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    PID # Product VersionSeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
  00064514minorresolved (abma)2023-07-18glCallList not removed from lua code
  00064631springrts.commajorresolved (abma)2023-04-14Active topics view should default to a year
  00064482105.0 +gitminorresolved (abma)2022-02-23spring crashes when run with SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland ./spring
  00064502minorresolved (abma)2022-01-11github disables git:// urls
  00064374majorresolved (abma)2022-01-10Export symbols to force use of dedicated GPU
  00064491minorresolved (abma)2022-01-10strip fails on mapcompile
  00064462105.0minorresolved (abma)2022-01-09in the source package lsl is missing
  00064431minorresolved (abma)2021-10-15spring doesn't compile using gcc 11
  00064401minorresolved (abma)2021-08-18mumble.springrts.com certificate has expired
  00064334minorresolved (abma)2021-04-24mumble.springrts.com post-move maintenance
  00063949featureresolved (abma)2021-01-02get rid of 32 bit engine builds
  00064292crashresolved (abma)2021-01-01Random crashes for Tech Annihilation
  00064303minorresolved (abma)2020-12-20mumble.springrts.com maintenance (Dec 2020)
  00063882104.0 +gittrivialresolved (abma)2020-11-02Build issues on Fedora 31: Z_BEST_COMPRESSION/Z_DEFLATED not declared in this scope
  00064058minorresolved (abma)2020-09-19mumble.springrts.com maintenance
  00064144104.0 +gittweakresolved (Kloot)2020-08-04Maximum texture atlas size is only 2k by 2k, which we have run out of for CEGs.
  00063783104.0 +gitcrashresolved (Kloot)2020-07-26maint 1474 crash on unload?
  00064122104.0 +gitminorresolved (Kloot)2020-07-25CircuitAI does not build with C++17: C++17 requires comparator for std::map to be const
  00062442104.0 +gitminorresolved2020-07-22Something is wrong with making screenshots on x64 builds
  00062762104.0 +gitcrashresolved2020-07-22104.0.1-1333-gce618bd maintenance Loading save access violation
  00064103104.0 +gitminorresolved (Kloot)2020-07-22CEGs not displaying in 1542-gfdd9
  00064094104.0 +gitcrashresolved (Kloot)2020-07-20104.0.1-1529-gffcc8d2 maintenance Reproducible access violation on loading save file
  00064084104.0 +gitminorresolved (Kloot)2020-07-19VFS.FileExists seems to use wrong mode when loading defs
  00064073104.0 +gitminorresolved (Kloot)2020-07-14Deleted projectile can still hit a target
  00064042minorresolved (Kloot)2020-07-10104.0.1-1510-g89bb8e3: SetUnitSensorRadius(unitID, "airLos", value) is setting both los and airLos
  000607721104.0 +gitcrashresolved (Kloot)2020-07-08104.0.1-888-g15d6cc6 maintenance crash at exit with -107374181 / 0xC0000005L / STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
  00063493104.0 +gittweakresolved (Kloot)2020-07-06Some way to block /aicontrol
  00063914104.0 +gitmajorresolved (Kloot)2020-07-05Spring.Reload no longer detects that files have been changed with an archive
  00063924104.0 +gitcrashresolved (Kloot)2020-07-04[Watchdog] Hang detection triggered for Spring 104.0 on Fedora
  00063321104.0 +gitcrashresolved (Kloot)2020-07-04104.0.1-1432-gba1702d maintenance Possibly synced access violation related to AI
  00063761104.0 +gitminorresolved (gajop)2020-07-04Impossible to map (VFS.MapArchive) archives inside subfolders
  00063625104.0 +gitmajorresolved (Kloot)2020-07-04Performance regression from 104.0.1-1453-ga17a11a to 104.0.1-1455-g39f8fbd
  00059863104.0 +gitminorresolved (Kloot)2020-07-04Crash on startup - terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  00063572104.0 +gitfeatureresolved (Kloot)2020-07-03MoveCtrlNotify for SetLimits
  00064032104.0 +gitminorresolved (Kloot)2020-07-03Selection rectangle is missing in some areas depending on camera position
  000639510104.0 +gitcrashresolved (Kloot)2020-07-03104.0.1-1464-g4f428c8 | lobby message makes game crash
  00064022104.0 +gitminorresolved (Kloot)2020-07-03Limited to 8 CEGs
  00063902104.0 +gitminorresolved (Kloot)2020-07-03Using VFS.UseArchive to load an already loaded map or game will sometimes crash the engine
  00064015blockresolved (abma)2020-06-19Buildbot steps try to download vc_redist_x86 from old link wich gives 404
  00063821104.0 +gitminorresolved (gajop)2020-05-10autoTargetRangeBoost ignored for Cannon weapons
  00063301tweakresolved (gajop)2020-05-09Install into ~/.spring/engine when compiling from source
  00063891104.0 +gitcrashresolved (gajop)2020-05-09104.0.1-1486-gf266c81 maintenance /aicontrol
  00063811minorresolved (abma)2020-05-02SpringFiles: new maps not appearing via API
  00063703104.0 +gitcrashresolved (hokomoko)2020-04-11104.0.1-1435-g79d77ca maintenance Common save game crash
  0006377 minorresolved (hokomoko)2020-04-11CircuitAI update
  000634051104.0 +gitmajorresolved (hokomoko)2020-04-10Significant reduction in FPS with scroll/zoom on maps with rough terrain
  00063751104.0 +gitmajorresolved (abma)2020-03-30Latest maintenance build cannot be downloaded with pr-downloader
  00063743104.0 +gitminorresolved (gajop)2020-03-26Nanoframes decloak units
  00063642minorresolved (abma)2020-01-30driver crash not detected as driver crash
  00063583104.0 +gitminorresolved (abma)2020-01-06spring doesn't build because of OpenAL errors