Java AI and unitdef attributes

Java AI and unitdef attributes

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Java AI and unitdef attributes

Post by bioinfornatics »


I see into the UnitDef.h some interesting methods and public attibutes as:
  • IsFactoryUnit()
  • IsExtractorUnit()
  • buildTime
  • metal (to know the cost)
  • energy (to know the cost)
but i do not see them into the generated java file:

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/* This file is part of the Spring engine (GPL v2 or later), see LICENSE.html */

/* Note: This file is machine generated, do not edit directly! */



 * @author	AWK wrapper script
 * @version	GENERATED
public interface UnitDef extends Comparable<UnitDef> {

	public int getUnitDefId();

	 * Forces loading of the unit model
	public float getHeight();

	 * Forces loading of the unit model
	public float getRadius();

	public String getName();

	public String getHumanName();

	public String getFileName();

	 * @deprecated
	public int getAiHint();

	public int getCobId();

	public int getTechLevel();

	 * @deprecated
	public String getGaia();

	public float getUpkeep(Resource resource);

	 * This amount of the resource will always be created.
	public float getResourceMake(Resource resource);

	 * This amount of the resource will be created when the unit is on and enough
	 * energy can be drained.
	public float getMakesResource(Resource resource);

	public float getCost(Resource resource);

	public float getExtractsResource(Resource resource);

	public float getResourceExtractorRange(Resource resource);

	public float getWindResourceGenerator(Resource resource);

	public float getTidalResourceGenerator(Resource resource);

	public float getStorage(Resource resource);

	public boolean isSquareResourceExtractor(Resource resource);

	public float getBuildTime();

	 * This amount of auto-heal will always be applied.
	public float getAutoHeal();

	 * This amount of auto-heal will only be applied while the unit is idling.
	public float getIdleAutoHeal();

	 * Time a unit needs to idle before it is considered idling.
	public int getIdleTime();

	public float getPower();

	public float getHealth();

	 * Returns the bit field value denoting the categories this unit is in.
	 * @see Game#getCategoryFlag
	 * @see Game#getCategoryName
	public int getCategory();

	public float getSpeed();

	public float getTurnRate();

	public boolean isTurnInPlace();

	 * Units above this distance to goal will try to turn while keeping
	 * some of their speed.
	 * 0 to disable
	public float getTurnInPlaceDistance();

	 * Units below this speed will turn in place regardless of their
	 * turnInPlace setting.
	public float getTurnInPlaceSpeedLimit();

	public boolean isUpright();

	public boolean isCollide();

	public float getLosRadius();

	public float getAirLosRadius();

	public float getLosHeight();

	public int getRadarRadius();

	public int getSonarRadius();

	public int getJammerRadius();

	public int getSonarJamRadius();

	public int getSeismicRadius();

	public float getSeismicSignature();

	public boolean isStealth();

	public boolean isSonarStealth();

	public boolean isBuildRange3D();

	public float getBuildDistance();

	public float getBuildSpeed();

	public float getReclaimSpeed();

	public float getRepairSpeed();

	public float getMaxRepairSpeed();

	public float getResurrectSpeed();

	public float getCaptureSpeed();

	public float getTerraformSpeed();

	public float getMass();

	public boolean isPushResistant();

	 * Should the unit move sideways when it can not shoot?
	public boolean isStrafeToAttack();

	public float getMinCollisionSpeed();

	public float getSlideTolerance();

	 * Build location relevant maximum steepness of the underlaying terrain.
	 * Used to calculate the maxHeightDif.
	public float getMaxSlope();

	 * Maximum terra-form height this building allows.
	 * If this value is 0.0, you can only build this structure on
	 * totally flat terrain.
	public float getMaxHeightDif();

	public float getMinWaterDepth();

	public float getWaterline();

	public float getMaxWaterDepth();

	public float getArmoredMultiple();

	public int getArmorType();

	public float getMaxWeaponRange();

	 * @deprecated
	public String getType();

	public String getTooltip();

	public String getWreckName();

	public String getDeathExplosion();

	public String getSelfDExplosion();

	 * Returns the name of the category this unit is in.
	 * @see Game#getCategoryFlag
	 * @see Game#getCategoryName
	public String getCategoryString();

	public boolean isAbleToSelfD();

	public int getSelfDCountdown();

	public boolean isAbleToSubmerge();

	public boolean isAbleToFly();

	public boolean isAbleToMove();

	public boolean isAbleToHover();

	public boolean isFloater();

	public boolean isBuilder();

	public boolean isActivateWhenBuilt();

	public boolean isOnOffable();

	public boolean isFullHealthFactory();

	public boolean isFactoryHeadingTakeoff();

	public boolean isReclaimable();

	public boolean isCapturable();

	public boolean isAbleToRestore();

	public boolean isAbleToRepair();

	public boolean isAbleToSelfRepair();

	public boolean isAbleToReclaim();

	public boolean isAbleToAttack();

	public boolean isAbleToPatrol();

	public boolean isAbleToFight();

	public boolean isAbleToGuard();

	public boolean isAbleToAssist();

	public boolean isAssistable();

	public boolean isAbleToRepeat();

	public boolean isAbleToFireControl();

	public int getFireState();

	public int getMoveState();

	public float getWingDrag();

	public float getWingAngle();

	public float getDrag();

	public float getFrontToSpeed();

	public float getSpeedToFront();

	public float getMyGravity();

	public float getMaxBank();

	public float getMaxPitch();

	public float getTurnRadius();

	public float getWantedHeight();

	public float getVerticalSpeed();

	 * @deprecated
	public boolean isAbleToCrash();

	 * @deprecated
	public boolean isHoverAttack();

	public boolean isAirStrafe();

	 * @return  < 0:  it can land
	 *          >= 0: how much the unit will move during hovering on the spot
	public float getDlHoverFactor();

	public float getMaxAcceleration();

	public float getMaxDeceleration();

	public float getMaxAileron();

	public float getMaxElevator();

	public float getMaxRudder();

	 * The yard map defines which parts of the square a unit occupies
	 * can still be walked on by other units.
	 * Example:
	 * In the BA Arm T2 K-Bot lab, htere is a line in hte middle where units
	 * walk, otherwise they would not be able ot exit the lab once they are
	 * built.
	 * @return 0 if invalid facing or the unit has no yard-map defined,
	 *         the size of the yard-map otherwise: getXSize() * getXSize()
	public java.util.List<Short> getYardMap(int facing);

	public int getXSize();

	public int getZSize();

	 * @deprecated
	public int getBuildAngle();

	public float getLoadingRadius();

	public float getUnloadSpread();

	public int getTransportCapacity();

	public int getTransportSize();

	public int getMinTransportSize();

	public boolean isAirBase();

	public boolean isFirePlatform();

	public float getTransportMass();

	public float getMinTransportMass();

	public boolean isHoldSteady();

	public boolean isReleaseHeld();

	public boolean isNotTransportable();

	public boolean isTransportByEnemy();

	 * @return  0: land unload
	 *          1: fly-over drop
	 *          2: land flood
	public int getTransportUnloadMethod();

	 * Dictates fall speed of all transported units.
	 * This only makes sense for air transports,
	 * if they an drop units while in the air.
	public float getFallSpeed();

	 * Sets the transported units FBI, overrides fallSpeed
	public float getUnitFallSpeed();

	 * If the unit can cloak
	public boolean isAbleToCloak();

	 * If the unit wants to start out cloaked
	public boolean isStartCloaked();

	 * Energy cost per second to stay cloaked when stationary
	public float getCloakCost();

	 * Energy cost per second to stay cloaked when moving
	public float getCloakCostMoving();

	 * If enemy unit comes within this range, decloaking is forced
	public float getDecloakDistance();

	 * Use a spherical, instead of a cylindrical test?
	public boolean isDecloakSpherical();

	 * Will the unit decloak upon firing?
	public boolean isDecloakOnFire();

	 * Will the unit self destruct if an enemy comes to close?
	public boolean isAbleToKamikaze();

	public float getKamikazeDist();

	public boolean isTargetingFacility();

	public boolean canManualFire();

	public boolean isNeedGeo();

	public boolean isFeature();

	public boolean isHideDamage();

	public boolean isCommander();

	public boolean isShowPlayerName();

	public boolean isAbleToResurrect();

	public boolean isAbleToCapture();

	 * Indicates the trajectory types supported by this unit.
	 * @return  0: (default) = only low
	 *          1: only high
	 *          2: choose
	public int getHighTrajectoryType();

	 * Returns the bit field value denoting the categories this unit shall not
	 * chase.
	 * @see Game#getCategoryFlag
	 * @see Game#getCategoryName
	public int getNoChaseCategory();

	public boolean isLeaveTracks();

	public float getTrackWidth();

	public float getTrackOffset();

	public float getTrackStrength();

	public float getTrackStretch();

	public int getTrackType();

	public boolean isAbleToDropFlare();

	public float getFlareReloadTime();

	public float getFlareEfficiency();

	public float getFlareDelay();

	public AIFloat3 getFlareDropVector();

	public int getFlareTime();

	public int getFlareSalvoSize();

	public int getFlareSalvoDelay();

	 * Only matters for fighter aircraft
	public boolean isAbleToLoopbackAttack();

	 * Indicates whether the ground will be leveled/flattened out
	 * after this building has been built on it.
	 * Only matters for buildings.
	public boolean isLevelGround();

	public boolean isUseBuildingGroundDecal();

	public int getBuildingDecalType();

	public int getBuildingDecalSizeX();

	public int getBuildingDecalSizeY();

	public float getBuildingDecalDecaySpeed();

	 * Maximum flight time in seconds before the aircraft needs
	 * to return to an air repair bay to refuel.
	public float getMaxFuel();

	 * Time to fully refuel the unit
	public float getRefuelTime();

	 * Minimum build power of airbases that this aircraft can land on
	public float getMinAirBasePower();

	 * Number of units of this type allowed simultaneously in the game
	public int getMaxThisUnit();

	public UnitDef getDecoyDef();

	public boolean isDontLand();

	public WeaponDef getShieldDef();

	public WeaponDef getStockpileDef();

	public java.util.List<UnitDef> getBuildOptions();

	public java.util.Map<String, String> getCustomParams();

	public java.util.List<WeaponMount> getWeaponMounts();

	public MoveData getMoveData();

	public FlankingBonus getFlankingBonus();


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Re: Java AI and unitdef attributes

Post by lamer »

buildTime -> getBuildTime()
metal -> getCost(Resource res)
energy -> getCost(Resource res)

But of course some useful functions/data are missing, like IsFactoryUnit, IsExtractorUnit. I guess you can add them somewhere here, here and here if you really believe they are necessary and there is no way to overcome limitation with combination of other API functions.
I personally didn't get to that point of AI thus never bothered. But Lua interface has those functions :(
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Re: Java AI and unitdef attributes

Post by PauloMorfeo »

lamer wrote:... and there is no way to overcome limitation with combination of other API functions.
I don't know how reliable these options are but maybe you can verify:
- if a unit is a building and also has a list of building options; it should be factory.
- if a unit is a building, has BuildTime but no build options it should be a "nano turret".
Not sure about being an extractor but we can probably infer from other parameters.

Could be easier and more reliable, indeed...

Well, about reliability, I don't actually know - the games are so variable that something that identifies itself as "isFactory" might not be what you think (imagine a mobile factory like in Supreme Commander).
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