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Re: Want some exposure for Spring....

Posted: 06 Jan 2012, 19:13
by scifi
escuse me if im wrong, but is this the website dim??

if it is there was no harm in it, if you didnt post a downloadable package, just uploading description doesnt cause any harm at all..............

Re: Want some exposure for Spring....

Posted: 06 Jan 2012, 20:09
by GheyShitEMP
totalbiscuit is a bit of an idiot but has a large following

ZK is only mod worth showing too

Re: Want some exposure for Spring....

Posted: 06 Jan 2012, 23:05
by Forboding Angel
Yes because I'm sure you've tried all the others and we as a race defer to your superior opinion, o toothless windy one.

Re: Want some exposure for Spring....

Posted: 06 Jan 2012, 23:50
by smoth
Forboding Angel wrote:Yes because I'm sure you've tried all the others and we as a race defer to your superior opinion, o toothless windy one.
You mad forb? a lot of people really like zk, good for them. Prove them wrong with a superior project.

Re: Want some exposure for Spring....

Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 04:47
by Forboding Angel
Nice try, Smoth.


Re: Want some exposure for Spring....

Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 05:22
by smoth
just sayin' your ego is showing, might want to zip those pants.

keep in mind, your project will be judged on it's own merits by people who play it. Not by the people here who have not.

Re: Want some exposure for Spring....

Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 06:00
by Felix the Cat
Forboding Angel wrote:Felix, you're an idiot.

Your knowledge is so out of date that it is insulting.
I see you're still a shining beacon of happiness, Forb.

Re: Want some exposure for Spring....

Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 09:24
by Forboding Angel
Yep, still here. Still contributing. And what are you doing? Oh right. What you always did. Carry on.

Re: Want some exposure for Spring....

Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 12:55
by PicassoCT
I tatooed www.Spring.rts on my penis, went into the park with nothing else on then a trench-coat. Definatly was more exposure then Spring has had in years. Now what to do?

Got me a warrant for showing it off in public though!

Re: Want some exposure for Spring....

Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 13:55
by Licho
Forboding Angel wrote:
Licho wrote:What problem would that cause? Damn I wish we had a dedicated PR guy dealing with all this :)
Assuming that Moby is a distribution service... Distribution services generally require games to be packaged a certain way. So submitting something packaged incorrectly is like getting your alpha versions spread all over the internet via softpedia and brothersoft.

Should not be an issue for ZK - our installer is one unchanging exe. All is always downloaded from the net in its latest version automagically.

Re: Want some exposure for Spring....

Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 14:18
by PicassoCT
Its good to be the king!


Srsly, yeah ZeroK showed its big red behind, now everybody has seen it, multible times, we are all very impressed down here i can tell you. Now, would you kindly get that "This is how its done" (if you have 16 people working on it, and a huge playerbase-INYOURFACE) e-penis into a diffrent thread. Thank you.

Re: Want some exposure for Spring....

Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 14:49
by BaNa
PicassoCT wrote:I tatooed http://www.Spring.rts on my penis, went into the park with nothing else on then a trench-coat. Definatly was more exposure then Spring has had in years. Now what to do?

Got me a warrant for showing it off in public though!
I did the same thing a while ago, but now i have on my member forever :(

Re: Want some exposure for Spring....

Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 14:59
by PicassoCT
... i couldnt do that. Envy ensues...

Re: Want some exposure for Spring....

Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 17:09
by smoth

Re: Want some exposure for Spring....

Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 17:46
by PicassoCT
why not advertise for all those qualities we spring mods inherited from the engine (aweSum rTs-Gui, really challenging makro and microstrategy, actually physix when it comes to units)

"Is your dotA really challenging, you? Or are your skillz getting sc2ewd?"
Spring:Games: JourneyWar.

You dont need to play disabled for the Consoletards.
Strategy is not how fast you click.

Re: Want some exposure for Spring....

Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 00:09
by Forboding Angel
Licho wrote: Should not be an issue for ZK - our installer is one unchanging exe. All is always downloaded from the net in its latest version automagically.
Ahh ok. I'm not too incredibly familiar with how the oneclick thing works (I guess it just contacts a server which then dl's everything it needs?).

Wasn't trying to be debbie downer, just wanted to make it clear that sometimes fans can do more harm than good when they are trying to help, which is unfortunate, but true at times :-/

Re: Want some exposure for Spring....

Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 00:24
by zwzsg
Slideshow of pixelated images of mods and maps that don't exist. Yep, that's pretty much how not to do it.

Re: Want some exposure for Spring....

Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 00:46
by PicassoCT
Surely, everybody fighting on his own will result in one of us winning the great audience we all dont got.

Imagine we had a independent planetwars, were every "working" mod is mandatory. This planet is faught over in Evo. That one in Gundam. The next in KernelPanic. Next in cursed. And because all of the devs of these mods are capeAble, this is actually realistic. Only reason is, deep down they dont trust each other. Because if one of them got going somewhere, leaving you behind, and you would have helped the comon efort all your work would have gone to waste.

The american dream, beeing so hypnotised by hypothetical success, that you dont realize the possible successes.

Re: Want some exposure for Spring....

Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 02:43
by knorke

Re: Want some exposure for Spring....

Posted: 08 Jan 2012, 04:16
by dimm
scifi wrote:
just uploading description doesnt cause any harm at all..............

I still like nota cause you have time to maneuver large columns and their orientation and positioning matters. Its like Total War but better.