2024-12-03 23:48 CET

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    PID # Product VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
  0006470 105.0minornew2024-05-13Broken Mouse Warping under Wayland. (Possibly unrelated)
  00064681springrts.commajornew2024-03-03update list of springrts.com staff/moderators
  0006469 springrts.commajornew2024-01-15simplify/improve support chat systems (discord/matrix), bridges and references
  0006467 majornew2023-09-01spring 106 does not compile with GCC 13
  0006466 majornew2023-09-01spring 106 does not compile with GCC 13
  0006465 majornew2023-09-01spring 106 does not compile with GCC 13
  00064514minorresolved (abma)2023-07-18glCallList not removed from lua code
   0006464 springrts.comminornew2023-07-09Active topics view should default to five years
  000645410majorassigned (abma)2023-04-23spring-dedicated does not start
  00064631springrts.commajorresolved (abma)2023-04-14Active topics view should default to a year
  0006453 105.0crashnew2022-10-03Engine crashes after Gamestart
  00064521minorfeedback (abma)2022-09-12gcc 12 compile error
  00064482105.0 +gitminorresolved (abma)2022-02-23spring crashes when run with SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland ./spring
  00064448minorfeedback (abma)2022-01-11--gen-fontconfig does nothing
  00064502minorresolved (abma)2022-01-11github disables git:// urls
  00064374majorresolved (abma)2022-01-10Export symbols to force use of dedicated GPU
  00064491minorresolved (abma)2022-01-10strip fails on mapcompile
  00064462105.0minorresolved (abma)2022-01-09in the source package lsl is missing
  0006445 105.0crashnew2021-10-18Crash upon a self destroying unit attacking a group
  00064431minorresolved (abma)2021-10-15spring doesn't compile using gcc 11
  0006442 springrts.comfeatureassigned (abma)2021-08-22setup paste.springrts.com
  00064401minorresolved (abma)2021-08-18mumble.springrts.com certificate has expired
  0006439 minornew2021-08-04Buildability slope-check behaves differently on NW-SE slopes vs NE-SW slopes
  0006438 minornew2021-08-04Spring.SetSunDirection() has no visible effect
  0006436 minornew2021-07-11stacktrace_translator.py is badly broken
  0006432 minorassigned (abma)2021-07-11split of the buildbot config from the spring engine repo
  00061173minorclosed (abma)2021-07-11Stacktrace translator
  0006435 105.0blocknew2021-05-20Load Time Out
  00064341105.0minornew2021-05-12non-upright ground units flicker upright when colliding and driving on water slopes
  00064334minorresolved (abma)2021-04-24mumble.springrts.com post-move maintenance
  00064318105.0minorfeedback2021-01-04memleak in unitsync?
  00059701104.0 +gitminorclosed (abma)2021-01-02update clang, source + doxygen builder, too
  00063949featureresolved (abma)2021-01-02get rid of 32 bit engine builds
  00061661tweakclosed (abma)2021-01-02announce >=104.0 for autohosts with botflags when "blockers" are fixed
  00064136104.0 +gitcrashclosed (abma)2021-01-01Spring crash cause of too many different units
  00060834104.0 +gitmajorclosed2021-01-01User cannot load "RandomMapGen 8x8 1.4" and other similar maps: timeout
  00060941104.0 +gitminorclosed2021-01-01104.0.1-909-g82a205f maintenance Fight fails to chase for multi-weapon units.
  00061533104.0 +gitminorclosed2021-01-01104.0.1-1060-g7f3541f maintenance Unit stuck between structures
  00061771104.0 +gitminorclosed (Kloot)2021-01-01104.0.1-1105-gad33cc1 maintenance Large spiders become stuck on structures at the top of sheer cliffs
  000613614104.0 +gitminorclosed2021-01-01targetting behaves like cylinderTargeting is enabled, but its not
  000588011104.0 +gitmajorclosed2021-01-01LOS issues on slopes/cliffs
  00062743104.0 +gitfeatureclosed2021-01-01104.0.1-1333-gce618bd maintenance Non-lua save issues
  00058187104.0crashclosed (hokomoko)2021-01-01SpringBoard crashes when trying to export map textures (windows)
  00063351crashclosed2021-01-01104.0.1-1432-gba1702d maintenance EstimatePathCosts crash
  00063426104.0 +gitminorclosed2021-01-01104.0.1.1429 maintenance : beamlaser weapons do not respect heightMod weapon def
  00063632104.0 +gitminorclosed2021-01-01104.0.1-1429-g1add37c maintenance | factories stop building despite having build queue set
  00063597104.0 +gitminorclosed2021-01-01Stuttering with craterareaofeffect
  00062523104.0 +gitcrashclosed2021-01-01104.0.1-1305-gf2c1261 maintenance Failed to allocate memory
  00062751104.0 +gitcrashclosed2021-01-01104.0.1-1333-gce618bd maintenance Failed to allocate memory
  00062258104.0 +gitminorclosed2021-01-01spring-develop fails at switching shadows with '/shadows blabla'
