Re: SpringRTS development with gajop

Gajop!! Congrats!! on the twitch channel wish you all the Best bro!
by Senna
02 Jun 2018, 17:50
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: If Microsoft buys github
Replies: 39
Views: 40058

Re: If Microsoft buys github

ALOT of stuff will be migrated if SPYDOS buys github, All what microsoft wants its to control all of urs.

Linux is also under microsoft postcode aswell.... Long Life Windows 7 Ultimate!!
by Senna
25 Apr 2018, 12:12
Forum: Off Topic Discussion
Topic: List of staff
Replies: 37
Views: 29750

Re: List of staff

Wish i could find some google/youtube staff here :(
by Senna
31 Dec 2017, 12:43
Forum: Off Topic Discussion
Topic: Wish you all a good 2018
Replies: 5
Views: 8262

Wish you all a good 2018

Hello Everyone im wishing you all a very good 2018 with health, peace, love and of course $.

Happy new year 2018 to you all!!!
by Senna
09 Nov 2017, 19:56
Forum: Ingame Community
Replies: 23
Views: 11850


Kapytii wrote:This again? Its like the beginning of this year...

Dont bother, no one can ban mando.
Are you sure? just give admin some $ and they sure will do it. For free nothing they will do, but money does all.
by Senna
07 Nov 2017, 15:01
Forum: Ingame Community
Topic: Damn why do I defend this guy...
Replies: 14
Views: 9192

Re: Damn why do I defend this guy...

How many $ does adolf donate to spring? Looks like he acts as the owner of spring. [12:03:35] <CARRYME_Adolf> lmao [12:03:37] <CARRYME_Adolf> gg [12:03:40] <CARRYME_Adolf> way to snitch [12:03:45] <CARRYME_Adolf> u know tritard troling with that forum [12:04:03] <CARRYME_Adolf> izi ban [12:04:06] <C...
by Senna
07 Nov 2017, 14:55
Forum: Ingame Community
Topic: Damn why do I defend this guy...
Replies: 14
Views: 9192

Re: Damn why do I defend this guy...

Looks like you are not the only one Triton, i just joined overkill and adolf banned me aswell. [11:59:10] * OverKillHost1 * Hi [ACE]Senna (Ghost), welcome to OverKillHost1 (SPADS 0.11.49, automated host). [11:59:10] * OverKillHost1 * A game is in progress since 13 minutes and 34 seconds. [11:59:14] ...
by Senna
18 Sep 2017, 06:48
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Spec delay to avoid specheat
Replies: 10
Views: 15329

Re: Spec delay to avoid specheat

[LCC]LionHeart was a moderator, and he lose his moderator rights plus a permaban forlife by spec cheating on 1v1 battles. IMO host admins should ban whos spec cheating ingame. If they do not do it and allow that happening then i think is time for lobby moderators should take that in consideration. R...
by Senna
18 Sep 2017, 06:39
Forum: Ingame Community
Topic: moderation of bad language in autohosts
Replies: 27
Views: 16876

Re: moderation of bad language in autohosts

Dude Triton i know bans are bad for any mod community. But everyone should respect each other and avoid bad languages or insults.

So im up with abma on this.
by Senna
18 Sep 2017, 06:29
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Changes to moderation & lobbyserver
Replies: 16
Views: 13466

Re: Changes to moderation & lobbyserver

These are nice news.

Good to see finally there will be some important changes!
by Senna
30 Aug 2017, 03:49
Forum: Ingame Community
Topic: Just Reporting Overkill host abusing with personal info.
Replies: 1
Views: 1964

Just Reporting Overkill host abusing with personal info.

I have seen this and i dont want my personal info showing inside autohosts. [22:49:08] * OverKillHost1 * Vote in progress: "set map SpeedBall_X20-V1.1" [y:1/5, n:2/4] (14s remaining) [22:49:17] <[ACE]Senna> last game i played vs u i won [22:49:20] <OP_Adolf> stfu [22:49:22] * OverKillHost1...
by Senna
13 Aug 2017, 08:23
Forum: Off Topic Discussion
Topic: Bitcoin ROI made easy
Replies: 16
Views: 21358

Re: Bitcoin ROI made easy

"For the next ""crash""" lol^^ like is going to go down at any time soon?. It probably wont go down anymore, maybe can go down 20% but not more
by Senna
12 Aug 2017, 21:31
Forum: Off Topic Discussion
Topic: Bitcoin ROI made easy
Replies: 16
Views: 21358

Re: Bitcoin ROI made easy

BTC on 3900 usd right now, is scaling up with non stop, and thats not good at all.

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