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by quakeman2
10 Nov 2017, 09:14
Forum: Ingame Community
Replies: 23
Views: 11850


Sorry for the late reply but i've been busy. Before starting the trial let's quote some stuff. while were at it i want overkill hosts removed aswell... +1 Please do that as all this actually happened because of Overkill host admins incompetence. They claim that this issue is fixed in 104. :regret: S...
by quakeman2
30 Aug 2017, 10:36
Forum: Off Topic Discussion
Topic: Re: Just Reporting Overkill host abusing with personal info.
Replies: 2
Views: 5617

Re: Just Reporting Overkill host abusing with personal info.

Mando has been called for justice again.... after another amazing abuse from forum/lobby admins of this NONopen community. Unlock that post and let the people reply and stop censoring every conversation on this forum as you like for pure personal interest. Other than this i will wait to see Senna ho...
by quakeman2
21 Aug 2017, 14:51
Forum: Tech Annihilation
Topic: She's Alive
Replies: 1
Views: 10006

Re: She's Alive

It's ok....
show your kids the Senna's face pic and tell them: "this is the guy who wrote those messages".
If they survive the initial trauma i'm sure they will understand they have nothing to worry about.
by quakeman2
13 Aug 2017, 09:19
Forum: AI
Topic: AI widget in C++
Replies: 8
Views: 12142

Re: AI widget in C++


i corrected the post. Was full of typo from mobile phone corrections and i probably wrote in drunk conditions xD
Anyway just check if now makes sense to you.
I just mean i would like to plug these AI scripts directly into the engine.
by quakeman2
11 Aug 2017, 10:15
Forum: AI
Topic: AI widget in C++
Replies: 8
Views: 12142

Re: AI widget in C++

Was also wondering....
In case i want it to be faster and with less lag where would be the best place in engine code to directly get the units position informations and add the commands it the queue?
I want to avoid using standard AI wrappers and /aicontrol or however is written.
by quakeman2
09 Aug 2017, 12:15
Forum: AI
Topic: AI widget in C++
Replies: 8
Views: 12142

Re: AI widget in C++

Cool! Thanks a lot!

I will check and make some tests later.
by quakeman2
09 Aug 2017, 09:04
Forum: AI
Topic: AI widget in C++
Replies: 8
Views: 12142

Re: AI widget in C++

Kloot wrote:I totally can't spot any flaws in the idea of players running mando-supplied binary blobs.

STFU omg.... it's just for myself not meant to be distributed.

Btw... is at least possible from a LUA widget to make a localhost http call or it also has network features limitations?
by quakeman2
08 Aug 2017, 09:19
Forum: AI
Topic: AI widget in C++
Replies: 8
Views: 12142

AI widget in C++


i would like to have a C++ AI script to work like a widget.
Since many of you guys already know about the whole architecture of the code, which is the best way to let a c++ code work in a widget?

by quakeman2
05 Aug 2017, 07:27
Forum: SPADS AutoHost
Topic: TS database clone for new MOD
Replies: 6
Views: 2685

Re: TS database clone for new MOD

Nothing here is up for debate Feels nice to be part of a community where you can feel free to discuss. :D Hopely someday they will keep MOD devs out of forum and TS database admin just to avoid these TINY conflicts of interests. And this message mainly refers to the engine devs that are developing ...
by quakeman2
05 Aug 2017, 06:07
Forum: SPADS AutoHost
Topic: TS database clone for new MOD
Replies: 6
Views: 2685

Re: TS database clone for new MOD

Yes i will change artwork stuff of course, but being an employed person i cant waste my time to work on stuff if i'm not sure i will get the database clone in the end. ( considering this OPENSOURCE and FREE game has more rules than many proprietary games ) So give me a break!.... and clone this data...
by quakeman2
04 Aug 2017, 16:14
Forum: SPADS AutoHost
Topic: TS database clone for new MOD
Replies: 6
Views: 2685

TS database clone for new MOD


i need to clone the TS database of BA for my new mod: MA Mando Annihilation

Thanks for your support.

by quakeman2
13 Apr 2017, 09:30
Forum: Balanced Annihilation
Topic: BA Fork Episode 2 uncensored (for now)
Replies: 9
Views: 7048

Re: BA Fork Episode 2 uncensored (for now)

ROFLocked (gajop)

User was warned for this post, felonies 2 & 6. (Silentwings)

User and related hosts were banned for ignoring repeated warnings of the same nature, about the same issue.
by quakeman2
13 Apr 2017, 04:16
Forum: Balanced Annihilation
Topic: BA Fork Episode 2 uncensored (for now)
Replies: 9
Views: 7048

Re: BA Fork Episode 2 uncensored (for now)

but have not yet asked bibim to actually do it, I guess because they do not yet want to make a release - it is up to them to choose when. I guess they just don't know they have to ask someone else as CommanderSpice was just waiting for something from you guys. So what about REBA? First version has ...
by quakeman2
12 Apr 2017, 16:22
Forum: Balanced Annihilation
Topic: BA Fork Episode 2 uncensored (for now)
Replies: 9
Views: 7048

Re: BA Fork Episode 2 uncensored (for now)

4) This kind of request won't convince anyone to assist you. Well mando is polite in his own way xD Are these forks using BA TS database currently? If yes then I guess it's not a big issue because they are not very popular yet. I guess this task should be done via PM to SLDB owner not via posts lik...
by quakeman2
12 Apr 2017, 11:59
Forum: Balanced Annihilation
Topic: BA Fork Episode 2 uncensored (for now)
Replies: 9
Views: 7048

BA Fork Episode 2 uncensored (for now)

It has been months already since the request from CommanderSpice to clone the TS database data into his Phoenix Annihilation MOD. Same REBA story repeating again: 1) Someone don't like current BA status and start a BA fork 2) Floris cries 3) Admins start inventing pathetic excuses to save Floris emp...
by quakeman2
09 Dec 2016, 06:14
Forum: Ingame Community
Topic: Life ban
Replies: 23
Views: 15186

Re: Life ban

I totally agree with Frognuker.
Trolls like Adolf should be instabanned for kicking and muting innocent players!
Sensitive people like me are hardly affected by such kind of behaviours...
by quakeman2
01 Dec 2016, 01:47
Forum: Balanced Annihilation
Topic: 9.51 Forboding Angel revert to 9.46
Replies: 27
Views: 10418

Re: 9.51 Forboding Angel revert to 9.46

Fyi: This is off-topic but it is a genuine issue that we currently don't have but do seem to need community-wide guidelines on - it is being (slowly) thought about by us moderators at the request of infra devs - what should define a fork as opposed to an imitation, what should protect games own nam...
by quakeman2
28 Nov 2016, 06:09
Forum: Balanced Annihilation
Topic: 9.51 Forboding Angel revert to 9.46
Replies: 27
Views: 10418

Re: 9.51 Forboding Angel revert to 9.46

BA is open source, LOL As open as its True Skill database data I must say that I dont desire or had planned to be the BA balancing dev, but I did want to make some structural changes first, before anybody else would take Decay's place. Ye if only someone offered to help on that :D This will only en...
by quakeman2
08 Oct 2016, 07:15
Forum: SPADS AutoHost
Topic: Link a battleroom to a specific TS database
Replies: 35
Views: 10540

Re: Link a battleroom to a specific TS database


i have a constructive request to ask: is it possible to clone the BA trueskill database to a new mod database?

Thank you in advace for your help.
by quakeman2
08 Oct 2016, 02:21
Forum: SPADS AutoHost
Topic: Link a battleroom to a specific TS database
Replies: 35
Views: 10540

Re: Link a battleroom to a specific TS database

sigh.... I joined cause I thought it was BA that was hosted. That's what i meant.... (Fabrice style) I have other things to do with higher priority than spending more time trying to help someone with your attitude, thanks in advance for your understanding! LOL and you think i believed even for 1 se...

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