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Ludum Dare 34

Posted: 12 Nov 2015, 11:11
by gajop
It's time for our first Ludum Dare in December!
Introducing Ludum Dare 34

Date: December 11th-14th
Wiki: SpringCabal Wiki

Theme voting:
Google doc: ... sp=sharing
Ludum Dare Entry: ... &uid=52862
Playthrough video:

SpringCabal will be participating again, and I'm hopeful we can rank in the top 100 this time (no pressure :mrgreen: ).

Veterans please sign up. New members also welcome!
For details what Ludum Dare is and how we do it, please check the wiki. Existing members are also asked to help improve the page.

Re: Ludum Dare 34

Posted: 12 Nov 2015, 14:26
by Silentwings
I can help on one (possibly both, depending on the weather) of the weekend days, for the whole day.

Re: Ludum Dare 34

Posted: 12 Nov 2015, 14:40
by hokomoko
hmm, dunno, I think I want to participate alone this time...

If Forb doesn't come I guess I could compose some music in the jam's last day (after the compo ends).

Re: Ludum Dare 34

Posted: 13 Nov 2015, 02:49
by Anarchid
I will most likely participate.

Re: Ludum Dare 34

Posted: 14 Nov 2015, 12:05
by smoth
we'll see, family/the wife's health may interfere otherwise I plan on making a showing.

Re: Ludum Dare 34

Posted: 15 Nov 2015, 12:06
by Google_Frog
I may or may not be around on the Saturday (that is, the first day) and also possibly not on the Monday (the last day).

Re: Ludum Dare 34

Posted: 15 Nov 2015, 15:11
by gajop
We have the bare minimum to call it a team, but more members are still welcomed.
PS: I don't think we'll be doing a preparation this time as I don't want anyone to burnout. Will still notify in case of a change.

Re: Ludum Dare 34

Posted: 15 Nov 2015, 15:35
by Google_Frog
Who are the team? I hope I did not mislead you, I am likely to contribute but I don't know whether I will be able to contribute enough to be called a team member for the purposes of making sure you have enough roles filled to field a team.

Re: Ludum Dare 34

Posted: 15 Nov 2015, 16:08
by gajop
6 people with various degrees of availability.
It seems like we may even have 2 or 3 artists (haven't heard from Forb) so I'm not worried about any critical roles (art and code).

I'll ask for more detailed availability schedules to be filled in the days before the compo to have a clear picture on what we can do.

Re: Ludum Dare 34

Posted: 18 Nov 2015, 04:20
by gajop
Theme suggestion period has now started: (new site)
It seems the new system puts an account limit on the number of themes, and you need to login in order to submit them, so please use/create your own personal accounts for this if interested.

Re: Ludum Dare 34

Posted: 03 Dec 2015, 07:45
by gajop
Theme slaughter phase has started:
I've added a Google Doc for the LD34: ... sp=sharing
Please input a rough idea on your attendance in the provided tables

Re: Ludum Dare 34

Posted: 03 Dec 2015, 10:42
by Silentwings
I'll still be available for one of the weekend days, dependent on weather (since I'll go hiking/climbing on the other), and both if its too rainy here.

Re: Ludum Dare 34

Posted: 03 Dec 2015, 10:50
by gajop
Silentwings wrote:I'll still be available for one of the weekend days, dependent on weather (since I'll go hiking/climbing on the other), and both if its too rainy here.
I filled it in :P . Please update the table yourself once you know the details.

Re: Ludum Dare 34

Posted: 03 Dec 2015, 19:48
by Silentwings
Oh, I failed to discover the second page ;)

Re: Ludum Dare 34

Posted: 08 Dec 2015, 05:43
by gajop
Round 1&2 of the theme voting phase has now started:
There's going to be round 3&4 too before the final day of voting.
PS: Still need people to fill the attendance tables in the Google Docs.

Re: Ludum Dare 34

Posted: 08 Dec 2015, 12:36
by Anarchid
The themes suck but i imagine we can tweak them into something interesting whatever they are.

I'm confirming participation, will fill out shortly.

Re: Ludum Dare 34

Posted: 08 Dec 2015, 13:01
by hokomoko
Themes always suck.
That's part of their job description.

Re: Ludum Dare 34

Posted: 08 Dec 2015, 15:01
by smoth
I dunno, kinda interested in stealth stuff and companions.

Re: Ludum Dare 34

Posted: 08 Dec 2015, 16:54
by Silentwings
I thought the themes looked a lot better than usual.

Re: Ludum Dare 34

Posted: 08 Dec 2015, 17:27
by Anarchid
Oh wait i looked at the wrong round because the UI opened on round 2.
Well, it's beta, so. I liked round 3 ones.